The Age of Strife


I may have done a bad* thing ...


Still it's not like we needed to buy groceries for a while ...

I don't really have any 40k Eldar (I've a few Harlequins somewhere and one or two random Eldar warriors), but I did have a huge EPIC army and the Phantom Titans were always my favourite. Granted the modern ForgeWorld one is pretty damn fine, but this lass is where my heart is!

With the wings this stands a lot taller than the Reavers, not sure I give that marine high odds.

* depending on your point of view


never fully worked out how some of the sizes match up as.. some of the titans were... very much bigger then the miniatures showed (hell, they show an imperial titan with doors on it's foot.. and they aren't small doors.. and yet.. I don't remember any titans for Epic being that big.. ^_^ but that's a nice boy.. More a practical and useable size


I think the Armorcast scale ups from EPIC are about right when I look at an old 6mm mini and titan, but of course in true GW/Citadel style the vehicles (titans in this case) are probably too small for what they are (hello ten man Rhino and gang) so they probably should have been larger, but I guess as ever limitations on cost/casting/molding etc took their toll when things were created. Hence some mismatch with the creative juices flowing out of the art studio! Although I guess some of those might be Emperor class titans rather than the puny little ones I have! I forget quite what the release order was, but didn't we have titans slightly ahead of the rest of the EPIC (then Space Marine) range, so it may well have been that strictly the scales for the two were somewhat out anyway once the 6mm chaps came along and set the size of about 1mm = 1'.

The current Forgeworld (not that Forgeworld exists now, but...) titans are a better scale since most have detailed cockpits and so forth, they are all somewhat larger (a warhound is about the size of my Armorcast Reaver for instance). This old Eldar one is about 2' tall to the top of the wings I'd guess.

The Phantom was the largest Armorcast one on general release as far as I am aware. I've seen a handful of photos of a Warlord titan Mike Blasi sculpted, but I don't think it was ever properly in production. I think from this picture it'd probably have been about the same height, but considerably more "massive". Not surprised they don't seem to have made many!


10 men can easily fit inside a rhino.. for one thing, you have far less person space in old army stuff, for another they all have to have a nice cuddle.


So I got back to tidying up the ogres we saw a few pages back and spent the evening in front of the telly with the green stuff and sculpting tools.

Here are the two missing weapons no more!


I also had a nice large metal shield I could use, just needed something looking a bit like straps on it. The mace is the same STL I used with the Fantasy Regiments orcs just scaled up a bit. Not quite sure I got the length proportions right for both weapons, but hey ho it's fantasy so I'm going with what I ended up with! Might add a chip in the axe tomorrow when the green stuff is solid, but otherwise done.

So that's them ready to sit in the lead pile for a while, but at least if the urge takes me they will be ready to paint now.

Geroak II

Well done on rescuing those two, they look good! IMO lad with axe looks pretty much perfect, but mace looks maybe more like a double-handed weapon? Just my personal opinion of course and doesn't really matter anyway - herohammer at it's best. :)


Thank all, I think the mace might have benefited if I'd just used the spiky ball and done the shaft with some wire and green stuff (like I did for the axe) partially for more detail and partially because I think I got it a tad long, but "life short" and all that. Got to crack on through the current WIP pile and make some space to tackle some new bits like these.


Since I've now posted all the lovely Eldar I recently acquired that were painted I thought you might like to see those that are in need of some coverage! So previously I did a quick snap of the larger chap that might make the army a little top heavy, but here is the lead pile so far acquired (not really thinking I need any more, unless I see some classic Harlequins going cheap) that I intend to add:


So we have:
  • Armorcast Eldar Phantom Titan (sporting the power fist this time round)
  • Armorcast Eldar Tempest Gravtank (although I think even it might be crushed by @Brother Meredith's mighty gravtank)
  • 2× Eldar Jetbikes
  • 2x Eldar Harlequin Jetbikes
  • 3× Eldar heavy weapon platforms (one gunner for each - did they have two when sold? Think they might have)
  • Eldar Dreadnought (which I'd bought ages ago as I have always wanted to paint one)
  • 11x Eldar Guardians
  • 3x Eldar Warlocks (slightly newer models)
  • 1x Eldar Farseer (slightly newer model)
  • 2x classic Eldar Harlequins (Great Harlequin and Shadow Seer)
  • 6x Eldar Harlequins which I think are the 2006 models, not sure where I got these from.
  • Eldar Avatar, second version (sorry he's in the garage being stripped of paint so missing from the pic, whoops)
So bit of a mixed bag. One good thing about the Eldar is the generally consistent nature of the designs so all the Goodwin stuff works well together and even those newer Harlequins won't look that out of place, although I'd not say no to some more classics. I should probably also actually look at the army lists at some point to see if what I have even makes a sensible army!

The five models in need of arms from the auction are also present here (along with their new arms). Might try to do those sooner rather than later. Anyhow no idea quite when I will get through these, I might since they are out clean them up and prep them ready for some primer, but I've a few other bits in the queue already.


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Hopefully I can do it all justice. Wondering about basing my phantom titan colour scheme on this lovely (new ForgeWorld) one I found which works the black in well. I think the original armorcast one was gold and metallic blue or purple in the promotional material. I've seen a few with crazy free-hand art all over them, but alas whilst I can paint minis okay miniature paintings on minis is not something I have the skills to do. Although maybe a star field or something. So hunting about for some inspiration for it. Although if it's anything like my Reaver it'll take a while to prep. I do have another Reaver and Warhound to do at some point, not to mention finishing up the Warhounds on this thread from ages ago! However I know what paint jobs I want to do on those.

I do also now know who painted the Eldar I bought so that's cool. Just emailed them to see if they are happy to be named and most defiantly not shamed given the lovely work on those models!


Decided I should have some older Harlequins, managed to pick up seven at reasonable prices. Might see if I can get hold of a Death Jester to round out the numbers, but I think that'll do for Eldar in the lead pile!


So I do have a handful (not counted, but maybe about six) of the 2nd edition Harlequins which may or may not get added, we'll see.


Personally, I always loved that Custom where someone took an Eldar dreadnought and the sculpted face from a Harlequin Jet Bike.. I've seen a couple of other takes on the same idea cause.. that was really nice ^_^