The Age of Strife

Ooh yeah they are nice.
And yes, very man mangler, which is possibly the best war machine ever, that or the gob lobber?
Yes. Shame about the lines.


Bottom right shield shows them up a bit in the light. One of these days I'll try getting the Z axis down on my printer, I think mechanically it's technically capable of 0.01mm but the "out of the box" is 0.05, as a minimum I should really get it down to 0.03 so that it better matches the X and Y resolution and I'm printing in proper little cubes.


And without my reading glasses all my models look like Golden Demon winners these days, so really I should stop moaning! :)


^Heh! It does make painting a little more of a challenge, I find. But that's why we buy reading glasses, magnifiers, lights, stands . . . Life of the older hammerer, I suppose.


Finally a brush has been lifted in 2025!

Thought I'd try to plough through the little snots!


I probably should have just done these like the orcs and goblins with the old slapchop method given the amount of skin on show, but I'm going back to my normal approach of glazing in the highlights. Not quite sure how they will all be arranged and the odd one is missing a limb here and there so I might need some creative decorative elements when I do get to basing.


They are great. Now derailing my own thread and going back to an earlier post where I was wondering why the first Beast of Nurgle miniatures didn't look like the Ackland drawing


Turns out there was one like the drawing that was un-released

That I stumbled on here: not sure who sculpted it. Anyhow thought it might be of interest.



Finally back to the Snotlings (lot of IRL work alas) ... finished the skin tones now (they will get a final highlight when detailing and some of the hands need some pin washing, but mostly done). So next begins the tedious task of laying down a base layer for all the nets and clubs and loincloths and so forth before they can have their final colours. I always find it a bit depressing because now is when I'll spot bits of the mini I managed to miss when priming them and so forth! Still they start to come together more once the different parts are visible.

Geroak II

Love that vibrant green you've used on these little nuisances. It's really crazy how detailed and interesting such small sculpts can be made.
Spotting how each of them are just vibing and doing their own thang is awesome.


Thanks. They are cute little things. Paint wise - the base is Goblin Green (Vallejo game air). Then a Black Green wash (secret weapon, OOP), then working up from Goblin Green (Game Color), through Escorpena Green (Game Color) and Livery Green (Game Color) and finally Yellow Green (Model Color) as glazes. I quite enjoy doing the skin as you can just work your way down the line, then start over and the previous glaze has normally dried by then. Actually goes quite quickly.
I remember some of those Snotlings from my younger years, they came with my Ork shock attack gun thingy. I love the one holding up some chainmail like he's sizing up a t-shirt. Your doing a great job, love the bright green.