

Cheers for the nice comments.

Been working on a army standard today and thought I'd post a quick photo of my progress. The idea has been shamelessly stolen from someone off of Instagram but was so good I just had to try it. Was tough to cut up such a lovely model but hopefully it will be worth it. Pole was sculpting with Tamiya sculpting putty and for me the stuff has been a complete game charger in my ability to sculpt stuff I find it so much easier than greenstuff and sets a lot harder. Pole is paper clip then putty covered and wood grain sculpted.


Next is the banner which will created in same way as the other banners I've made for my skaven. So greenstuff cut to size then try to sculpt some creases to give a 3d effect.


Looks really good - the binding rope looks particularly good. Which of the Tamiya putties did you use I think there were a couple on the shelf when I was last in our local model shop? Always on the look out for good alternatives to try!


yeah, the rope has come out really well. my limited abilities haven't quite gotten to a stage where such bits are really possible ^_^ doable but not well.


Looks really good - the binding rope looks particularly good. Which of the Tamiya putties did you use I think there were a couple on the shelf when I was last in our local model shop? Always on the look out for good alternatives to try!

Think its Tamiya epoxy putty
yeah, the rope has come out really well. my limited abilities haven't quite gotten to a stage where such bits are really possible ^_^ doable but not well.

Rope is just a flat piece wrapped around and then using the 1 tool I have I just push in to create the individual strands.

Right been working on the actual banner. Still WIP but be interested in peoples opinions. Was trying to go for green moon with slight glow effect. What do you think of the skaven image ? I'm unsure on the colour for eyes and symbol so have gone green eyes white symbol. Should i leave or go either all green or all white ???



looks good to me. I think White for the symbol is fine on that banner, and you paint with Green eyes for Skaven, so Green is fine to go with there ^_^

EDIT: damn.. got a bit confused.. you paint red, so Green is fine or red depending. Red would draw the eyes to the eyes of the skaven


That looks sweet, I think the red eyes were a good call. The dirty white looks very good.


Finished off the banner and for the most part I'm happy with the outcome. The overall look is exactly what I imagined and for the most part I executed the painting to the best of my abilities. The details I would change would be I think the dirty white of the banner although looking good I feel takes away from the moon which should really be the main focus, I feel that due to the sameness of the off white moon and off white banner it looks more like a green ring rather than a glow around a moon and if I'd gone for a different colour then that probably wouldn't be the case. The other thing I think I would change is more about the process and that is I think I should have created the damaged effects when the putty was still pliable by leaving it till it had set and then cutting it I've ended up with some rather unnatural looking rips etc. Anyway here we are hope you like...




really nice banner ^_^ that fact you painted the design on both sides? great.. not something I would do even if I felt I was up to it, but works really well here


Brilliant, looks really good I think. Agree with Geoff the pennant at the top adds that little extra to really elevate it. I must say I do really like the earthy red you achieve on your models. Any tips on your process and colours for that? I find I suffer from the common highlighting with red either going to yellow or to pink and it looking a bit meh.


Thanks for all the kind comments.

No time for painting but have been slowly organising my collection to complete the army and then the process of basing them all up !

Brilliant, looks really good I think. Agree with Geoff the pennant at the top adds that little extra to really elevate it. I must say I do really like the earthy red you achieve on your models. Any tips on your process and colours for that? I find I suffer from the common highlighting with red either going to yellow or to pink and it looking a bit meh.

I agree highlighting red can be a problem. I learned years ago that brown is a great colour for darkening and also lightening red. So for my skaven I use Vallejo Model Color German Black brown and VMC Chocolate brown for darkening depending on how dark I want and VMC Light brown for lightening.