
Geroak II

Great looking miniatures. Rust effect looks very realistic and shields are top notch. I do like that no two of them are exactly the same, it really makes their wielders look less like a coherent regiment and more of a ragtag crew.
Can imagine that one shield with small black and white triangles must have taken some time to paint, it looks marvelous!


Thanks for comments

Just a quick update.

A quick pic of everything I had painted

Then I finished these 4 off

Finally a to do pile. Been lucky on Ebay and someone has also kindly helped me with some so I now have a nice collection of them either ready to be painted or ready to be stripped. I am now hoping to have enough to paint up a unit of Slaves, ClanRats and StormVermin

Geroak II

Definitely one of the most iconic skaven models of all time. OSL looks really nice to me, but that wyrdstone globe steals the show; it's really beautifully painted. Excellent paintjob all in all.


Skaven are one of those armys I've nevr been into, but I can appreciate they rock others boat, particularly on mass. Keep going sir

Paul / Golgfag1


up to you.. technically Stormvermin should be more Black.. White is very limited to Greysears but end of the day, it's a personal taste ^_^

Funny, I've been trying to sort some stuff so I can get some more basic rats painted up, and been looking at my Stormvermin regiment. I haven't gotten all the models for it yet but wondering why that is stopping me ^_^ (and I've been dragging too much on completing a couple of other units..)