My Random stuff


30mm squares, I did master and test bits out to see if it would scale pretty well and that isn't too bad. A table that takes 3x2 can technically fit on 2x2 but doesn't really look too out of place more in the centre. I'll have to get a couple of photos with some of the rooms I've already got done


Right, Decided to create a Fantasy Cottage, in fact, the one from White Dwarf issue.. erm.. mind gone blank right now.. First, I tried to kinda follow the material list with what I have which I believe is foam core in that it is some card like stuff with foam in the middle. Didn't turn out too well (even though it's the same thickness they said) so while I might finish up that one, I probebly won't cause it really didn't turn out well. So I said screw up and converted the plans into svg for laser cutting. I scaled it down a tiny bit for some reason I can't 100% remember right now.. probebly so I could fit it all on one sheet for cutting (I did remember to scale it up first as the WD plans were scaled down), laser cut the stuff, then did a quick convert of some of the Town scape roof tiles and die-cut that on card (I have a circit digital die-cutter which I got some time ago). Built it up, used muli-put on the chimney brick work and painted with some texture and then just normal paint work with colours and washs. I also kinda screwed up in that there wasn't really a door in the pattern, so I cut out that area, then noticed no door.. So using the cutout wood, and a bit of scrap card, I made the door.

Personally, I don't think the Brick work turned out that good and I should have put in a depression for the flue but oh well. Brick work is meant to look a bit crude and damaged... I was thinking of adding some vine work but didn't happen.


Final image with my Skaven Assassin (Gutter runner) for scale. even though this is scaled down a bit, it seams to work fine.

also, had a minor issue with some glue I think, and the odd mark from that but the texturing blends it in good enough



Not bad. I don't use it as much as I probebly could but it handles well, the software is.. maybe a little limited but that appears to be the way of modern things and just needs a little bit to understand some bits of it. I got a bunch of the different tools for it, some which came with the one I got, for cutting card, fabric, paper, thin wood (but since I have a laser cutter, less needed for wood), engraving and the embossing tool for doing foil stuff. oh and it comes with a pen if you want to use it as a fancy plotter It being bluetooth is pretty useful. It's also pretty easily set up for being able to print something on my printer, then put it to be cut. The only slight problem, is it uses a basic camera so you get a rectangle around it but that makes sense. it's pretty accurate with reading this and then cutting stuff out, so good for stickers and the like.


Enforcement Droid Series 209, designed to look like modern 80s American aesthetics and corporate policies of appearances over function and designed to move and look very clumsy and having clearly no influence on the later 'unique' design for the Space Crusade Dreadnought, ED-209 from Crocked Dice.. well.. there are quite a few wrong details so I wonder if it's removed enough for legal.. probebly not.
I have done an ED-209 before (kinda.. never happy enough with it to finish the old Vinyl model kit version I got) and never quite get the colours as something I'm happy with.. As the original is in fact pretty plainly coloured, apart from odd random bits (based on the one US Jet) I put in a bit extra colour in places just to do with the style design. Base is a 40mm round lipped with a damaged road texture I've done before and isn't too bad in person. mostly involves putty and pressing a low grit sheet of sandpaper into it for texturing.

Photos don't do it justice but then, Not perfect by any counts.. oh and focus looks a bit out on the front view.. damn..


never played Battletech, though Did play one of the video games based on it years ago, and I watched a couple of episodes of the cartoon and kinda gave up.. partly cause I was laughing a bit too much.. They have to Protect Somerset.. everything was about this evil group wanting to take over the universe and attacking Somerset... yeah.. maybe in the USA that isn't quite so funny, but... well, it's quite local to you ^_^ see many giant Robots around?


Great work. I've never actually seen a painted ED-209 mini before, just space crusade dreadnoughts, so this is a treat. Also I'm definitely going to steal that sandpaper and putty trick.


not sure when I'll get around to anything more... But,, I guess this is a valid attempt.. I'm not a sculpture but am trying to get some level of skill to be able to do decent repairs like arm replacements or something the like.. just good enough to be passable. but I don't like the price of the original of this model I've kinda always liked but had no reason to get.. even less so as I Kinda feel I would like to do some work to make it more inline with the original art..

anyway.. been spending some time of on this.. This photo kinda shows up that it's been sitting there for a bit and.. dust and stuff shows up more in Photos.. So I better show the picture then said more aftwards..

based partly on the original model, partly on the original art (I'm pretty sure that art came first) and partly just on various bits which the original are more based on so make it kinda more original..

Throne was lasercut plywood as a frame and to give what looked like the right size, mounted on a 40x40mm base. A couple of Resin skulls I have cause I felt they would be harder to make. The main figure isn't attached to the throne. Mostly a miliput core with Green stuff/miliput mix in places and just green stuff in other places. I should have used more of a mix for the claws but they are milliput with a bit of green stuff overtop to try to smooth it out a bit but I don't think it went amazingly well.. Techinally a slight problem as the arms ended up being a bit mixed (upper one on the right is kinda the human hand instead of claw because while trying to get it right, I've not the skill to get it like the art and correct at the same time.. It just seamed to make the arms the wrong lengths.. also I really did the claws wrong on the hands because the inner ones broke off and I had to redo them but they were hard to get to because of it.

Not possible to mould a copy without cutting bits cause I wanted the hand feeding it the snake-like thing. The back of the throne is pretty plain because.. No way I was sculpting that.. and.. well.. probably all I gotta say.. not great by any measure I think but.. I guess acceptable and sometime I'll get around to painting it


Looks great, that’s your first sculpted mini?
techinally no. Fourth. My first was very basic but passable (AFC Blinky from Bucky O'hare to go with the two onsale from L72 cause No way I was gonna try to sculpt dead-eye duck), the second was a figure I have partly painted but its not very good at all, It was Max from the comic series (turned into cartoon and game series 'Sam and Max'), I also do a 'Screamer' from Dungeon Master but that is very poor and I'm trying to redo it). this is by far the most detailed and kinda has more then some very basic bits.


not sure if I can do much tweaking without just screwing things up more ^_^; so I'll probably prime it at some point and then see where I go from there.