My Random stuff


Hopefully I'll have some new stuff to show soon.. getting a bit of a better time of the year and with various things..

As well as my Skaven Project for a HUGE army, I've decided to be a bit stupid and check out doing a 1000 point RT Ork band. Right now, it's mostly just using what I've got. It's gonna be a Goff band as I've got Ghazghkull and alot of the greens from the 2nd Ed Starter.

Slight issues is.. the Gretchen.. Completely forgot that RT Gretchen aren't allowed guns.. So.. They are allowed to have guns but no bullets... so they just whack people on the head with them as clubs ^_^

Loose Loser

You can clean up checkered pattern with fine liner. I do it sometimes with Copic 0.03 pen. I also do white on black as it's easier to clean up. That magic user looks great.



Problem with cleaning up with a pen is it's often easier to screw things up worse then fix them.

Loose Loser

True, you have to be dead on angle wise or it could swirl all over.

Also I often use pen for black lines on shields, weapons etc.


well.. soo many partly painted things...

But.. From last Year's Oakbound Patreon set, I have the reanimated bones of a soldier, and the Medium who ended up being possessed by his spirit. I was thinking of adding a chain to tie the two together like in the original concept art but decided against it
never fantastic images but not totally bad. I think


^_^ thanks I'm hoping to have a few more figures to show soon, including maybe more of last years warband and the years before that.. But see how things go


finished these a little while back.. Got a few things to photograph.. Tried a green background but.. yeah.. it's given the whole thing a greenwash and trying to adjust it on computer kinda.. made things worse ^_^; the fact my camera batteries then died was a bit annoying and stopped me trying some better shots..

Very basic paint on these, as animals can be fairly quick and simple depending.. Tried to go with a Irish wolfhound colouring as that's what they more reminded me of. These are the two hunting dogs with last year's Oakbound Patreon set. A couple are sitting on my desk with me debating colour options, with another which is taking a while to paint up as I'm probably being too fussy with some detailing.. And some other things are sitting around (with 3 figures finished and needing photos taken). I must say.. the solid bases on these was a bit of a pain for me ^_^ a tiny bit bigger then 30mm round bases I use can take and cutting bits down was.. well, Don't do that too much myself.. not that I'm a slave to slotta but.. slotta or no tabing is more my preferred choice ^_^ though I understand why solid bases are done at times and can be a good thing.

Fimm McCool

Yay doggos. :) With the green screen you can put on any background you like... Sorry about the bases. Integral bases are a necessity when it comes to having four legs in a single piece model. I usually try to make sure they fit within the confines of a base but I must admit I used bigger bases for my ones.
A couple of pretty bad images.. been working through some stuff and there has been.. some reasons for lack of too much.. but anyway..
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road side shrine from Alternative Armies (along with a AHQ Man-at-arms for scale.
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really badly focused image.. yeah.. gonna have to take a better shot some time when I get the chance.. I do have some more stuff to photo.. Anyway, Giant Slug (Resin version) also from Alternative Armies. This one was the free gift from.. some past order. They do some interesting free gifts.. I think this was when I got the re-issue of the metal NB2 Dragon

Oooh I have that shrine too, I tweaked it slightly for use in Mordheim!
Nice one.


Domestic animals are too rare on the gaming table. Glad to see a few. Kyoot ones, too, in the vernacular of pupper pages everywhere. I, uh, did not expect to be saying that in the land of Ye Olde Hammere. May the spirits of all the chaos gods forgive me. Kyoot!