My Random stuff

Fimm McCool

Looking good. I do have a fondness for Battlemasters plastic monopose armies. They're so regimented. Once you're looking at them en masse on a tabletop you don't see the soft details or requisite 'in-fills'.


probably not right this moment. Need to sort out what I have and what I want, though I must say, batch painting stuff which is all the same can be a bit refreshing when you mostly paint stuff which requires more thinking ^_^ and I get worse and worse at deciding things as the years go on.. My giant is still awaiting one shield colour really ¬_¬


time for some more not very great photos of random bits ^_^
first up, something which has taken over a year cause... erm.. not being bothered maybe.. a set of 3 Banner/Totem objective markers
This first one was made from a bit of wire, a plaster rock, some Slannish plastic banner (I know the colours aren't really right) and a plastic rams skull. This is atleast a year old if not more.. cause i'm very slow and.. ah, whatever..
again, plaster rock, they make a good base for banners to free stand in.. even if you need to stop and think why they must have brought drills with them.. the banner is probebly skaven as it was in a bunch of bits I got a while back. Tried to make it kinda genertic with just a bunch of primary colours matched together. Top is a banner pole top I got a bunch of.. a horse skull I think..
now this is recent, like last weekend. Cocktail stick pole, plastic banner, plaster rock, a Skaven banner topper. I decided to paint it based on the cover of 4ed Skaven armies book. Not perfect but not bad.

now a rustic barn well.. no.. techinally the shed/Dwarf Cabin/Store from townscape/Terror of the lichmaster. Decided to try using the card as a template and just built it out of coffesticks and machsticks mostly. Bit uneven (some was what I intended to give it a more basic and rustic feel) and some little gaps, but that makes the whole 'rundown' and rustic feel.. kinda works.. bit of a problem with glue in the bottom so a bit of green and it's a bit of moss ^_^, was gonna add more to places but didn't really work in my tests..
just a side shot showing a litting rat I put there to give it a bit more character. I'm thinking, the door and windows (which you can't really see) would have been better being cut OUT of the wood, where I just placed them ontop but it does the job well enough.

Hoping to get another building done soon when some stuff arrives.. a bit more fancy.. and maybe I'll get around to trying a few more things.. I think converting some templates to laser cut and then work on bits is probebly a good route for me as it worked best for my cottage... but I'll be trying out different things.


Those are really nice. I've been thinking some banners / objective markers would be a cool thing to do. Yours look really nice, maybe the rat that can pull the inner from the stone will be the rat king! (all my flying beasties are inexplicably flying over the top of rocks ...)

The shed/barn is very nice, looks good. A bit of moss is always good. I'd actively add some myself, Woodland scenics "burnt grass" mixed with some PVA and painted on makes excellent moss. I've always found a few bits and pieces around the edges of buildings helps tie them into the ground so I'd be tempted to add some bits round the bottom, just a couple of tufts or something.

Lovely work (and like the little rat!)


Okay, not a very good paint job but it wasn't really meant to be. Looks like you can pick up a decent old Runtbot (40K/RT Orks) for about £12... more then I really want to pay.. So tried my own sculpt.. looks like there are some 'fan' tries out there but I wanted to more do my own.

Not a very good image and like I said, not very good painting.. It was kinda a test for the sculpt and the colour layout. I was thinking at first to sculpt it by hand, but... personally? it's a machine.. that kinda requires skills at hand sculpting which I don't have. Like pretty smooth straight lines.. So no problem, I can 3D model, where my skills aren't great but not rubbish and machines and the like are pretty easy for me.. just more organic shapes are the problems..

So based on a iffy catalogue image of the figure and the art in.. I think it was Ere we go.. anyway.. Wasn't trying to go for a 100% copy.. that would be naughty. When for the basic idea and design but then do some of my own preferred detailing. Which I think the main thing you can see in this is the Head is bigger and the eyes are bigger. The Missile/gun pods are also detailed differently but roughly the same.

Anyway, this was a prototype. I have a FDM printer, so the details are soften and I was only printing with the standard 0.4mm nozzle, compared to the 0.2mm nozzle I have for finer detailing (which does make a difference but for most things, doesn't make enough of a difference to be worth swapping over for a proto. Where the original metal is 3 pieces (Head, Pod 1, Pod 2 (which are both the same) this is is 6, both feet (with legs), both pods, main body, and head.

I had no images of the back, so this design was made up completely. It isn't round but the back is flattened round.. if that makes sense, with another grid hatch like the front. I also added something which isn't in the model or image and that is the pipes.

Anyway.. I decided, from this prototype, some details needed tweaking.. the bottom rim is now a bit longer, some details are stronger defined. I also think I'm gonna paint the 'mouth guard' differently cause the Black and white checkers doesn't work next to white teeth (with black between the teeth to show some detail). Without the base (20mm round), he is about 28/30mm tall, which I THINK is the right size.. as they go with Runt herds and are about the size, if not slightly taller then the herder... So while not great, I have a working Runtbot.. I don't have any Runts or a herder though ^_^; not to matter cause If I look at my painted up Ork army.. I now have 2 figures... yay?


no clue. As I said, I don't have any. I might have a WFB snotling someplace but I don't think so. I'll measure it against another Ork a bit later..

and yep, Design information for the orks does say it looks like a mini gargant ^_^


well.. Turns out that I only have 2 Snotling figures.. which are 4 snotlings... One is the C14- Piggback pair which isn't great for showing the scale much (kinda stands... 1 and a half snotings tall + spear) and this one which... another Pair but under the 'Doubles' name case it was a slowly later C14 set. Gid & Vup (wonder why this is the only 'doubles' which has 2 snotlings with it.. mmm.)... so again, not fantastic for showing scale but.. I think scales well and like the art really, it stands with the group able to shot over top of them to supply range support.


Well, This was a fairly quite job and a fun little model. A Kev Adams Goblin Cheerleader from the original metal Bloodbowl range.


a bit blurry.. I think the fact that pressing the snap button, the camera moves does create a problem with the focus.. oh well, just the back which is too bad. anyway.. Female Goblin (as done right by Kev Adams of course) with frilly knickers... so looking at some of the model... I decided a Sailor suit was of course the best for a Goblin cheerleader ^_^

So.. a Goblin flashing while wearing a sailor suit? of course its perfect ^_^


The BB cheerleaders were great models, really wish I'd bothered getting some back in the day. You've done this one proud.


made from Scrap parts laying around, My first (and currently only) Servitor for my Space Wolves.
SW25B1 is the name I decided to give him.. or atleast, his serial number.
that first image is a bit blurred.. so. the legs and body are a weird pose but I think it's an imperial guard plastic.. probebly pretty new, in fact most bits probebly are mid 2000s.. not sure.. like I said, just various bits in some lots I've gotten over time. I think the Right arm is from a plastic servitor as that is pretty much a servitor part. The head was.. I think a space marine, though pretty teched out for one i'm used to (too tech for human, not tech enough for marines with cybernetic parts). I got a .. something like a targeter with a bit attached which i cut off and glued it to his head to make it a fancy targeter, added some thin wire from just a random bit of cable on the back of it to make it a bit more techy. The Left arm slightly confuses me.. the shoulder pad and general idea makes me think space marine, but it has some cabling and lower arm is odd, long with the fact it's.. not really a power glove, but not a normal hand... either way, seamed good like a mech replacement
While I was debating it, I wanted the shoulder pad.. old servitors didn't have such pads cause they aren't part of any chapter, but.. well, techinally Tech priests aren't part of any army.. they are 'on loan' from the order. But the Space Wolf ones have clearly gone native so why not have the chapter badge. Not the best paint job for that... But I'm trying ^_^ This is my own Space Wolf Chapter, to go with my own Wolf lord. after a few sketches to get something I think was repeatable, I got it down to a symbol which is based on the old RT Space Wolves with a red Cresent moon on Black. I haven't 100% got the name of the Wolf Lord but got some bits of it and pretty sure the theming is working out well.

Oh and a while back... when I was starting to paint up some stuff.. My Space Wolves seam to turn out a much darker blue-grey... which is fine. Originally they were listed as grey, then it became a light blue-grey... I have some old ones which are just spray-paint grey, some very light blue-grey.. Now mind are kinda dark blue-grey.