The Age of Strife

Fimm McCool

I'm sure now you've mentioned it Drew Williams will sculpt one. He likes sculpting Tony Ackland verbatim and somehow never gets C&Dd.


Bit of "thinking out loud" ... so as ever when you're not making much progress on current projects you start thinking about new projects ...
So I was thinking about rebuilding some of the classic Citadel conversions. I'll confess I think a lot of the thinking was having been inspired by Fimm's "rebuild" of La Maisontaal board (very awesome).

I've a few spare Rhino kits in various states of destruction (all second hand) and thought it might be nice to do all the Rhino conversions that were in White Dwarf. I can think of the Whirlwind (yah for 40mm monster bases) and the Vindicator, and I think I remember one with a longer barrelled front gun? Someone will remember! So it'd be quite cool to do one of each. Can you think of any others?

I was also thinking about the Mighty Fortress featured in the Warhammer Siege books (one of my favourite rulebooks for illustrations and photos). I went though a bit of a Mighty Fortress acquisition phase about 15 years ago and have a spare I could work on. I did actually paint "my one" way back in the day (although a little pale I think now). So one shot of the GW one from the good old Interwebs to save me scanning my Siege book:

Orc Assault0001-2.jpg

Loved the hording, the capping on the merlons. I can see some bits of card they stuck on as extra stones, bit of damage worked in on that corner tower. Some of the other shots show some buttresses (maybe these?), along with various other details, lean-to building, privy, roofs, etc. I think it might be quite good fun to re-create it as much as the photographs show.

Interestingly there seem to have been two versions of the Mighty Fortress towers. Some where the merlons are cut on the diagonal at the corners and some where they are butted round avoiding the join. I don't know which came first, but somehow I never really noticed.

Anyhow nothing to show, ahem, must actually finish up some projects ... but thinking out loud!


I'm not sure if the Predator or Razorbacks were first released as 'customs' before the official release of a model .. It would be tricky but Spartan and Imperial Sabre Tank hunter. Tricky because the idea was you have a Land Raider Kit and a Rhino kit and together you can make both the Spartan and Sabre Tank Hunter, so without the land raider kit... isn't gonna help much ^_^ (Oh and they would be WD 119-120)

Not sure what version came first either.. but just doing a quick check showed me something I didn't notice before... the Plastic door ways are the same ones they used on Advanced Heroquest... I'm trying to get hold of them cause my AHQ was missing a couple of parts (thus great price) and the main ones I care much about are the doors (card tokens are easy to replace or improve, the Men at arms and Skaven are equally easy).. I'll probebly be able to find something nice to replace them at some point but the prices people are asking ¬_¬ stupid.. even more so now I find they were also used in the Mighty Fortress (which might explain why there were a major plastic element NOT included in the Mighty Warriors set (which used card doors instead)


I've always wanted an original Mighty Fortress and can remember there were some really amazing pictures of them when it first came out and the Siege book also has some truly inspiring dioramas. Always loved the Eldar Dreadnoughts breaking through the wall but my favourite has always been the image on the back cover of WD109 showing Dwarfs and Empire attacking a Orc and Goblin fort.


The Sabre that was it. Thank you. Yep not too likely to get a whole landraider, I tried for a while, but too expensive on eBay (just got the new "old style" one in the end). Still I think I might have some spare bits or maybe I can just plasticard the LR parts for the Sabre.

Those doors are brilliant (as are the trapdoors), I always thought GW did some cool early plastics. Although the later WQ archways and Necromunda bulkheads were similarly cool. Wonder if someone has done an STL homage?
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Fimm McCool

Anything involving a Mighty Fortress is exciting for me! I have never owned one and passed up on one a few years back as I just don't know where I would store it, but I love seeing what other people do with theirs. There must be a dwindling supply given how much hacking about they get!


The Sabre that was it. Thank you. Yep not too likely to get a whole landraider, I tried for a while, but too expensive on eBa (just got the new "old style" one in the end). Still I think I might have some spare bits or maybe I can just plasticard the LR parts for the Sabre.

Those doors are cool (as are the trapdoors), I always thought GW did some cool early plastics. Although the WQ archways and Necromunda bulkheads were similarly cool. Wonder if someone has done an STL homage?
I have a homage stl for the WQ archway. clearly not the same thing but clearly a homage. there are a couple of issues with the model but nothing too bad.

I've looked at current prices (there are quite a few for sale) for the Mighty Fortress.. not a chance. really not worth it for what it is.


The best price you can pick up a Mighty Fortress for these days is about £60, but more often £75-90, if you ignore all those that want well over £100 for it. Odds are the £60 copies will be missing something - although to be fair it's not hard to substitute scratch built bits for the doors/trapdoors/flagpoles. The copy I was thinking about "working on" needed some TLC anyway where the previous owner jabbed the flagpoles into the wall tops and the edges of some pieces have seen better days!

DungeonBowl was the other game that used those doors. There is a


Didn't know that. Never really bothered with DungeonBowl (looks like there are modern versions of it too..) Kinda makes it odd that it's not in Mighty warriors cause wasn't DungeonBowl another of the 'yets re-use plastics we either have excess stock OR have a new machine which made alot pretty cheapy'. (Still think Space fleet was the weird one out cause.. out of all the ones at the same time, that was just.. new.. the rest were reuse of stock/moulds).

oh and.. your post got cut off?


Kerrunch was the Blood Bowl equivalent of the other "small introduction box games". Dungeon Bowl was just an expansion (so to speak) for 2nd edition BB. That said the base art for the tiles was from the dungeon floorplan sets and they of course re-used the doors. New minis however (Elves and Dwarves). I wonder if as per the other threads discussing the slow gestation of BattleFleet Gothic if perhaps the space ships for SpaceFleet were made or mostly made and so they did have them "to hand" so to speak? (Pure speculation).

I don't know what I was going to type, assume it was some piece of genius prose full of wit and wisdom ...


^_^ most likely some ultimate information which would greatly improve the life of all for generations to come but now sadly lost. I remember a book where 'inspiration' is kinda little fairies which fly around and sometimes when they go into a head they settle, other times they fly away.. what the hell was that... mm..

It does seam a bit weird that they would have made up alot of the ships for the still early days game (and in plastic more then just the prototype metals they normally use for other in-house testing).. but possible.. I don't think there are many people alive still who could give much of an answer though.

Ah, I was getting confused with Kerrunch.. not really a sports guy so Blood bowl mostly just didn't interest me (though I enjoy Speedball 2 video game.. just not very good at it)


Couldn't help but dig out that back cover siege picture. Remember spending hours looking at all those years ago and still just as inspiring



yeah, nice one.. like it use of the corpses for statues.. though the image kinda does bring in a couple of odd questions... I would say, Empire Castle which has been invaded by Orcs, and with some Dwarf Backup, the Empire are trying to retake it.


That Ivan Barleet diorama was very cool. So made a bit of a start on the Beasts of Nurgle, they have had the first of many washes laid down over some light airbrushing. Not much to show yet, but I did make some good progress on their bases:


Obviously when finished they'll have a bit of flock and other bits to blend everything together, but I thought I'd use up a few spare Nurglings, maggots and mushrooms. Static grass perhaps tomorrow when the texture paint has dried, then finish up painting the bits.

Of course I've not touched any of the other projects ... the lure of the new being too great.
Couldn't help but dig out that back cover siege picture. Remember spending hours looking at all those years ago and still just as inspiring


So many things like this were, and in many cases still are, just the pinnacle of modelling. Home made scratchbuilding. Nothing wrong with plastic kits and 3d prints. But nothing speaks to me more than making stuff as opposed to buying stuff.