Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress thread

Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Wow, coming to the end it´s gettin hotter. Great contributions ahead

The giant looks really good :o
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Changing my entry to a Human Barbarian, but damn it! it will get done!


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

olean":1wdjcjr2 said:
Late to the party but hopefully still in time? I realised today that I had to contribute to this fantastic project. The theme reminded me of the classic Heroic Fighters of the Old World so I have tried to make a conversion that emulates the feel of these miniatures. A pretty easy solution, but I think it has that Oldhammer vibe to it so hopefully it will fit in. Paint and post is next on the agenda!

I really like the feel of this one and it did remind me of the heroic fighters. This one will undoubtfully be the big bloke of the team (well second to a certain giant) !
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Asslessman":3fi7x49b said:
olean":3fi7x49b said:
Late to the party but hopefully still in time? I realised today that I had to contribute to this fantastic project. The theme reminded me of the classic Heroic Fighters of the Old World so I have tried to make a conversion that emulates the feel of these miniatures. A pretty easy solution, but I think it has that Oldhammer vibe to it so hopefully it will fit in. Paint and post is next on the agenda!

I really like the feel of this one and it did remind me of the heroic fighters. This one will undoubtfully be the big bloke of the team (well second to a certain giant) !


I always had a soft spot for those citadel heroic fighters armour style. They are the antithesis of the chaos warrior and make great law warriors.
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa




Associated blog post:



Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

"Take that, foul minions of chaos!" Pew, pew, sizzle, crack!

No chaos lord will be able to stand against such a wonderful weapon used frog suit!


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Genius, plain and simple.

The weathering o nth esuit is just perfect, he must have spent quite a while on this feral planet and his anger against evil seems not to have lessened a bit. While th econcept in itslef is totally crazy, the model is not "over the top" . It's just efficient and charcaterful as very few.

Just Genius.
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Cheers fellas!

Asslessman":345lpqc9 said:
Genius, plain and simple.

The weathering o nth esuit is just perfect, he must have spent quite a while on this feral planet and his anger against evil seems not to have lessened a bit. While th econcept in itslef is totally crazy, the model is not "over the top" . It's just efficient and charcaterful as very few.

Just Genius.

He is deliberately understated as it is not really even a combat suit, it is more like an astronaut construction workers suit. Even the everyday tools of the high Slann are dangerous things. Background wise I went with for him was that he was a temple servant who bonded with the armour but I kind of like the idea that he is a Buck Rogers type character who was sent forward in time Samurai Jack style...meh take you pick really. :)
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Lord Thesoponius ambled up the hill to take in the sight of the battle scarred village of Mittlewald. He could see a plume of smoke dancing on the horizon and could almost taste the evil in the air. He grimaced sternly at the sight of a dying Drow pull itself feebly along the ground, hoping his mission had not already been accomplished. His prophetic dreams has had summoned him to this place to join this motley warband, these Dogs of Law to defend a sacred place in the name of his god.
He spied a wizardly looking man up in a tower in the village, his overly tight red trousers not concealing its bulge one bit. This he has dreamed of and took as a sign to head into the settlement.
As he resumed his journey, the ground vibrated with thunderous footsteps and the faint sound of a woman's voice pronouncing some arcane language. He hurried on not confident that he could arrive before this monstrous entity behind him…at least he could preserve himself from being squashed under its feet.

I give you my entry Lord Thesoponius, not in the league of Space Slann or giant-riding enchantresses but I hope he adds in some small way to the warband. Apologies for the photos, still getting used to my light box :oops:



Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

2 in a day ! What a wonderful sight. He's very good, this band is going to be epic !
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

He is a cool figure choice, nice one. Like the little passage of text to go with him, they really help to give the warband extra character. :)

Forgot to add my Slann's backstory...

“Moixa’remoh was once a humble servant of the Temple of the Moon at a time when the temple was set upon by raiders, devoted to the chaos god Tzeentch. During the course of the battle a great miscast of magical energies by the chaotic sorcerers directed at the temple had the curious effect of reactivating the warp reactor of an artefact of incalculable age. As a high Slann artefact, it was much more than a mere machine. The suit was symbiotic, autonomous and intelligent and aware of the impending threat. It reached out to the closest Slann mind, the mind of the servant Moixa’remoh who was drawn to it, and into it, bonding with the spirit of the suit. A new prime operational directive was instated, enforce order, annihilate chaos…”


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Moixa’remoh ? Funny... I thought he would be named Náes'nospmis, must have mistaken him, now I think of it the latter had a fancy moustache ;)
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Asslessman":j6aiyxa1 said:
Moixa’remoh ? Funny... I thought he would be named Náes'nospmis, must have mistaken him, now I think of it the latter had a fancy moustache ;)


Sounds like a Greek with a big handlebar moustache!

My Slann avatar would have to have a moustache and at least a hobbit level of pipe!


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

That Slann is so cute and stylish! Like a proto-Tau, only heaps more fun! Excellent painting, too!
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

olean":1nqxs5qy said:
That Slann is so cute and stylish! Like a proto-Tau, only heaps more fun! Excellent painting, too!

Cheers Jeff McC & Olean.

Good on ye Olean for noticing the slight Tau styling on the suit. When it comes to imagining what the ancient galaxy spanning Slann would have looked like the efforts I have seen look like mystical Techno-savages. I wanted to take a more Carl Sagan approach to it and imagine a more sleek scientifically efficient look to them, much like Japanese anime looks like, which is what the Tau are based on.


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Almost done, some clean up and final highlighting left
