By popular vote (and slightly subversively), we have managed to select an option which wasn't on the racial poll. Our warband is going to be a multi-racial good warband; a sort of anti-Chaos warband if you will.
1 axiom - elf warrior (received)
2 Asslessman - human hero (received)
3 Chico - half-orc (received)
4 Jeff McC - human archer (received)
5 Blue in VT - human archer (received)
6 Zhu - gnome (received)
- Mister Rab - DNF
- LeadAsbestos - DNF
7 Fimm McCool - barbarian (received)
8 Captain Crooks - giant (received)
- tp_1983 - DNF
9 Mostyn - centaur (received)
- Plaiecivile - DNF
10 Aiteal - standard (received)
11 ardyer - human fighter (received)
12 phreedh - female dwarf (received)
13 Lord Chaotl Oml - human wizard (received)
14 Bane - elf archer (received)
15 Firebreather - elf (received)
- Thantsants - DNF
- Porkaborg - DNF
16 Just John - gnome (received)
- witchfinderingeneral - DNF
17 littleleadperson - human warrior (received)
18 theottovonbismarck - slann (received)
- Vyper - DNF
- Whitesun - DNF
19 Bluey Zarzov - human mounted knight (received)
- majorsmith - DNF
20 ChaosChild - human shaman (received)
21 Count Von Bruno - dwarf warrior (received)
22 Count Von Bruno - human wizard (received)
23 simondale - human flagellent (received)
24 Skittifink - human cannon & crew (received)
25 olean - human knight (received)
26 gerner - dwarf (received)
27 airbornegrove26 - human bard (received)
28 bulldoglopez - elf mage (complete, requires posting)
29 Moodygit - Elf wardancer (received)
30 weazil - Elf bear master / were bear (received)
How does this Legacy Warband thing work anyway?
As a reminder, all contributors agree to paint and contribute one model to the pre-agreed theme (multi-racial good races). You paint the model and post it to your friendly neighbourhood organiser (me - axiom). All contributors are entered into a draw, and the winner out of the hat wins the warband for their collection.
What's the timeframe involved?
Models to be with me (axiom) by Saturday 31st January, with the draw taking place in 1st week in February. No further submissions being taken for the 2014 project.
What models can I contribute?
The theme is a multi-racial good warband; suitable models might include humans, elves, halflings, dwarfs, slann...the list is pretty expansive. Feel free to think wider - warhounds, familiars, mounts and large creatures might also find a home. The project is an Oldhammer project, but that doesn't mean you need to donate a vintage Citadel model - if you have something that looks right from a modern range or alternative manufacturer, then that's all well and good!
How will this warband look coherent?
Good question; the colour scheme has been decided, which will help. Secondly, it was suggested (very sensibly), that the winner does the basing for the warband. This will ensure that a) the warband is coherently based and b) the warband fits into their own collection.
Primary colour = olive (major pieces of clothing, cloaks etc).
Secondary colour = bone (trim, sashes, feathers etc).
Colours/finishes of armour, weapons, skin colour, straps, gemstones and so on are all up to the individual painter to select
How do I take part?
No further contributions being taken for the 2014 project. This thread is where you formally stick your hand up and commit to participating. Simply reply to in the thread, stating what model you are likely to contribute (this can change at a later date), and I will amend the contributor list above.
Progress to date (21 Oct)
Any questions?!
1 axiom - elf warrior (received)
2 Asslessman - human hero (received)
3 Chico - half-orc (received)
4 Jeff McC - human archer (received)
5 Blue in VT - human archer (received)
6 Zhu - gnome (received)
- Mister Rab - DNF
- LeadAsbestos - DNF
7 Fimm McCool - barbarian (received)
8 Captain Crooks - giant (received)
- tp_1983 - DNF
9 Mostyn - centaur (received)
- Plaiecivile - DNF
10 Aiteal - standard (received)
11 ardyer - human fighter (received)
12 phreedh - female dwarf (received)
13 Lord Chaotl Oml - human wizard (received)
14 Bane - elf archer (received)
15 Firebreather - elf (received)
- Thantsants - DNF
- Porkaborg - DNF
16 Just John - gnome (received)
- witchfinderingeneral - DNF
17 littleleadperson - human warrior (received)
18 theottovonbismarck - slann (received)
- Vyper - DNF
- Whitesun - DNF
19 Bluey Zarzov - human mounted knight (received)
- majorsmith - DNF
20 ChaosChild - human shaman (received)
21 Count Von Bruno - dwarf warrior (received)
22 Count Von Bruno - human wizard (received)
23 simondale - human flagellent (received)
24 Skittifink - human cannon & crew (received)
25 olean - human knight (received)
26 gerner - dwarf (received)
27 airbornegrove26 - human bard (received)
28 bulldoglopez - elf mage (complete, requires posting)
29 Moodygit - Elf wardancer (received)
30 weazil - Elf bear master / were bear (received)
How does this Legacy Warband thing work anyway?
As a reminder, all contributors agree to paint and contribute one model to the pre-agreed theme (multi-racial good races). You paint the model and post it to your friendly neighbourhood organiser (me - axiom). All contributors are entered into a draw, and the winner out of the hat wins the warband for their collection.
What's the timeframe involved?
Models to be with me (axiom) by Saturday 31st January, with the draw taking place in 1st week in February. No further submissions being taken for the 2014 project.
What models can I contribute?
The theme is a multi-racial good warband; suitable models might include humans, elves, halflings, dwarfs, slann...the list is pretty expansive. Feel free to think wider - warhounds, familiars, mounts and large creatures might also find a home. The project is an Oldhammer project, but that doesn't mean you need to donate a vintage Citadel model - if you have something that looks right from a modern range or alternative manufacturer, then that's all well and good!
How will this warband look coherent?
Good question; the colour scheme has been decided, which will help. Secondly, it was suggested (very sensibly), that the winner does the basing for the warband. This will ensure that a) the warband is coherently based and b) the warband fits into their own collection.
Primary colour = olive (major pieces of clothing, cloaks etc).
Secondary colour = bone (trim, sashes, feathers etc).
Colours/finishes of armour, weapons, skin colour, straps, gemstones and so on are all up to the individual painter to select
How do I take part?
No further contributions being taken for the 2014 project. This thread is where you formally stick your hand up and commit to participating. Simply reply to in the thread, stating what model you are likely to contribute (this can change at a later date), and I will amend the contributor list above.
Progress to date (21 Oct)
Any questions?!