New Realm of Chaos 1980s Oldhammer Chaos Gifts!


37. Hooligan

The character has become obsessed with the sport of blood bowl and over time has begun to look and talk like an orc, often removing the livers from the slain and throwing them into a pit where he shouts "Liva Pool" over and over.

Replace the character's stays with that of the equivalent level of orc. Further, the character gains the alcoholism special rule.
ardyer":28kcs8yy said:
37. Hooligan

The character has become obsessed with the sport of blood bowl and over time has begun to look and talk like an orc, often removing the livers from the slain and throwing them into a pit where he shouts "Liva Pool" over and over.

Replace the character's stays with that of the equivalent level of orc. Further, the character gains the alcoholism special rule.

I think Andrew should be made an honorary Brit for this entry :grin:

Zhu Bajie

39. Khorne Industries Two Thousand. The creature is blessed with a super-intelligent black techno-chariot with a single red glowing eye on the front, which constantly glances left to right making an odd wheezing noise. The chariot has no visible means of propulsion. The AI is cursed with a somewhat camp voice, and will tell the creature all manner of scenario related facts within 12" (the contents of buildings, the spell lists of enemy wizards etc.) The Chariot has an additional 2+ saving throw due to its chaotic black armour, and ignores all terrain penalties, may leap over buildings and does not require any Crew. Otherwise obeys all the normal rules for Chariots.

A Badger

40: Scargilloid

The bearer of this chaos gift immediately sprouts copious amounts of wiry hair & is granted a pick axe as a chaos weapon (seldom used).

Each turn roll one D6. On a roll of 2 or more calls 'Strike'. Now roll a D6 for each 'rank and file' unit. On a 4 or above, they down tools for the rest of the game. Causes Panic and Hatred in equal measure to all Character models affected.


41. Miasma Weis - When hit the champion can only receive a single wound from any one source. Also, once the champion is down to his last wound, no more wounds can be received. Instead, the champion must be placed prone and his BS is doubled and all hits from the champion automatically kill any character model hit (no need to roll to wound) with no armour save. All non-character models must be mysteriously removed from the board at this point.

In addition (in narrative campaigns), the champion's victory conditions are met either when the actual mission is completed or he manages to seduce at least one female model on the table, whilst apparently completely ignoring the point of the narrative.


42. Berries' fueller

The champion is covered in some strange berries on his head and ankles. For some reason, these berries seem to fuel themselves on the model's luck and his opponent's misfortune and grow accordingly.
Character gains +2 to Ld and Cl and loses -1 to WS, BS, S, T and A.
Moreover, onc per battle (once per day for WHFRP) the player can decide the berries' fueller takes a turn off. In terms of game it means during one turn the model will automatically succeed in any test taken and that any models in contact will autoamtically lose any roll they have to make.

Fimm McCool

43: Duckulism

The character's skin grows a pale green and their lips harden and spread into a beak from which protrude a pair of vicious fangs. The character also loses all inclination towards savagery, preferring a glass of carrot juice to the blood of their vanquished enemies. -1 WS, -1 T and receives the following retainers:

Igor (WS2, BS2, S2, T3, W2, I4, A1, Ld8, Cl9, Wp8, Int9)
Nanny (WS3, BS1, S6, T6, W3, I2, A2, Ld6, Cl6, Wp6, Int2, Undead)

If the character dies, so long as Igor and Nanny remain alive the character may be revived. Roll D6, on a roll of 1 the character continues to suffer -1WS and -1T. On a roll of 6 the character has the basic profile of a vampire. Any other role the character returns to its profile before it succumbed to Duckulism.


44. Compact Disc

One of the champion's foes as been flattened into the shape of a compact disc as an echo to the opponent's shame. The opponnent is still alive but does not need to sustain anymore and can't take any other shape than that of a disc. The wrath of him though expresses in laserbeams shot in random direction.

The disc has the stats of a Tzeentch disc but bears no mark and can e mounted by any champion. Furthermore, it grants the champion one lasergun shot per turn.
45. No! I am your Father!

Whether it's a coincidence or whether the chaos Gods have been planning it for generations is unknown, but somehow the Chaos Champion is related to many persons all across the old world, including to many great fighter in many opposing armies. Before the battle secretly roll a D6 for each of your opponents characters with more than 1 wound, on a 6 the character is somehow related to the chaos champion*, if the opponent is of the same race as the champion roll another d6, on roll of 4 or more the character is directly related (either a father, mother, son, daughter or sibling**) of the chaos champion. The GM will make a note of this, make sure your opponent doesn't know the result of the roll.

Whenever the Chaos Champion has caused at least 1 wound to the related character, it can choose to reveal their relationship. The character must immediately make leadership test, if it fails this test, the news shocks him so much that he immediately starts fleeing in panic, if the character is directly related he will get a -4 penalty on the leadership roll. if the character is part of a unit, the unit must make a panic test or flee with the character, if the unit flees from combat they can be pursuit as normal.

* The character might just be the Champions second cousins mothers father in law, or the adopted son of the great grandfather of his third cousin.
** I can't explain it either, but it is likely someone involved is a slut or a (cheating) bastard :twisted:

Zhu Bajie

46. Yah-Pee (Cultist of Amex).
The Yah-Pee appears to be fabulously wealthy and is dressed in finest garb, quaffing rare wines, ingesting rare Lustrian herbs (which grant psychological immunity) and generally being loud and obnoxious. Before the battle the Yah-Pee prays to his god Amex, and receives 1d6 rolls on the Khorne technology table (RoC:StD p48) These items are distributed to the rest of the warband. At the start of every turn roll 1d6 on the roll of a 6, a Greater Daemon of Amex (as Greater Daemon of Khorne, except more golden with the head of a roman centurion) and 1d4 Thugs appear and immediately reposess the entire warbands weapons and armour as "credit and interest".


47. Voguer

The champion's every move are a combiation of eccentric poses and dance steps. This exhuberant and provocative way of moving is somehowmaking ths champion's foes lose sense.

Once per battle, the voguer can force a unit to charge him (even if the charge shall fail), in addition, the champion gains +1 to Cl


48. Thunder Feline

The character receives the "Sword of Omens" and the "Claw Shield" as a gift, his head becomes the head of a cat.

Sword of Omens - Magical Sword
The sword of Omens has the "Mighty Strike" Power (WFB p183).
If the bearer shouts : "Swords of Omens ! Give me sight beyond the sight" he is able to locate any hidden item or troups (hidden objective, hidden units, assassins, etc.)

Claw Shield - Magical Shield
The shield has the 'Magical Absorption" power (WFB p183)

Fimm McCool


A dark band forms across the character's eyes, covering his eyes... if eyes remain. His voice drops low and moody. As the mutation takes hold his arrogance increases and former allies becoming estranged and shun him. The character may not join a unit, except of undead creatures. If he does so the other models in the unit will have Hatred towards him. For every battle the character survives and has not been part of a unit he may add D6 zombies to his retinue.


50. Dread Pirate Roberts

The character becomes the new Dread Pirate Roberts, he is dressed in black with a mask hiding his face.

He is a very good swashbuckler (WS+2) and has the reputation of leaving no prisoners behind (in a campaign everyone killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts is dead and may not reappear in the next battle), he causes fear to his opponents and is a very good leader (Ld+2).

If the Dread Pirate Roberts falls to 0 wounds in Battle then one of his men take his place and become the new Dread Pirate Roberts (with all the same bonuses : WS+2, LD+2, causes fear), making him almost immortal !


Just to make things a little easier :

1. Raygunism
2. Atrocious face paints
3. Mutated neck
4. Sonic Syphon
5. Rickrolled
6. Cosb-mic Sweater
7. Air weapon
8. Motörhead
9. Teenage Ninja Mutation
10. Mogwai
11. Goth
12. Goony
13. Loosefoot
14. Aerobic Maniac
15. Iron lady
16. Iron Maiden
17. Banon Aroma
18. Swap Shop
19. Blue badge of chaos
20. Power of Grayskull
21. Colter club
22. The Care Mark
23. Eyes of the tiger
24. Van Dammed
25. Time Bandit
26. Cold Waaargh
27. Re-animator
28. The mark of Gorba's Choff
29. Big Daddy
30. M'gyva
31. Big Hair
32. Crossbreed with a Raleigh Chopper
33. More than meets the eyes
34. Bad attitude
35. Mullet
35. Privitisation
36. Head of a PacDaemon
37. Bring the Noise!
38. Hooligan
39. Khorne Industries Two Thousand.
40: Scargilloid
41. Miasma Weis
42. Berries' fueller
43: Duckulism
44. Compact Disc
45. No! I am your Father!
46. Yah-Pee (Cultist of Amex).
47. Voguer
48. Thunder Feline
49. Eldritch
50. Dread Pirate Roberts


51. Rammbö

The champion has seen his survibility exceed that of any ordinary man, no living (nor unliving) creature can harm the champion.
The champion's T is raised to 10.
in Addition

- Any bow, or crossbow used by the champion follows the rules of a Ballista for shooting only (no movement penalty)
- Any fireweapon worn by the champion is treated as a missilelauncher for shooting only (no movement or aiming penalty)
- Any close comabt weapon is treated like being energetic (swords, daggers, knives will be treated as energetic sword, fist will be treated as a power fist etc...)


52 - Up to Eleven !

The character may, once per game, turn any of his characteristics to eleven allowing him to play louder than any opponent !


53. Y

The character has a luminous mark representing a Y on his forehead. The mark is in fact a flux capacitor storing energy.

For each wound inflicted by the character the Flux Capacitor stores 0.11GW of pure chaos energy. When the Flux Capacitor is fully charged with 1.21GW of pure Chaos Energy the Character is able to make a short time travel through the warp, this short time travel allows him to have an additional melee round this turn !

Zhu Bajie

54. Chaos Glove Puppet The creature gains daemonic familiar which becomes irrevocably welded to their weapon hand. WS is reduced by one, but gains an additional attack. Each daemonic familiar has it's own magical battlecry which the player must mimic use when the creature rolls to-Hit.

1. Roland the Skaven "Neeeeah. Rat fans!". +2 Cool. Immune to poison. No Skaven will attack the creature.
2. Gordon the Skaven "Squeak!". +3 Willpower.
3. Emu the Axe-Beak. "There's somebody at the door". +1 Attack, Frenzy, Hates magic users.
4. Spit the Chaos Hound. Spits Poison within 4"
5. Orville the Duck. "I wish I could Fly". Cannot fly, Causes Hatred, Causes Animosity.
6. Kermit the Slann. "Hi Ho, Kermit de Slaan here." Fears Beastmen. Acts as regimental musician.


55. Cheat Code

The character has become blessed by the minor chaos power Neen-tin'doh. In order to activate his blessing, he must perform a ritual dance, granting him super human characteristics.

If the character can move in one direction per move phase, over several turns, forward, forward, back, back, left, right, left, right without being interrupted, all of his characteristics are increased to 10.