New Realm of Chaos 1980s Oldhammer Chaos Gifts!


89: Risky Rat.

Character is changed into an albino one-eyed skaven of the same level. The character is -1 BS. He is accompanied by a small familiar in a blue harness that over-reacts allowing the character to remain unflappable: the character may reroll any failed psychology tests. Any chaos shrine may take the form of a short scarlet column.


90: T-fication
Champions hair grows in the shape of a black mohawk. All metal parts of clothing or armor turns to gold.
+1 to strength

Zhu Bajie

91: Burning Chrome The creatures skin, weapons, hair, armour and equipment turns to chrome. All light-based weapons (lasguns, for example) which hit the creature are reflected back on the firer. Cl 10.


92. You can not be serious!

Champion can re-roll one dice per combat round.
Player must badger their opponent or the Umpire to play this rule.
Decrease CL by 3

Ti Pouchon

93. Goblin King
This champion, despite being rather foppish, that's not to say weedy, himself, is blessed by the Changer of the Ways with an uncanny knack of commanding the respect and admiration of all members of the Goblinoid races. Even though they usually despise effeteness and only show any sort of respect for physical prowess, Greenskins will fall over themselves to throw their sordid lot in with this champion.

- +2Ld for every Goblinoid testing against the Ld of the Champion
- +1Cl, +2Dex, -1T
- Champion automatically replaces next result of a roll on the Mutation table with the "Big Hair" result
- Whenever rolling up new followers for the warband, retain roll for actual number of new followers. However, actual race of new followers is determined by using the following table (D100):

01-48: Goblin (rollD3 for each to determine whether Regular, Lesser or Chaos Goblin)
49-75: Orc
76-88: Human
89-90: Snotling
91-97: Hobgoblin
98-99: Troll
100 : Power Familiar (appears as a male human homuculus carried about by the champion; will be tossed into the air at the start of every combat turn and can therefore not be harmed in melee combat; only one per champion, re-roll any subsequent results of 100)


94. The Breakfist club

The champion has been granted a a strange cudgel whose power change every battle. at the start of every encounter roll a D6 to determine the effects of the Breakfist club for tha tbattle only.

1. The athlete : The champion gains +1 to M and S
2. The princess : the champion becomes a girl if he was not before and loses -1 to T, WS and BS
3. The brain : Champion gains +1 to I and loses -1 to T
4. The basket case : the champion causes fear and loses -2 to Ld
5. The criminal : the champion is subject to animosity
6. Joan Hews : Treat this result as "Chaos Lord"

A Badger

95: (Chaos War) Band Aid:

Having spent years wandering forgotten in the Chaos Wastes, this Champion returns; but has become more sactimonious & preachy. Demands a sacrifice to allegedly to help save the starving Pygmies of Lustria, but 'co-incidentally' restarts his own failing career in the process... especially prevalant in the run up to Nurglemas each year.

Roll one D6:

1: let in light and banish shade: all hidden troops immediately become visable. Fimirs mist disappears.
2: world of dread and fear: All units suffer from fear for one round
3: no rain or rivers flows: Any terrain feature involving water evaporates for the turn & has no movement penalty on this warband.
4: raise a glass for ev'ryone: The warband suffer the effects of Alcoholism for a round. Use drunken giants rules
5: underneath that burning sun: All units roll as if targetted with a Fireball spell. Does not affect Pygmies, Slann, or humans from Araby, The Southlands, Cathay or Nippon. Is also granted Wither Vegetation spell (one use).
6: Feed the world: The Champion becomes immensely fat -1 movement. Eats a warband follower on a roll of 5-6.


96. The power of Love

The irony of the gods is as powerful as their cruelty, when the hatred in the champion's heart shows signs of weakness, the result is often terrible for the power of love can break the strongest...

The champion has hatred of all beings, however he must pass a cool test at the begining of each turn, he he fails, roll a D6 and apply the following result :

1-2 - Back to the future : The champion and all the units from his army move back to their position during deployment, all casualties remain lost, only the living (or undead) fall back to their starting point
3-4 - I'm your lady and you are my man : The champion becomes his opponent's puppet and is played by the other player until he passes his cool test at the beginning of his turn, he loses his hatred while in control of the opponent.
5-6 - Champion goes to Holy woods :The champion dies immediately and nothing can make him come back...however the power of love lets you chose to resurrect one character fallen during this game


97. The curse of Ricky G

The character is cursed with a narcissistic delusion that he's funny. To the point he annoys even his closest friends (which he doesn't have anymore) with crap jokes and name dropping anecdotes. :roll:

Any silence effects nullify this trait.
All Enemy models suffer hatred :mad: (pp.72 WFB)toward the cursed char, ally models suffer animosity (pp. 205 WFB)toward the cursed char. The cursed character cannot join units (cos he'd get a stiff kick-in)
Every turn the champion must roll a D6 before it sides movement phase, on a 6 he MUST move toward a friendly allied char (in order to tell em a joke). If he gets within charge range of said Ally, they must take a LD test (at -2 if your opponent can tell a shit joke within 10 secs). If failed the char must charge and attempt to kill the cursed char. Enemy chars must pass LD tests before they are allowed to move within charge range and not charge.
If the enemy player kills the character they are allowed to throw the miniature representing the char on the floor and stamp on it. :twisted:

Zhu Bajie

I like it toecutter, but Ricky in the 80s was doing this:


Perhaps Wogan? :lol:


Funny but as Zhu I don't really see any relevance (maybe missing something). I'd see it more suitable for Zuvassin's chart (because it is happening) or Malal's unless it's rooted in the 80's for some reason.

Zhu Bajie

98. Chocky - the creature is possessed by a benevolent super-intelligent warp entity, which calls itself 'chocky' the champion becomes a lisping middle class gimboid, yet all personal statistics become 10. Each time Chokys powers are used (ie. WP or Ld test) the creature must spend the next round explaining that, "it wasn't me, chocky did it" to the rest of the warband, who no doubt consider him quite mad. May cross rivers with no movement penalty,


Two left 'till the D100! and updated the first page with a full list.
99. Wee-Low:
The Champion is magically turned into a halfling with standard stats and the following:
"Trolls I hate Trolls!": Wee-Low carries three magic acorns. If the opposing army has any trolls he may attempt to throw them at the Trolls at range 6".
D6 Thrown Acorn results:
1- Fumble! You dropped it and it hit the figure to your right. They are instantly turned to stone.
2-4- Miss
5-6- Hit! The troll is instantly turned to stone and stays there forever as a statue.

He also gains the chaos warrior Mad-Mud-Gun the greatest swordsmen to ever live! Raise Mad-Mud-Gun's standard stats as follows: WS 10, I-10. Mad-Mud-Gun will act as Wee-Low's champion and accept any challenges on his behalf.
Changed the to thinking that it could be confused with modern Wii. Thought Wee fit better for a small halfling as well. Come on 100!

Zhu Bajie

100. Roll twice on the above table.

Deliberated about this for a bit. it's a completely 80s RPG thing to do, but always seemed a bit of a cop out!


Seems indeed the right way to end this.

Now we have a start, I suppose the next logical step is to roll champions and model them...

Zhu Bajie

The 1980's Realm of Chaos thing seems to have run its course - the number of entries tailed off, and it seems a nice round number - easily achievable by 2d10. Of course if anyone has any to add, just add them! We can split them into two d100 tables!

JBs idea of rolling up and modelling 1980's Realm of Chaos Champions is a fun idea.

I've also been thinking along the lines of random Realm of Chaos 1980s Scenarios, from footy violence to the cola wars and everything in between!
I like the idea of rolling up the champs.

I've also been thinking along the lines of random Realm of Chaos 1980s Scenarios, from footy violence to the cola wars and everything in between!

Really looking forward to these as well Zhu!