Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...


The veg/herb garden adds so lovely extra character to an already lovely build. Big fan of additions like that (must remember to do it myself from time to time!).
Certainly makes it more real I think.

Just need to paint some baddies ready to make the mistake of attacking the harmless old lady..

I am a big fan of how things look, but with it being a game there is always that element of playability.
I could probably get away with not using movement trays but my wife insists on them.
Now the trays themselves I don’t mind too much as I make mine to be fairly unobtrusive:


But when the models start being removed then it looks ugly, even when the inside of the tray is painted:

painted tray.jpg

So rather than horrible MDF trays showing, I have made some blanks to replace the models with:


Much nicer on the eye and helps maintain the suspension of disbelief.:

tray with blanks.jpg
This certainly improves the look on the thing.

Ever thought of: (1) Jazzing things up with the casualty bases by adding battlefield detritus here an there, blood & gore, trampled grass & mud, the odd casualty base etc? (2) Including some multi-bases for less faffing & more room for whatever?
I plan on doing multibases for the bigger units.
I figured with a unit of 10, that when 5 are dead I will remove the tray anyway, and 5 single bases is managable.
But on the zombie unit of 20, then yeah big squares and long strips will be made with bits and bobs.

I will start looking for dead dudes to put on some bases soon too.
Sounds good. Walking wounded, deserters & stragglers - at least for the living - might work for you too. Facing to the rear, ofc.
I may have to change my background for him now.
No longer old Vogel the farmer, he could be Johannes Pertwee the old farmer who claims to have killed a werewolf that was attacking his farmhouse, and he could not escape as his cart was damaged.
"Warm Ale and Mud".

The plan was to build and paint a load of models so that I could dip into the collection and pull out the required items for scenarios as and when needed.

However that is a lot of work and will take ages.

So, instead I am going to make and paint all that is needed for the first game.
With a bit of luck the first game/story/event will take place this month over the festive holidays.

I just need to paint a farmer, his wagon and 4 Orcs.

Fingers crossed.
As noted when I was painting this model I noticed I had somehow made him look like Sean Pertwee.

So I changed his name from Hans Vogel, which was his planned generic famer name.

He is now:

Johannes Pertwee the old farmer who claims to have killed a werewolf that was attacking his farmhouse, and he could not escape as his cart was damaged.

Now I have committed myself to making his cart, his farmhouse, his family and getting some werewolves so that I can play out the game and re-live his backstory/fluff/lore.


