Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

Managed to make myself paint something, I went for a unit of skeleton infantry as they are so much easier and quicker.
I suspect these 10 probably took about the same time as 2 of my Stirland lads.

I think they are Oathmark.
They are not the best in terms of visual accuracy for oldhammer's The Restless Dead, but as they are both cheap and not for me, they will do.

The basing is made up of various stages.

First I apply a texture paste:

sand gel.jpg

Give that a paint with brown, wash and highlight.
Then mat varnish.

Then apply the first coat of static grass.
(Noch 08200 1.5 mm Scatter Grass Spring Meadow)
I do this by applying Mod Podge and then dunking in the box:


Then hold the model upside down and run my fingers down the side of the base, as the model is upside down this brushes any static grass down and makes it more hangy down.
So that when the model is turned the right way up, the static grass is erect.
I always leave a bit of mud from the first stage around the edges.

Once dry I add another layer of the same static grass with a PVA/Water/Washing up liquid combo.

Then once dry I add a variety of tufts and leaves.

tufts.jpgMany tufts are quite big, so often I cut them into small bits and apply.

I also have some clump foliage and other types of odds and sods I apply.

I find it matches my static grass mat quite well and I do the same on my terrain.

cot1 c.PNG

Geroak II

Very nice job with metals on those skeletons' shields and weapons, they do look ancient. Only thing that held me back from buying those Oathmark skellies myself was their heads and more precisely their teeth. Did you use heads from other manufacturer on some of those or are not all the heads in that box actually not as odd-looking?
Ooh good question. Now you mention it I think I used other skulls. I have the GW box of SKULLZ so it could well be I used those. Pretty good chance to be fair.
Ooh good question. Now you mention it I think I used other skulls. I have the GW box of SKULLZ so it could well be I used those. Pretty good chance to be fair.
Or maybe a mix. I will have a look tomorrow and see if I can work out what I did.

PS: not sure what is in the box as such, I just bought a few loose sprues.
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Geroak II

Haha, yes, their teeth seem seriously apex predator like.
Thanks for checking! It looks like not all skulls in the box are quite as extreme as others. If I ever need to buy plastic skeletons now I know where to go. :)
Haha, yes, their teeth seem seriously apex predator like.
Thanks for checking! It looks like not all skulls in the box are quite as extreme as others. If I ever need to buy plastic skeletons now I know where to go. :)

Got mine as single sprues from eBay, got more than I needed and cost less than a box.

I guess the teeth may actually be ok?
So much gum hiding the true size?
With the skellington spear being done, it is time to get another Stirland Oldhammer model unit done.

The mighty Erzatsolder of Heiligsheld... :|

Just finished the chap at the front, Viktor, I will do his base later, now working on the standard bearer.

Takes me a bloody age it does.
I would be probably be 20% faster were it not for going back and tidying up mistakes.


Finished the banner:


The banner shows the crest of Count Halven who rules the village of Heiligsheld, and it has holy relics of Imre Jenz hanging from it.
Imre Jenz is the person whom the village is named after.

It has been 30 years since I hand did a banner in 25mm, so it is a bit basic.
I may go back and add stuff later when feeling more confident.