Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

Yeah it's a hand. I painted mine a bit more gangreous.

Also thanks. Yeah it is effort but as you say, hopefully it will be nice when it is all done.
Sorry for no recent content, I contracted Covid last week and have been in bed until today.


I just had an epiphany!

One of the reasons I liked and still like oldhammer, is the world GW wanted to build.
It was not about just soldiers and armies, they had a butt tonne of civilians.
The townscape style buildings had character; they had people that lived in them, and these people had stories and lives, and they had their own models.

It was about being part of a world, and that world had it’s mundane and ordinary, and that ordinary is what helped make the world so extraordinary, it was a real place, not just some battlefields of polystyrene ceiling tile hills and lichen bushes.

It was tangible world and you could watch it grow and help it grow, and any time you fancied it, you could leap in and help save the ordinary mundane folk from the likes of Ruglud, Kemmler, Mordini and so on.

I hope GW bring back the world building aspect and let people not accustomed to that experience it.


GW going back to the past? I'm surprised enough with the re-issue of some old minis but them going back to the past like that? no, no no.. but then, it's not GW these days.. It's WH it seams ¬_¬

I wonder if they did bother to do more in the range of re-issuing old rule books as either POD or something which made them at a decent price, that would help them sell older models and would bring in more then it would cost.. but I doubt it.. Since the license some stuff out, sometimes I wonder if they would be interested in say, licensing the 3ED / 4ED books for third party reprinting.. someone else takes the work and they get say 25% of the profit.. same would be true of miniatures but that seams less likely to do that.. but it does surprise me at some of the minis which have ended up with official third-parties..


while not my favourite of his stories, for some reason I'm put in mind of "delusions for a dragon slayer" by the late great Harlan Ellison. I'm not quite figuring out why.... probably something to do with mind set of modern players or something.. Don't know..
Not only does my wife play WFB with me, she just bought me this from eBay.

But how to paint it, dark and moody, or bright like the artwork?

I did look at those when they were previewed, but I was put off by the possibility of them being more like 32mm tall and as you say, the poses mean that they won't fit on 20mm squares.