Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...


I've read... lets think.. None of the Warhammer books.. either original or later ones like the black library stuff. From what I've seen... I don't think I've missed too much ^_^
For those that look at it.
I have re-jigged my site and removed links to the 10mm WFB.
(The pages are still there though if you have previous links/bookmarks)
I want to concentrate on Heiligsheld and its story.

(You may need a cookie/cache clear if it looks the same)

ab wfb.png
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For those that look at it.
I have re-jigged my site and removed links to the 10mm WFB.
(The pages are still there though if you have previous links/bookmarks)
I want to concentrate on Heiligsheld and its story.


(You may need a cookie/cache clear if it looks the same)

View attachment 10975
I think the link is slightly off.. it's a link to your site... via facebook ^_^;


Yah! I must have a rummage and see what spares I have in the box (all up in the loft), pretty sure there are some smaller (not K&M if I remember however) ones I thought I was unlikely to use in my woods. I really must get some basing sheet and get on with my own woods before I change my mind again and go back to liking more realistic trees again!
I do prefer my more realistic ones, but they cost more AND needed work to make them less model-like.
However I do not have enough trees with the real looking ones alone, so figured I would buy some K&M ones as they are dirt cheap and have the feels.
The K&M ones are usable as is, no need to add scatter and so on.
So not quite as nice, but way cheaper and easier.
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I just have huge nostalgia for them! I did more realistic trees for one board and was going to make a load out of some woodland scenic armatures (I probably still will), but then started getting all misty eyed for the old bog brushes so that's what I'm going with at least for a batch.


Brilliant work! The tollbooth is a very handy little piece. And the trees look great. :) Never thought of using that particular sort of brush, but I suppose they'd be the right size and fairly affordable. Hmm. I'll keep that in mind!
Finished the spiel for the cottage.





Fraulein Pfiezel is rumoured to be a witch.

She lives in her cottage, which is a few hours walk out of the village proper.
It can be reached via a small track that leads off from the main road, which can be identified by an old abandoned cart that has become quite overgrown,

Rumour aside, we do know that she likes to keeps to herself a lot.
On the rare occasions she does come into the village the folks there are deferent and polite.

She is often wandering the hills to the north of Heiligsheld or the deeper areas of the woods.
She is an accomplished herbalist and is the locals go to for cures and remedies.

Her cottage is small, and she has a small herb garden that she maintains fastidiously.

On her door is the skull of what the villagers say is a Beastmen she killed for wandering too close.

She claims to know nothing about anything like that, and she says it is just a skull she found, probably a sheep or goat or something.
She would say that though, she is deaf as a post, even with her hearing trumpet fashioned from the thigh of a Beastman.

She also has a cat.


Call the Witchsmeller Pursuivant! Does the cat drink milk I wonder? And I bet she's growing carrots in that garden and we all know who's favourite food carrots are. Witch!

So apologies aside for those here were were not raised by having Blackadder injected into their veins I am loving the little backstory, not to mention the cottage itself. Great witch (ahem) model, that ear trumpet is brilliant and a nice simple effective paint scheme.
Thanks, it is all about the details for me.

Not sure about Blackadder, but Fraulein Pfiezel's brother is an alchemist who is rumoured to have made a whole nugget of purest Green.

Geroak II

On her door is the skull of what the villagers say is a Beastmen she killed for wandering too close.
No one messes with granny Pfiezel. :shock:

Lovely paintjob, fox pelt is a nice touch and her cottage with wild vegetation around it and moss growing on shingles looks great.
Is the mini from townsfolk or wizards range? Don't think I've ever seen her before.


Call the Witchsmeller Pursuivant! Does the cat drink milk I wonder? And I bet she's growing carrots in that garden and we all know who's favourite food carrots are. Witch!

So apologies aside for those here were were not raised by having Blackadder injected into their veins I am loving the little backstory, not to mention the cottage itself. Great witch (ahem) model, that ear trumpet is brilliant and a nice simple effective paint scheme.
Ah, But then, I think it's a fake nose.. Weigh her against a duck to see if she is a witch (a more well known English reference ^_^ though Blackadder is pretty well known)

Geroak II

Freehand on shields look ace and though it's lots of effort for scenery pieces it definitely pays off; with a full gaming table's worth of terrain made to this level is going to look awesome.

Old Mother Parma:

One of the more rare Citadel miniatures I take it? What's that thing hanging from the belt, on her back? A piece of cloth? To me it looks like a severed hand copping a feel... :o