Manic's Gaming Boards build - A long log of events


The board has all dried and is fine ^_^ there is a slight raise of either edge where the dams were, which I cut down a bit and then sanded but.. didn't do the job perfectly.. but oh well. Busy weekend so I can't start to add the effect layer but this layer looks great.

thanks ^_^


yay.. great.. doing the next board, 3 places to dam.. and it turned out one of them had a slight leak.. luckly not TOO messy but I might need to pour a second layer to bring it up a bit later. Thinking about trying to do some effects on the board already done (not the burnt one) and work out some mossy and leafy cover for the burnt one which i'll then put the effects on top to give it a bit of depth


Okay, Surface ripples added to this one, which is now the first completed (as the first one with resin burnt but I'll do something with it). Taken photo in the kitchen due to the best light. the Ripples really show up with this light.. though you can also see just how off the flock around the edge is compared to the rest but that's fine enough. I don't wanna add too much in the way of bushes and stuff cause it makes them much harder to store, and I have stuff like trees on bases which can be put onto the board.. well.. One tree I made some time back now but wanna do some more woodland. Also got 2 huts from a set to make a little village.. I'll have to take a photo of them some time (one done, one just wanna add a couple of little touches). At the middle of the bend, the rippling is a bit.. worse (hard to tell though and it's fine) because by mistake I mixed up a bit too much of the gorilla quick set resin in one go and didn't notice until it was setting a bit too fast, my hand was getting a bit warm holding the pot and all the nice fun smoke ^_^ nothing too bad to melt plastic or anything but.. lost a bit of resin that way ¬_¬
Still, the only thing this board really needs now is to see if the edges need some sanding or something (probably need to wait till more boards done) and then I'm thinking of black trimming. I doubt the boards will 100% kinda seamlessly fit together but never expected that and.. hell, fine many photos from back in the day in WD or anything which shows tiles or even placed hills fitting in seamlessly ^_^ it's not something to be concerned about.. Back when I was doing woodland conservation work (for about 10 years), we had a term for not quite perfect.. it was called 'Rustic' ^_^

Oh and.. the bottom looks a bit more bent then straight.. but that's mostly just due to the camera.. that aren't that far good being flat

Fimm McCool

Looks good to me. Terrain modules never do seamlessly blend. It's one of those annoying things you just have to get used to so they don't bug you so much.


yay.. next board now has water flowing up hill ¬_¬ Due to that slight leak, I poured a second layer to bring it up to point, but for some reason it was creating problems with laying flat (probably due to what I had it resting on) and while I need adjust it a number of times through the day when I noticed it was leaning, it's kinda ending up with the water now at a slant.. I could try to file it down, smooth it out etc but.. I'm not good at that.. Maybe I can get away with adding a 'dam' structure.. Might be okay If I did that.


problem is its a T section.. while i think 2 of the edges the water doesn't look TOO high or slanted, the one bit in the middle end up pretty high.. possible though.. I'll have to take a photo of it when i get a time and compare the heights to the one I got done


not great photos
crap light sourcing but can probably make out the resin is leaning heavily towards the exit at the front (there is also a slight... what looks like I didn't mix the resin quite right but it's probebly just some dirt or something while it was drying cause it looked fine as a I poured and it's set all fine..

And I trying to show the difference in level between the worse part of this one and the board that completed but I haven't cleaned the edges really enough to get them to butt against each other but.. there is a difference.. but looking closely.. maybe 1cm if that.. I'm kinda wondering if I could sand down it a bit more at the edge so it's just like a bit of a raise and fall in the flow so when i put the textured layer on top, it's not tooo bad.. but this aren't great photos.. sorry ^_^; either way.. This is my first time, these are a bit more advanced then just throw a cloth over a table, you learn from mistakes more then successes and.. erm.. As Roy Castle sang, You have to Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the positive (well, he didn't write or originally record it but.. Roy Castle! great all round British entertainer)


tricky.. as I've already got the texture and stuff done.. I think topping it up and doing the texturing again would just create needless extra issues


Maybe you could put some rocks and sticks down temporarily as a beaver dam or something like that? Anyway, the modules look great and I'm well impressed. :)


currently I've done most of the sanding so one edge which isn't too badly off is gonna slope a tiny bit but that'll probably mostly be hidden by the texture layer, and the big bit will have a couple of wood logs as a dam, though historically, If going that route, Motor and stone dams kinda pre-date Wood as man-made damns going back almost to pre-history. still, wood looks better ^_^ I'm using some miscast pieces which I'll probably take a photo off when it's ready. I've sanded down the area a bit so the logs have a bit of depth. then I'll use the texturing layer of resin to smooth bits out around it.

Meanwhile, the final river section (kinda), the Lake has the first layer poured and drying so I can do the next layer.. Kinda forgot just how much resin that'll need ^_^; so I'll probably be a few pours, which need a few days between to get it to set and all.

also meanwhile, my next board is a simple flat grass one (I have 2 flat grass plains planned). I've got that one build and some filla drying on it to give it abit less completely flat surface.. I'm debating details for the surface though. Either just flat grass or some animal trails on the grass.

I've also now got a nice little collection of scatter (ish) building up.. 2 'goblin' huts (this makes them a bit small for humans but still nice. easy working for Goblins, Halflings, whatever), a little camp fire, standing stone type thing, an Altar I showed a year or so ago, something else I can't think of right now, another hut in the works, and a rock-like wall getting some painting details.. also attempting a WD cottage build ^_^; and something else..


^To be fair, I was thinking a beaver dam, or some other naturally occurring sort of dam. Yeah, an actual man-made stone dam would also be awesome.


it's gonna be wood but with hints of man-made nature ^_^ but yeah, a stone one would look nice.. wonder if I can create one as scatter..


Okay.. with luck, it looks like I'll take a Photo on Saturday and the next board is done. The water Texturing is all done on the T board. I think a couple of bits slightly screwed up on the texture but.. I don't really want to try adding tiny bit more resin or sanding to try to smooth it out a bit more.. It'll be fine for what it is ^_^

I need to order some more resin for pouring of the lake.. kinda holding back a tiny bit on that (For various reasons) and still having a bit of trouble coming up with something I think will look good for dealing with the burnt tile. just need to find some reference photos of the kinda stuff I could put around the river to make sense..

Also still debating how to do the first flat grass one.. need to think about what patterns would work well..

Hopefully, I'll also take a photo of some of my scatter on one of the boards.