well.. I'm being a bit stupid at first.. I decided to get the boards painted and after trying to get some brown paint, I ended up getting some.. but.. it turned out to be.. well.. looks more like charcoal to me then the image gave the impression off. for some reason, the description said brown, and some people say it's a brown (though I thought it was a bit dark but that's no problem as I could build up lighter bits on it) but others say it's a grey.. either way.. not that fantastic.
So after trying craft shops.. I tried a local toy shop ^_^ for a good price, some base colours and some mixing pots.. So, for some reason, I was drawing a complete blank on how to make brown from what I had.. no clue why but I did.. I ended up kinda wasting two pots.. one has.. well.. a brown that'll be a nice base for the one tree I got to paint (large tree) and the other.. well.. I refer to the colour as 'sewage'. and annoying ended up taking up the whole of the mixing pot.. either way, I finally got a brown mixed.. a bit darker and not quite what I had in mind, but a perfectly servable brown. While doing some waiting, I had my fourth board made up because I had a small lake tile planned, with a island in the middle. Since this would need the same brown and everything as the river parts (also with resin water) so it made sense to have this as a set already. There was a minor issue with gluing the edging but.. I can deal with that.
So.. gave them a paint in the brown mix. I then made a darker brown mix and added about 50% or so water (maybe a bit more) to make a dark wash. I then Washed the boards (including bits I didn't paint cause I was grass matting the boards anyway). turned out a bit.. dark but not too bad.. mixed up a little much lighter brown as it was now a few days later and my mind was working far better then when trying to do the first mix. I dried brushed this over it and it didn't do quite as much as I hopped, so I then dried brush some white WHILE I hadn't really cleaned the brush from the brown. this turned out pretty nice I think. so while a bit darker then my original idea, I think the river section rocks and bits look pretty good. I hope to take photos tomorrow when it's lighter and I got a bit more time. I have a couple of bits of stone blocks for 'ruin' like bits to put in the bottom of the lake but I think the next stage (as well as doing that) is to apply the grass matting. Resin will probably be one of the last things I'll do on these. I think before that, it might be an idea to seal it with PVA or something, but that'll be after I've added some detailing on top of the grass and stuff to keep them good.
Work on one bridge is also going well as I'm fixing the 'roping' to the bridge, after debating alot how to do it (as in how it attaches etc). It fits pretty well over the river sections and while kinda oversized (because of course.. alot of miniature stuff has to be oversized to make it practical for gaming) but not too bad. The only bit it doesn't really fit too well is.. from the bank to the island on the lake section. Kinda works in a couple of places but oh well. works well enough that the island would be a great place for either some objective that needs to be guarded/captured or a place for putting a cannon or something, or with the range of 3 foot, a nice place for a Skaven Jezziel.
Anyway.. Like I said, plan is for Photos tomorrow