Manic's Gaming Boards build - A long log of events


well.. I did hope to get outside for a couple of better shots with a bit of space but it's pissing down..

ripper effect done and dam in place. made from some pieces from a mis-cast Oakbound siege tower. I think they worked pretty well for the job. there is the odd bit of man-made nature in them but still alot of rough woodiness to make it look like a very primitive structure. still need to check the boards next to each other on a completely flat surface to see what sanding on the edges need doing and then paint the edging.

And a quick shot of the other one done earlier with some scatter. I've already shown that Altar before but added it to a little bonfire (well, quick big when you really compare it to the Skaven I added for scale), but there are three goblin huts from.. Scotia Grendel I think, a Celtic stone from Alternative armies (bonfire from them too I think) and a kinda rock pile which was pour holes from an Oakbound model via.. I think ramshackle did the mould making for that. Might add a couple of grass tuffs to the edge of the bonfire but it makes sense more like that.. you wanna clear the area around a bonfire to stop it spreading badly.


Right.. finally got around to photos for these two.. My Lake tile (which is... well, I knew Resin was a bit heavy but until you move it, a rough idea of weight doesn't mean much).. a pretty much solid block of resin.. I think there is a tiny bit of a slope but not enough to worry about.
Also noticed there is a tiny bit of the bank I need to touch up the paint on but that's fine. I do have a partly made bridge which is move about and can be placed to go from the little islet to the bank. A good place for sniping or long range attacking from ^_^

And this is the first of two 'plain' tiles. pretty plain, slight uneven ground to make it a bit natural, and decided to make some bare paths in it but they have KINDA turned out a bit big but work fine. I checked putting some of my huts around the tile and they can work pretty well with it. I was able to get hold of some flock which was the same as the grass mats I use but it appears gauge master (who make the stuff) have said that they can't get any more of the flock from the manufacturer.. so I don't know if they are just discontinuing the flock, or the matting too.. but oh well. Yes, that stuff is more of a cared for lawn (erm.. Summer grass or something) but if anyone tried to do natural wildland grass, you wouldn't be able to stick figures on it and this is fair enough for me.

If I don't count the 'burnt' board (I still need to figure out the right river weed stuff to fix that board up), then that's 4 boards completed, out of 8 (should have been 9) of the initial lot. want to get a photo of the 4 together but might be a bit busy this week for that.


They look really nice. What adventures lie on that island I wonder!

I used some Model Mates Brown Oil spray to add some variation to a few bits of static grass that were similarly uniform (some of the GW flocked hills). Whilst Model Mates no longer exists the company that ran them Dirty Down still does and probably still sells the product as most of their modelling stuff was just adapted from their TV/Film products. Anyhow dusting that over in a few places I thought helped to break up the uniform look a little on my stuff.