Fimm's painted models

Fimm McCool

EricF":2bshazpg said:
Deadcember well spent I'd say!

Thanks! Actually the chariots were the only things that weren't almost finished here, they were painted from undercoat in Deadcember. There are quite a few more units to come in the following weeks that occupied most of my holiday!

Fimm McCool

More from the big Deadcember push. This time the monks of La Maisontaal, enthralled to the power of the Lichemaster after his vengeance was exacted.





As always more info and pictures on the blog:


This is turning into a really nice army. How long have you been working on it? And how did you find the mounted wight lord’s undead horse to assemble? I’ve just got one to Mount my necromancer on and it’s a hideous fit. There will be a tonne of green stuff used to hide the gaps…

Fimm McCool

I started the army about 6 years ago, by which I mean bought the miniatures, undercoated and drybrushed the bone on most of the skeletons and then finished up two units (Krell's and Zwemmer's) before losing motivation. It sat like that until the beginning of December 2022 and was finished between then and the first week of January when I was on Christmas leave.

I don't remember how the wight's horse was to build, I don't think it was terrible but it was so long ago... I do remember it was a model I really wanted to include having thought it was really unusual looking and a stand-out model when it was first released. When I actually got one it wasn't quite as I had remembered/imagined it and a little bit disappointing but still a really cool mount.


I really love the way you've done the back drops in the photos. Shows the model clearly but really gives interest and character. Looks great under the lighting.

Fimm McCool

Thanks. I find with the lightbox it's better if there's something other than white behind, otherwise the models 'glow' a bit. A standard blue gradient would be suitably wavy metal but I do like the scenes.