[BOYL14 EVENT] The rogue trader quickening


whiskey priest":1voc7i0s said:
I was thinking about how the Sensei killing is going to work and thought about whether we should go with a situation where a Sensei last wound can only be taken by another Sensei and only in combat.

Thats easy to remember and doesnt require extra bookwork so Im for it.

whiskey priest":1voc7i0s said:
Any shooting attacks while on his last wound would knock him down or pin him if you gents prefer.

Are we going with Necromunda pinning rules throughout the scenario? If we are (Im for it) then it will happen anyway.


Best way to represent immortality in combat with no hassle and no overpowering.

There is another point I'd like to raise. How do we give a profile to our Sensei? I believe the followers can be normal gangers equiped as the model is in a straightforward manner but the basic gang leader profile doesn't strike me as very sexy... do we allow a roll on the "new skill" chart so that they either gain a skill or an upgraded bonus? Do you think a basic profils is enough and that added skills would only slow the game down?


We dont need to use the stat lines from Necromunda, just the rules engine. The stats can be anything we want, as long as we have them decided upon before the day and each player has access to a legible reference sheet.

A M4, WS5, BS5, S4, T4, W2 or 3, I4 or 5, A3, Ld9 or 10 statline is appropriate, very good but the low rank characters can still potentially hurt the Sensei. Low level armour is close to useless due to Save Modifiers, but it might be worth giving 5+ saves across the board just for show anyway. People enjoy making saving rolls.

Regarding things like skills, its worth giving each Sensei a single skill. With a common Sensei stat line, that single skill will give each of them some flavour. If we pick a number of skills from those available in advance (straightforward skills, nothing too crunchy in rules terms) and put them on cards we can then deal one to each player.

You may have noticed that I am a fan of cards for things like this :) I am happy to pick out the most appropriate skills and provide a list if you want me to, but I will leave the DTP side of things to someone better equipped for it.


We're in sinc on this.
A single statline for followers and a single one for sensei too. Sensei will each have a skill (which could very well result in a stat boost instead of a "special rule" like in the rulebook)
If you could sort out a list of the skills you think worthy of having, it would help us get our stats ready and I could prepare the Combat cards for the sensei which are already finished.

DTP will be done by me and my poor Gimp skills everytime I receive a new Sensei profile.


Asslessman":dydwv9r6 said:
If you could sort out a list of the skills you think worthy of having, it would help us get our stats ready and I could prepare the Combat cards for the sensei which are already finished.

No problem. I will get a list together and post it up here.


Brilliant, I'll be finishing the Combat card template in order to start editing th cards for the Already completed sensei.

Painting on Connor Mc Lambert started yesterday night, he will be the center of attention until completion. It should mean I'll have a spare Sensei team to lend to anyone who hasn't got any and feels like joining ;)

How about the tokens for drawing turns ?


Asslessman":1hel2lib said:
How about the tokens for drawing turns ?

As you should have images of each of the painted Sensei at that stage, then the obvious thing to me would be (wait for it...) a card with the model and his name on it. Orientating that image in Landscape rather than Portrait would remove any potential confusion with the "Combat" stat card. A different coloured card back/card sleeve would be helpful too.


OK for the cards ! All these cards and the necromunda rules we'll be using smell dangerously like WH40k 2nd ed, I hope we won't have to face the wrath of archeoldhammerers :lol:


OK, lads, I came up with a better combat card for my Sensei, I now have a template that should enable me to come up with cards for all models pretty rapidly (i.e. in a couple of lunchbreaks).


I'm waiting for your thoughts on this, the stats are obviously just temporary before we agree on the basic profile for both Sensei and henchmen and the special rule is just something I wrote to show where the special skill would go (even though I love this skill a lot).

We need to figure :

- Basic profiles for Sensei and crewmen

I think
M4, WS5, BS5, S4, T3, W3 , I5, A3, Ld10

would be good as a start for Sensei and a basic ganger profile for crewmen (all of this to be discussed and agrred by the democratic majority)

- Skills :
Cheetor is working on it

- the back of the cards :
Maybe the back of regular combat cards would be good enough but I thought I could make a special back using Mr Rab's logo for BOYL 2014. If you don't really care about this, I think I'll just come up with a mix of a regular combat card back and Mr Rab's logo (if he's OK with it).


That looks great to me and I have no problem with that statline or with retinue being ordinary gangers. It keeps everything nice and simple. I have no preference regarding the back of the cards.
That looks great. I reckon the back having a mix of the regular combat card and some reference to BOYL 2014 would be best. Really looking forward to this!


Leromides":iiqo9tyn said:
That looks great to me and I have no problem with that statline or with retinue being ordinary gangers. It keeps everything nice and simple. I have no preference regarding the back of the cards.



Cheers guys, you're making the boring part goes so smoothly I just can't imagine how good the funny part will be !


Card looks great!
Stats look good!
I'm wishing away the next few months because I want to play now!!!!

(+ Knowing him quite well, I am sure Mr Rab will take any use of his design as a compliment and be more than happy for it to happen.)


whiskey priest":1fdwidmw said:
Do you want us to send you new pics of our Sensei on plain backgrounds?

Yes please, it would help me achieve a better look. I won't go into making some parts come from the center like they used to do because it is far more time-consuming with my present skills so a plain background would help a lot.
That done I'll just need the stats and skills picked once we have our restricted list.

@antipixi : Though I share your eagerness, I really need the time ahead to finish a few things so no hurry :grin:


Asslessman":37kc73uv said:
@antipixi : Though I share your eagerness, I really need the time ahead to finish a few things so no hurry :grin:

I was making the assumption that I could have been very productive during the fast forwarded months! :grin: