[BOYL14 EVENT] The rogue trader quickening


Since the Confrontation / rt game was supposed to be with 5 men teams I proposed a single model thing for the Sensei event, I'm happy to go either way to please everyone, there are 6 of us now which is 32 models since Richard should by all means have his 7 dwarves with his sensei.

The way it's turning, The sensei venet could very well replace the RT skirmish initial game but this is in no way a problem, I'm pretty sure we could accept bounty hunters aka immortal hunters on the table (who's talking about venators?)

ON a side note, we need to agree on certain special rules like how to properly "kill" or "behead" a sensei (or other immortals).

Proposition :
- a roll of 6 on any "to wound" in a CC fight roll means the death of the sensei (he's beheaded)
- other wounds are counted normally
- an immortal whose W get below 0 is just considered "stunned" and cannot play for a whole turn, he then stands up with 1 life point and so on...

Quickenings :
- Immortals who defeat another immortal get oof the ground with iceblue electricity coming out from every part of them, they cannot act for a whole turn but gain a 4+ ward save.
- Once they can move again (at the end of the tun) they gain a +1 bonus in a randomly sleected stat.

What do you think?


My preference is always to KISS.

Only another Sensei can inflict the final wound on a Sensei.

Quickenings make all Sensei completely immune and immobile for the turn. Quickening heal all wounds on the Sensei that kills the other.

Zero bookwork. The fewer fiddly things to remember the better IMO. Thats my preference, but Im not running it so its not up to me :)


Well , your solution is far more elegant and simple and therefore has my favour. Only thing is that with so much models and players, we may have to move (or remove) the more regular RT skirmish game which means other factions may lose some opportunities (thinking about axiom's bratts and others).

I have no issues about making something bigger for the "Quickening" since it gathers a lot of interest, it's just we will have to take room from the regualr game since most players, tables and some models will be common.

the 2 options I see are :

- to merge both games (my favourite option)
- to have two seperate games on 2 seperate days

I'd favour the first option and your rules over mine with just th eadded possibility for other players to "behead" immortals
I'd rather have the games on separate days if possible as I was looking forward to the game with Cheetor and the confrontation game.


Then maybe we should move the Quickening to Sunday. This way you could have your pirate game With Cheetor followed by the conforntation game since the two could be linked.


Personally, I liked the original idea of each player using just a Sensei. However, I'll play whatever is going on on the day.

If we are playing with 4 followers:

Do we roll them on the Sensei followers table or just pick some 'plebs' from appropriate races?
How are we determining equipment? 5D6 (1 each for Sensei and 4 followers) then spread it around?

Just asking as I am SOOOOO slow at getting minis ready, I need as much time as possible to prepare! :roll:
I would prefer to just trust people to pick sensible followers following "pathetic aesthetics", models that they are inclined to paint up rather than rolling randomly. There is room for both options running concurrently if people still want to roll up stuff.


WYSIWYG and Pathetic Aesthetic for me, The followers will be just the ones I like most in terms of look and the grey sensei (Connor McLambert) is nearly done and has been equiped with a regular sword and a laspistol and he's wearing a pair of Jeans, a T-shirt and a long jacket (Don't know how he managed to survive millenias like that :? )


Asslessman":8ub7p2ef said:
(Don't know how he managed to survive millenias like that :?

His brother, also a Sensei, is a tailor ;) Possibly the same tailor that is dressing my Sensei in pseudo Renaissance gear made to a 39,000 year old fashion aesthetic.

I will be painting a group of figures that I think will be fun to paint for my Sensei band. Some decisions will be made based on figures that I think look good together and I will take a look at the Sensei tables for inspiration, but I wont be tying myself to a rolled up band. Not that there is anything wrong with doing that of course, its just not the best way for me to get motivated to paint.

I dont think that combining the Sensei game with the Confrontation game is the best route to take to be honest: I dont think that it will satisfy either set of criteria adequately. Some nimble timetabling would be the best bet I think, but its up to you.

Speaking of timetabling, even though I intended to stay fairly freeform for the weekend, with few direct game commitments, I now have a number of commitments, namely my Pirate game with Whiskey Priest, the Confrontation game, the Sensei game and the Vehicle not-GoMo game. Although I hope that all of those games will be comparatively short affairs, each will still likely take a morning, an afternoon or an evening, so thats me pretty much fully booked now.


Well my sensei band wil lhave a halfling (not an option available in the charts normally) and I don't think it should be any problem.

regardeng teh game split, I've thought about it and changed my mind. I believe it's better to have th epirate game followed by the confrontation one on one hand and th esensei one no the other instead of merging evryting like I suggested sooner.
With your rules proposition, it actually ensure the sensei game can be a quicker one to leave romm for any other commitment. I haven't been playing for 4 years now so I'm a bit rusted, I'm trusting those of you who are more experienced gamers than I.
Oh and with the sensei survivability, we should end up with sensei only on the table in no time ;).
You do realise that none of us know the rules that well and that there will be a lot of guessing, doing what feels right and making it up on the spot? :lol:


whiskey priest":9bmj0txi said:
You do realise that none of us know the rules that well and that there will be a lot of guessing, doing what feels right and making it up on the spot? :lol:

I do, and I also plan on the complete absence of any form of rules lawyering but that's a given in Oldhammer right? :grin:

Seriously, I was more talking about game length and such matters, we all know how to roll for "to hit", "to wound" and "to save" occasions, other issues will be dealt by the bearded guy with a strong accent (that could be multiple people around the table to british eyes and ears but I'm ws refering to me) AKA Game master.


whiskey priest":22uqajhl said:
You do realise that none of us know the rules that well and that there will be a lot of guessing, doing what feels right and making it up on the spot? :lol:

I know the Necromunda/Second Ed era pretty well (although I am quite rusty). Thats the flavour of Oldhammer 40K that works the best for this sort of thing I think, but consensus may differ. Even back in the RT days I played primarily with the Battle Manual changes to the game (essentially the 2nd ed beta). I cant really remember the original RT close combat system at all and whenever I glance at that part of the old rulebook I get an urge to gouge my eyes out ;)

If we all want to sing from exactly the same hymn sheet, then the legitimately downloaded and therefore perfectly fine to distribute Necromunda Underhive ruleset is probably the easiest single document to use. Its essentially 2nd ed 40k, but with Pinning etc if we want to use that stuff. If someone is hell bent on using wacky equipment (they are Sensei after all) the rules for Neuro Disrupters, Conversion Beamers, Hallucinogen Grenades etc are all in the 2nd Wargear book and are 99% compatible (some issues with sustained fire dice/no sustained fire dice, but nothing very contentious).

Im off to take a look at the Sensei warband charts :)
I'm happy to go with it principal, I've just never loved combat from 2nd ed but in the name of group harmony I'll shut my pie hole and agree :lol: . I've got the necromunda books rather than the download but if memory serves they aren't that different content wise. I've even got a laminated playsheet!


whiskey priest":3n7f27v0 said:
I'm happy to go with it principal, I've just never loved combat from 2nd ed but in the name of group harmony I'll shut my pie hole and agree :lol: .

Im definitely not wearing my autocrat hat in this regard. If you guys want to use another system then I am 100% fine with it :)

The 2nd ed close combat is ridiculously slow for large games, but its adequate for smaller, heroic actions I think. It also directly ties in with the various Necromunda skills in case we wanted to give each Sensei a skill or something (possibly drawn from a limited deck of pre-approved skill cards) to give each Sensei some unique character. Quick, easy and modular.

But seriously, if you guys want to use a different close combat system then I am utterly fine with it. I just wont be much use as a reference in that aspect of the rules in that case.

whiskey priest":3n7f27v0 said:
I've got the necromunda books rather than the download but if memory serves they aren't that different content wise.

You are right. They are very similar. Any differences in the game rules (rather than campaign rules) are minor tweaks that I suspect would make close to no difference for this having-a-laugh, shooting-from-the-hip, casual sort of thing.
Nah it's fine honestly, it's just a 'feel' thing for me. Technically it doesn't make any difference. The Sensei will all be high WS and high wounds anyway so it should work out fine. :)
The close combat in Necromunda has the advantage of tending towards conclusive encounters rather than long drawn out affairs involving multiple participants and would certainly suit a quicker game. RT close combat had a lot of hang up's from early editions of WHFB.


There are 7 players now which would mean 37 models on the table, how do we manage turns for 7 players? no one wold want to be the 7th to play !

Do we let characters play by order of initiative? After a quick look at the necromunda rules, initiatives for basic profiles will all be between 3 or 4 so that may not help much.

I 've been lead to think this is handled in Mordheim so i'm asking for some intel on the matter guys.