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[BOYL14 EVENT] The rogue trader quickening


Ok guys, all this sensei madness has got some of us to consider doing a little game.

Far too much immortals are appearing and it looks like a lot more are due for BOYL, aaaaand you know what they say , THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

This games is not defined yet but the basic idea will be to let as much sensei or other immortals in the arena and see who comes out of the madness.
I believe the game will take place after the conforntation/necromunda mash-up we're doing on Saturday but that could change.

Rules : to be clarified, any suggestions to have a quick, nervous games happily welcomed, I would prefer to have a system woherent with the other games played so that we don't have a whole bunch of profiles for each game.

EDIT : May I precise that for the very idea of quickening to be working, ALL entries must have at least one weapon enabling decapitation, no death by any other mean will be accepted !

Contestants :

- Asslessman : Lucas Stern (Good Sensei) and Connor Mc Lambert (grey sensei)
- Cheetor : TBC : A Scottish man impersonating an Egyptian dressed like a Spaniard in space.
- Antipixi : Lady Nkiruka, Herald of the Emperor
- Theottovonbismark : TBC : Russian grey sensei, kind of guy who would put swater in his wine and crosses streets outside zebras
- Whiskey Priest : Zander Van Zant, Good Sensei Many a man has fallen to his sword for saying his hair is a bit girly!
- Leromides : "Snow" Blanche, female Sensei, a naive and charming apple-eater dwarf idol
- Warlord Paul :


Re: [BOYL14 EVENT] The rogue trader quickening quickening

Participant: cheetor.

Sensei: Ramirez - a Scottish man impersonating an Egyptian dressed like a Spaniard in space.



I am in for a sort of evil Sensai originally from Russia who's hobbies include tossing children into pits full of starved dogs, to watch them fight for meat. Expect some evil twisted evil Xenos to follow this rum bugger.


Richard, you're in ! Please state a little description of your sensei


Do not hesitate to post pics of your Sensei so that I can Edit the first post and make it look sexy ;)


The woman known as Blanche was already a renegade before her true nature came to light. When the massive dose of poison administered by an imperial assassin failed to do more than induce a deep sleep it became clear she was in fact immortal. Now she searches for answers to her condition and is quite happy to kill anyone that gets in her way. Of course there are those that see significance in the fact that her followers, usually squats for some reason, always number 7.


Leromides":26uumy8u said:
The woman known as Blanche was already a renegade before her true nature came to light. When the massive dose of poison administered by an imperial assassin failed to do more than induce a deep sleep it became clear she was in fact immortal. Now she searches for answers to her condition and is quite happy to kill anyone that gets in her way. Of course there are those that see significance in the fact that her followers, usually squats for some reason, always number 7.

Ha ha! Legendary. I presume that she whistles while performing leaping decapitations too.

First you introduce me to the term "Disneybounding" and now this. I see great things ahead :)
Zander Van Zant waving his sword around in a vaguely menacing way, flanked by Griff Dander and Emderly Sawtinaly Sumpton IV.



and with the rest of his crew


whiskey priest":3kmpoj24 said:
Zander Van Zant waving his sword around in a vaguely menacing way, flanked by Griff Dander and Emderly Sawtinaly Sumpton IV.

I had forgotten how cool those guys look. Cant wait to see them in hand :)

whiskey priest":3kmpoj24 said:
and with the rest of his crew

Do our Sensei require a crew for this game? Im perfectly fine with it if they do, but Im not currently sure if they do or not.
That's a good point. I'd assume that the adventurer band might make the game a bit more fun rather than just a gladiatorial combat deal.


whiskey priest":1e92qupl said:
That's a good point. I'd assume that the adventurer band might make the game a bit more fun rather than just a gladiatorial combat deal.

I agree.

I also think that all Sensei on the board should glow blue and be suspended in the air by highly visible wires (miss a turn in rules terms) whenever another Sensei is beheaded. That would give time for the schlubs to carry out their petty, inconsequential, non-millennia spanning plans.
cheetor":ib5wtazk said:
whiskey priest":ib5wtazk said:
That's a good point. I'd assume that the adventurer band might make the game a bit more fun rather than just a gladiatorial combat deal.

I agree.

I also think that all Sensei on the board should glow blue and be suspended in the air by highly visible wires (miss a turn in rules terms) whenever another Sensei is beheaded. That would give time for the schlubs to carry out their petty, inconsequential, non-millennia spanning plans.

I agree with all of this. It's a great excuse for me to use those oddball guys I have been working on of late ;) .


theottovonbismark":yplobjsv said:
I agree with all of this. It's a great excuse for me to use those oddball guys I have been working on of late ;) .

I dont see Skeletork being being too happy with being relegated to "minion" and two Sean Connery models on the same table might cause a sub-space anomaly ;)

5 models (a sensei and four hangers on) sounds like a reasonable number to me. What do you guys think?


Can I have 7 if they are only little ones? Seriously though a total of 5 seems reasonable to keep the game moving at a good pace.
cheetor":16yrrxog said:
theottovonbismark":16yrrxog said:
I agree with all of this. It's a great excuse for me to use those oddball guys I have been working on of late ;) .

I dont see Skeletork being being too happy with being relegated to "minion" and two Sean Connery models on the same table might cause a sub-space anomaly ;)

5 models (a sensei and four hangers on) sounds like a reasonable number to me. What do you guys think?

If I took those guys there would be an overload of high budget actors, like A Bridge Too Far or Oceans 11. I mean to take some B-listers for this one - guys holding fingers to their temples and grimmacing, Sterner Regnix etc.

4 hangers on sounds about ideal - single wound schmucks and their ilk.

I don't have any issue with 7 dwarves, these things tend to balance out when rough alliances are forged...but one of them has to be dangerously incompetent ;)


Leromides":19iqfvwj said:
Can I have 7 if they are only little ones?

Have Grumpy carry Sleepy and Sneezy carry Dopey and base Doc, Happy and Bashful (the ninja space dwarf, obviously) normally. Job done.

Or something like this maybe, but with squats instead of grots:
