BOYL The Engines of Avalone Siege game


Great you can make it Paul. I was looking forward to your 'Get to the Other Side' game :( Now my elves get to still pepper your forces with arrows :)


Right my wood elf contingent coming to the rescue of the brave defenders (!?) consists of:

1x Wood Elf Prince on giant eagle - wields a long bow and will possibly have some sort of magic sword. Exact level TBA.
1x Wood Mage - Again level TBA & exact combo of magic items undergoing some thought. May just have a scroll or something.

10x Archers with full command & levelled champion TBA. Possibly a magic standard but may omit this as I want things to be subtle.
5x Wood Elf Scouts
5x Wood Elf Scouts
5x Wardancers
1x Treeman

That's it! A small force yet highly manoeuvrable which I shall post in the showroom when I take some pics.


We're in danger of the defenders out numbering the attackers ! Nothing we cannot accommodate though I'm sure. I may bring some chaos as well as my orcs for the attackers just in case.

Steve, nice old war machines. Will you still be able to bring the ass cannon. Assless will cry if you don't.
Part of the reason I thought of the war machines Erny id that I was under the impression that it was looking a bit rough for the defenders, but I have to admit I haven't been following the thread blow-by-blow. Time permitting I'm aiming to bring both attackers and defenders orientated figures so I'm happy to field whatever is appropriate on the day.

Yes I'll be bringing the asscannon too :)


I'm not taking part in this game so disregard any irrelevancy but if you do happen to have moe defenders than attackers, you can still let destroyed attackers unit "respawn" on their side of the table to show the unstoppable waves of assiegers.. (allows to bring less models on the table but it's just my 2 cents on the subject).

Oh and Erny, considering the absolutely gorgeous models and table we'll have on our side, I'll keep a stiff upper lip about the absence of asscannon, it would be such a pity to miss that piece of wargaming history though ;)


Asslessman":2b2l1rji said:
Oh and Erny, considering the absolutely gorgeous models and table we'll have on our side, I'll keep a stiff upper lip about the absence of asscannon, it would be such a pity to miss that piece of wargaming history though ;)

Oi, you saying our models won't be gorgeous? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...


I'm not, I just know what's on the tables I'll play and feel like bragging a little. I have no worries about the quality (and quantity by reading this thread) of what's going to be in this game !


Now now children - play nicely...

Cos my Dad's a wrestler and e's 'arder than you Dad! :razz:

I also have quite a large skeleton horde that can turn up if needs be - even though they won't be any good for crossing the castle's magical defences.

I'm sure 3 screaming skull catapults, a Bone Giant, 24 Death Riders and 5 Carrion will come in handy for something... :twisted:
Please officially sign me up for the siege of avalon game on the sataurday. 113 orc archers will be arriving, and 2 giants. Will there be any hills for the giants to use their carts? 8-)

Led by the Battle Bitch, a mighty she-orc. Battle Bitch is a no nonsense orc who embraces rather unorcadox tactics, like having huge orc archer units led by goblins......

Here she is with her retainers



Great stuff - glad to have you Curtis. The giants will come in handy and it'll be most entertaining if they do get to ride down any hills in their carts!

There'll be no messing with the BB either I'm sure :twisted:


This game is intriguing me a lot. When I consider th epreparation we need for games of 20 to 25 models I just can't imagine how you're going to play a game with 15 players and about 100000 points on the table... Just putting the models on the table is going to take half a day :lol:
That said, there seems to be a load of experienced gamers involved so I'm not worrying too much.
Asslessman":3u8uelvg said:
I just can't imagine how you're going to play a game with 15 players and about 100000 points on the table

This is definitely part of the appeal of it for me :grin: I think the dreamer in me is hoping we can conjure something of the crazy battle scenes of old!