Looking at the list of players at the start of this thread - you've got, plus anybody else who's joined in since this was originally drafted (Me for one), as you can see there are a couple of players which could swing between both sides but depending on what people bring it looks a pretty good split with ratios of 1:3 - 1:5 (Defenders : Attackers).
Therefore, if, you're looking to plan your games across the weekend - I'd suggest asking those planning to play - what days they'll be there and what their bringing to the party?
Given the scenarios described - Friday will be won by those with the most light cavalry & archers, Saturday could be a slogging match, giving the most entertainment to both those taking part and spectators, with Sunday by those who have the most left on the table! By the way - who's GMing or is this by consensus?
Thantsants - The Goblinoid Horde - Friday and Saturday
Erny - one or two Goblins - All weekend?
Snickit - Skaven - All weekend?
Vyper - Chaos Warband
Ollie - Khorne Warband - Friday and Saturday
Citadel Collector - Ass Cannon (and some other stuff...)
Grumdril - Orcs and Chaos
Lenihan - Fimir (or maybe Sea Elves?) - Friday and Saturday
Skarsnik - Either commanding my Elf/Dwarf/Human Alliance or joining in with the Goblinoid horde - Friday and Saturday
Rab - Bretonnians - All weekend
Mr Furious - Human cavalry and artillery - All weekend
Harry - Merry Men (and knights) - Friday and Saturday
Just John - Halflings and assorted Treemen, Gnomes and maybe even Eagles!
To wit - If, I make it up (still need a car) I'll be there Friday, Saturday & Sunday with my re-vamped Empire & as much of the Green horde as I can carry.
Not sure - if, this helps, but I hope it does.
Paul / Golgfag1
Apologies now to anybody who was expecting to see the Slann / Lizardmen, I just don't have room!