BOYL The Engines of Avalone Siege game


Yep this is all heading towards what my youngest calls a set up. If it looks awesome then I'll be chuffed. If we get a bit of a game out of it all the better.


Asslessman":1313lhow said:
This game is intriguing me a lot. When I consider th epreparation we need for games of 20 to 25 models I just can't imagine how you're going to play a game with 15 players and about 100000 points on the table... Just putting the models on the table is going to take half a day :lol:
That said, there seems to be a load of experienced gamers involved so I'm not worrying too much.
What can possibly go wrong? :mrgreen:

Fimm McCool

Spectating this could go either way, personally I'm hoping for madness to reign! Definitely bringing the picnic rug and hamper to this one... and maybe a telescope so I can see what's going on a mile down the table...!


My wood elf force is posted in the showroom under 'Leadpest's Small wood Elf Army' for those that want to see exactly what I'm bringing along to this game.

Fimm is right; this will be a great game to simply watch. A real hoot! Anything that can happen probably will..
I mean, its a game that will last about 3 turns. IN that time though, 50 seige engines and 500 archers, plus magic, will really make a ruin of the castle!


ramshackle_curtis":35dkdo92 said:
I mean, its a game that will last about 3 turns. IN that time though, 50 seige engines and 500 archers, plus magic, will really make a ruin of the castle!

Well, I think the organisers will work out some innovations to make sure that we get through a few more turns than that, and that things can't be too easily overwhelmed with engines!


Room for one more on Sunday?

I'll stick to a small force, but i could bring something for either side, if there's any preference?


Sorry Dral - just seen your post.

Welcome aboard. I'm not going to be invovlved in the Sunday game unless there's any time in the afternoon after the Epic game I'm running but I'll leave my Goblinoid horde available for pillaging duties.

Not quite sure how the forces are matched on the Sunday but bring whatever you fell like or indeed both goodies and baddies and decide on the day.


That's the spirit! Hopefully I should be able to wander over and say hello, if not rejoin the game in the afternoon if I'm done crumpin' 6mm Space Orks in time :twisted:


Was a concrete decision reached on what was going to happen on each of the 3 days? An outline of the scenario/ plan of action for each day would be useful, as I want to make sure I'm getting everything I need ready - I'm up in Liverpool and this is my last chance to pick up some supplies of lead!


Depends. This has become bigger than I thought it would so I think complex rules should probably be dropped. I’m happy to work on them if there is an outcry but I think keep it simple is the way to go.

So here are my thoughts.

Game one:

Retreat of an army retreating army is a -1 ld, if they get within 8" of a settlement the villagers can spend a turn and leave with livestock/crops or can just run. Troops may come from the city at run after first retreating or civilian unit reaches the city but they better be fast!

After a turns grace the enemy may start bringing units on. Fastest units first.

Winner of the game is decided by gentleman’s agreement but should be based upon how much of the retreating army and how many of the civilians and how many supplies were saved as opposed to destroyed or in the case of supplies captured. The forces of the city may destroy supplies.

Game two.
Sally forth.

Suitable rewards for winning the previous game:
If the city won they have enough man power to allow either extra forces for the sally, or extra man power to repair damage reducing chance of a breech.

If the attackers won they get to have extra forces on the table at the start as they are not required for foraging.

At the start of the game the attacker’s siege engines are on the table, you bring it you can plonk it down. Every battery of siege engines may have a unit to guard them, probably from the army that supplies them. This should be an average unit, no table of chaos warriors please! Siege engines may be used to attack units on the board but any used in this way will not count towards making a breech. Siege engines should be placed about equidistance from the city walls and the attacking table edge.

The city forces attack, whatever they can scrape together but it must be on the table at the start behind the city walls. Slow moving troops are probably not the best idea. Hidden city forces may also attack (outlaws, wood elves etc. but be sensible over numbers).

Off table enemy troops may start coming on table after a couple of turns once the alarm has been raised each person with an attacking army places one unit. Again fastest first on a by army basis, so wolf boys or even wyvern riders for an orc army but Fimir would just place their first foot unit first.

Winner decided by gentleman’s agreement but should factor in the number of siege engines left to the attackers that was not used in a tactical sense during the battle. Perhaps less than half left is a defenders win?
If the attackers win a breech is caused, if they win big two breeches or a destroyed gate. If they lose no breech. We should probably7 aim to not spend all of Saturday playing this game as Sunday is a shorter day and the last battle should perhaps be the biggest affair.

Last battle all-out attack.

Starting from the midpoint between table edge and city the bad guys throw everything at the city. Forces are based on what get brought (within reason if the defenders have too much it will be one boring battle.) Unless clear cut winning side to be decided by a year’s worth of bragging and discussion.


All sounds good to me. I am going to make a small unit of slavers (nets, whips, etc.) for day 1. Should I also try to paint up a couple of civilians for Day 1, or do you think you have enough there?

With regards to day 2, may I bring bio warfare type siege engines, or is it only siege engines that can make a big hole in the wall that are welcome? ;)


Looking at the list of players at the start of this thread - you've got, plus anybody else who's joined in since this was originally drafted (Me for one), as you can see there are a couple of players which could swing between both sides but depending on what people bring it looks a pretty good split with ratios of 1:3 - 1:5 (Defenders : Attackers).
Therefore, if, you're looking to plan your games across the weekend - I'd suggest asking those planning to play - what days they'll be there and what their bringing to the party?
Given the scenarios described - Friday will be won by those with the most light cavalry & archers, Saturday could be a slogging match, giving the most entertainment to both those taking part and spectators, with Sunday by those who have the most left on the table! By the way - who's GMing or is this by consensus?

Thantsants - The Goblinoid Horde - Friday and Saturday
Erny - one or two Goblins - All weekend?
Snickit - Skaven - All weekend?
Vyper - Chaos Warband
Ollie - Khorne Warband - Friday and Saturday
Citadel Collector - Ass Cannon (and some other stuff...)
Grumdril - Orcs and Chaos

Lenihan - Fimir (or maybe Sea Elves?) - Friday and Saturday
Skarsnik - Either commanding my Elf/Dwarf/Human Alliance or joining in with the Goblinoid horde - Friday and Saturday

Rab - Bretonnians - All weekend
Mr Furious - Human cavalry and artillery - All weekend
Harry - Merry Men (and knights) - Friday and Saturday
Just John - Halflings and assorted Treemen, Gnomes and maybe even Eagles!

To wit - If, I make it up (still need a car) I'll be there Friday, Saturday & Sunday with my re-vamped Empire & as much of the Green horde as I can carry.

Not sure - if, this helps, but I hope it does.

Paul / Golgfag1

Apologies now to anybody who was expecting to see the Slann / Lizardmen, I just don't have room! :( :( :(


I will be bringing my goblinoid and an Empire army and a dwarf army (have to make sure there are some dwarves involved).
I'll only use what seems right.

I propose we GM by consent with the only exception someone needs to keep things going along at a good pace, maybe even suggest a maximum of an hour a turn, anything eft undone after that is left undone. Team whose turn it isn't should watch the clock, there fault if they give some of their hour to the opposition. Oh and we can have several people moving and fighting at the same time.
I'll there Friday and Saturday and intend bringing an asscannon and some 3rd ed. Bretonnian war machines. I can also bring a chaos warband in case they are needed.

Jeff McC

looks like I might have dropped off the list -
I'll be there all three days, I'm bringing a 3000 point wood elf army. I'm also planning to bring 4 empire units (heavy cavalry, flagellants, swordsmen and halberdiers) worth about 900 points and 2 units of dwarf crossbowmen worth 604 points, which can be used or not as needed. I also have 40 orcs (20 archer, 20 hand weapon & shield) I thought I'd bring along in case the attackers needed bulking out.


So I'll be there all three days and open to participating all three days. I'll be bringing between 2000 and 2200 points of fimir (including a small unit of slavers and their pack of hounds for possible use in the friday game) and I'll also try and get a few villager/farmer types ready for the friday. In terms of siege equipment, I have artillery for the purpose of sending plague and bile over the walls; I only have one ladder and one log ram for assaulting the walls but I'll try and get my hands on more stuff.