BOYL The Engines of Avalone Siege game


OK as Thantsants will be booking a table for his Epioc game on the Sunday, not the siege game I've registered and booked a table for both saturday and Sunday. Just to be sure.
No chance to book friday so i guess we'll just turn up and hope...
I have an orc army that I would be interested in bringing. It is 113 orc archers, 3 stone throwers and 6 bolt throwers, plus 2 giants and some cavarly, mainly mounted shaman.

Can I bring it and use it please? It is my own models, not GW or anything.


Right, so after much indecisiveness... I'm going to be marginally less indecisive.

I'll definitely be bringing my Centaur forces for Friday and I'd like to join in on either Saturday or Sunday too, on the other day I'd like to take part in The Shadows of Rensburg.

I doubt I'd be able to bring more than a 1000pts all told though.


Sounds good Vyper - I'm a bit light on cavalry so your Centaurs will be very welcome.

Welcome aboard Curtiss - looking forward to seeing your Ramshackle Orcs in the flesh!


Chaps is there room for a thousand points or so of wood elves? I am up for defending all weekend if needs be! I have a treeman to 'plant' in some strategically valuable position and a sneaky elvish eagle rider to wreak havoc on those below.. plus some archers, scouts wardancers etc etc


Is there any chance there'd be some room for a small human force in the mix? I'd planned to get a force fully painted and based for BOYL but lost track of time with moving city and all that entails. Luckily I've realised it's not far off with plenty of time to spare (six weeks and a whole lot of free evenings). If you've got a lot of defenders already, I could always paint up some gobbos :)

Feel free to tell me to sod off though, trying to muscle in this late in proceedings.

Oh, and I can get some extra peasants painted up to populate those hamlets if that's any help


Depending on table size we may all need to field less than we are actually bringing we may end up with a collapsed table otherwise! But everyone welcome.

Adam paint what takes your fancy for the defenders there are going to be many stretches of wall to man and cavalry will be needed for the sally.


Cheers for the quick responses, lads, and thanks for letting me join in.

I'll be able to come on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (if the game carries on into sunday), if there's room for me on all those days. I'll probably be staying overnight somewhere nearby as well, as travelling back and forth from Beeston on buses looks like it'd be a pain in the arse.

I'll be painting up a force of old worlder mercenaries in that case ( Estalian Caballeros ,Bandolleros gringos and Hombres Villanos) - decided to do an available 'off the shelf' force using foundry's ex-tadel models as I never seem to have any luck on ebay these days. Main thing is that I've got plenty of time to paint stuff up, so no repeat of last year's trying to paint on a rickety train.


Yes, those are the ones. I'm guessing that the units I mentioned were added to the Warhammer Armies book with those models in mind. They certainly looked nice when I was peering into the packs last year - I especially like the shield bearer lad in one of the command packs.

I'm hoping to paint up the following (based on the number of minis in the packs I'm buying, rather than any tactical considerations):

2 x 15 swordsmen with command

2 x 10 handgunners with command

1 x cart mounted altar to Myrmidia with an escort of four dapper chaps (surplus figures from the command packs).

And hopefully a unit of 12 cavalrymen, dependent on time (should do it though - I have to use up some of my annual leave in the weeks before BOYL).

I'll be popping down to Foundry tomorrow, probably. The sooner I get them, the sooner I can get caught up in the excitement of cleaning off mould lines


Erny":33nscmnv said:
Depending on table size we may all need to field less than we are actually bringing we may end up with a collapsed table otherwise! But everyone welcome.

Adam paint what takes your fancy for the defenders there are going to be many stretches of wall to man and cavalry will be needed for the sally.

Maybe this is a stupid idea, but assuming there are tables spare we can always have additional skirmishes going on "on the side" that can affect the balance of things in the main siege. Adds to the complexity, of course, but gives avenues for more people to play with more of their toys if needed.

After this weekend's gaming is complete, I'm going to turn my attention to preparations for this. I think I have an idea of what to bring for the Friday, I want to make sure I'm in the right general area ideas-wise before I get going with it (as I need to do a bit of conversion work and painting). Who should I run it past?


Well were not really saying no to anything really so as long as it's not incredibly controversial like an army of stuffed toys or several hundred thousand points worth of greater daemons I'm sure all is good. Just post your thoughts up here you'll soon see if everyone thinks its a great idea.


As I'm no longer doing my own thing - I'll bring what I can; so the Slann can take up position in the moat! Oh and just to be sure, I've just re-based my Empire (WOTR) army, so should be available to sally forth! (will post pictures in due course) :grin:

See you there

Paul / Golgfag1

Thantsants":2hfcgwws said:
Cheers Paul - I appreciate the offer. If I can get everything painted up I'll have 6 Stone Throwers and Lead Belcher in terms of artillery. I'll see who else pitches in with the baddies and let you know if that's ok. I wouldn't want you lugging your stuff up for us not to need it in the end!

If I can make it over on the Sunday I can pledge my Slann to the cause - if not you're more than welcome to use my little band. :mrgreen:


Welcome aboard Paul! - we definitely need to get some animosity going between the Bretonnians and your Slann mercenaries ;)

Beginning to think we should just move this game to the floor so we have room for everything! :lol: