Right time for my ideas for Game two,
Sally who?
This game is I think closest to the one that Thantsants had initially hoped to play on his farm Weekend. The following hopefully will allow him to recreate the vision he had for the game but also ensure it ties in with the two games either side of it. Worth reading the first scenario to see how this game has been affected already (second post down from here:
The aim is I guess to recreate something of the minor skirmishes that could happen during a protracted siege, just for the purposes of a big game in limited time with several of these skirmishes happening at once.
To tie the game into the previous one the number and or quality of troops available to each side will be affected by the moral/resource value scored. Exactly how needs to be determined but it needs to be flexible to allow greater or fewer actual numbers depending on who turns up.
The attackers will be restricted by what is on table to begin with. There would be the siege engines and some units to guard them, harassing units shooting missiles to the ramparts and units enough to ensure the city isn’t resupplied and any pockets of resistance are contained if not obliterated. The rest would be living off the land elsewhere to ensure supplies and prevent infighting over limited resources. The number of farmsteads captures intact too pillage therefore impacts on how many units are on table at the start. Troops can enter the table as trailing forces but we should probably restrict how many per turn would turn up. It’s important to place this restriction otherwise the defending forces would be on a hiding to nothing with a sally. There should be hope at the start diminishing as the turns go by.
The defenders are likewise restricted on how many troops they dare to use sallying out to accomplish tasks. Any units holed up in farmsteads or hiding in the woods would automatically be available, units using missiles from the ramparts may be restricted, how many crossbow blots do we have to waste before the inevitable assault? Troops charging out of the gates or climbing down from the ramparts would be used more cautiously. In the is way the number of moral points restricts in some way the troops available.
A note on war machines. Warmachines in 3rd are deadly and can quickly make a mess of any game, particularly if used en-mass. If the sallying troops are flattened by ten stone throwers ion the first turn why did we all bother coming? If the defenders cannon rips apart the siege towers (they always do) when do we ever get to see them hit the wall?
My proposal is perhaps a bit much but here goes, I propose war machines to be objectives. This means they don’t fire in the game, crew are there to defend the machine or they are firing but any affect is part of a cumulative effect that is only noticed later. pipe up if this is too much for you and we'll work something else out but please hear me out..
At the end of the game after crew have been killed and machines destroyed the number of crew left is counted up. You only count crew if there are war machines they could service so if you have 20 crew left and only four 3 man stone throwers you only get to count 12 crew. Equally if you have too few crew to man the machines you have left unskilled workers can be drafted in at a rate of 1 for every 2 surviving crew up to the number needed to fully crew all remaining war machines. These workers now count as crew. If we had 12 crew left and five three man stone throwers 3 labourers could be drafted in. The number of crew represents in some way the amount of bombardment possible. Devoting some crew to hitting the wall or the attackers preparations increases the chances of a breech or destroyed siege machine, devoting more to chucking things (dead cows, prisoners, prisoners heads, stones, warpstone powder) into the opposing army (only works for crewed stone throwers or at a push mortars) acts to decrease the opposing sides moral/resource bonus. War machines can also be used in a counter battery style with crew points being used to counter act the opposing factions machines. This makes it important to both kill crew and destroy machines but also bigger machines potentially do more damage.
In some way, I’m not sure how yet it would be good to work in how supplies of ammunition could affect each sides strategic use of warmachines. Also I would say organ guns, swivel guns and even bolt throwers, things not designed for siege work should be used normally.
This all has the added bonus of giving something to play for that will actually impact on the final game, reducing crew and war machines deprives the attacker needed crew points or machines for the crew to man so a successful defense must be made.
Other objectives could include tunnels to undermine, these also have crew which count double if an appropriate race is used (see siege book) but would only count towards making a breach in the wall or successful counter-mines. Magical, ritual summonings, these would be special crew that count double, representing some cult or other summoning disease or fire daemons/spirits inside the other camp and can only be used to decrease the opposing sides moral/resource bonus. Any other ideas? If the attacker feels they have enough troops they could also consider a limited assault to spike cannon or even capture a tower or gate house.
The defender should have a restriction on how many machines/counter mines they are using as they would be hard for the attacker to target. However for the attacker if you want it to count towards strategic bombardment or be a siege machine used in the final assault it needs to be on the table in this game and up for grabs. The more you put on the table the more you may end up with but also the harder it will be to defend with limited units.
It is assumed whatever happens that eventually the defenders are convinced they will soon be overwhelmed and must call off the sally and return to the city for the eventual, inevitable assault.