I reckon the siege mentality has me in its grasp and rationing is on my mind!
I wouldn't say it's all quite finished - there's a few bits and pieces that want touching up...
I've been dead organised and written up a painting schedule (not at all like Rimmer's revision timetable) so it should all (mostly!) get done in time. Plus I've got a pretty quick and cheaty method for painting up lots of Gobbo's up quickly involving drybrushing with beige and ink washing the colour and shading back in.
I'll post an army thread up on Sunday if no one else has dived in beforehand.
I wouldn't say it's all quite finished - there's a few bits and pieces that want touching up...

I've been dead organised and written up a painting schedule (not at all like Rimmer's revision timetable) so it should all (mostly!) get done in time. Plus I've got a pretty quick and cheaty method for painting up lots of Gobbo's up quickly involving drybrushing with beige and ink washing the colour and shading back in.
I'll post an army thread up on Sunday if no one else has dived in beforehand.