BOYL The Engines of Avalone Siege game

I'd love to bring some giants and similar types :grin:

Skirmisher-wise I didn't have anything specific in mind but if there's a call for particular I could try to get some ready. Sounds like it may be covered though. In which case I'll probably stick to the gribblies.

Mr Furious

Erny I'm loving the scenario :grin: Giants? :cry:

I've got some units of fast cavalry (xbow, pistols and outriders) that may assist in the managed defense of Avalon but I quite like the idea of fighting it out in an isolated farmstead...

Speed of horse boys!

Mr Furious

Citadel Collector":lbrg6lti said:
giants and similar types

I always found the special rules around trolls and supply points fascinating - basically they eat anything and everything including many materials not considered edible.

UPDATE: looking at WFB 3 there are no pistoliers or outriders...only Kriesritter (basic human profile with xbow plus horse movement) what do you guys think about blending rules/ miniatures?


I can't see any problem with bringing pistoliers. The rules can cater for most things, bring the models you like that'll fit the scenario I'd have thought.


No complaints here either, personally I do prefer the aesthetic of all old models but I wouldn't have a problem with new stuff. However pistoliers are 3rd ed models, even though they are more associated with 4th.

Just before 4th came out the cohesive Perry's line of Empire troops was released. I think it may well have been the first planned army release for GW. The pistoliers were part of that and the army lists and rules for third printed in WD.


So how many of you can make it down for the Friday?

What sort of time do you want to get started Erny - should we aim for about 1.00pm?

I think we seem to have everyone who wants to join in so I'll pass the info on to Orlygg.

I just need to know who wants to play on which days if you could let me know. :grin:


I will get there on the Friday come hell or high water, and will participate there in whichever way seems most sensible. Then on Saturday I will take a small force to Golgfag's "get to the other side" game, and then once that is done turn my attention to the siege, bringing my troops as reinforcements or whatever. For me, the question mark is more what happens on Sunday.


I doubt I'll be sieged out, it's just a question of whether I want to spread my bets and join in something else or whether I want to immerse myself in what is going to be an almighty siege. Right now, I can't decide!


I'm up for a bit of dabbling on the Friday, and a full day of sieging on Saturday. Sunday I'll be hopefully taking part in something else.

Mister Rab

I doubt I can be there before mid/late afternoon on Friday but am certainly up for some "previous" to get everything ready and underway for Saturday. I think I'll probably siege away all weekend :ugeek:

Mr Furious

I'm all for a "sieging out" weekend :twisted:

I need to confirm childcare, feather a duck-down sleeping bag for the car, and secure a reliable figure transport device but am aiming at Friday to Sunday.

Just completed assembling my first 6 man bombard with mantlet(1), painted highland cows as meat-tokens, and finalised the Bronson-place farmstead buildings (farm, barn, boar-pen, cowshed, stables, chicken coop, grub shed, fields and convenient latrine for Brave Sir Robin's IBS).

Overheard: Bombardier von Goethe "Are you defending this ramshackle yard? ...You must have a death wish..."

(1) this brings to mind proportionality for war machines...WFB3 has max 10 man stone throwers but max only 6 man cannons...can we agree that the war machine has to be significantly predominant to count as over 4 man rather than a small pea shooter with a load of figures crowded round?

(2) Thanks for posting on my pistoliers query. To clarify I was asking about rules, the domain of the invisible group GM, rather than on the era and type of figures to be fielded, as that is largely down to personal aesthetic and availability. Erny beware my bound host, 'the wild stallions':


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Mr Furious":ulgj10en said:
(1) this brings to mind proportionality for war machines...WFB3 has max 10 man stone throwers but max only 6 man cannons...can we agree that the war machine has to be significantly predominant to count as over 4 man rather than a small pea shooter with a load of figures crowded round?

Yes, I would agree that's sensible.

In fact, it might be a good idea if closer to the actual battles we circulated our rosters and if possible pictures of our forces - at least to those involved in organising (Thantsants and Erny) - to make sure that what we're planning will work with their plans? That way we can make small adjustments here and there ahead of time. They can also anticipate if there's going to be any major imbalance.


Thansants. I am now coming Friday too. .
Looking forward to it.
I will be pitching up some time around 1:00 -2:00


Brilliant - thanks for the replies chaps. I've updated the original post at the start of the thread. If you haven't done so yet, let me know what days you're wanting to attend.

So far looks like an even split between those coming Friday and Saturday and those staying all weekend.

Regarding Friday - I think if we aim for somewhere around 1.00-2.00pm, like Harry says, that should give us a good few hours to play the first scenario. Don't worry if you're running late or can't get there that early. Just show up and I'm sure we'll be able to get your minis on the table as a (literally) trailing force.

Lenihan - that sounds fine for Saturday too.

Mr F. - I have the WD with the original stats for pistoliers from the "new" Empire list or we could just play them as regular mounted human troops armed with pistols as per the 3rd ed. rule book - obviously all minis are welcome! :grin:

The point about artillery is sensoble too. Apart from Man Mangler, Skull Crusher and Lead Belcher, all my stone throwers are 3 man (Orc?) machines. I'm hoping to get some Hobgoblins done in time so I can also field two Rockets...

Just got 36 Goblin archers painted but didn't get round to photographing them - my table is currently groaning with my entire Goblinoid horde so I will be posting pics once I get back from my hols. I've got a pretty full painting schedule to get everything finished off before the big weekend! Definitely a good idea to post up what you all intend bringing.

Oh and Wild Stallions - Most excellent!


My aim is to get down there for Friday at a decent time and join the initial skirmish with a band of centaurs. I'm hoping to have a dozen painted up by then.

At the moment, I'm unsure about the Saturday/Sunday portions as I'm not sure that I'll have enough troops to contribute a significant amount to the battle so I may join in with the 'Get to the other side' battle on one day and find some opponents for a warband battle on the rest of the weekend. But that will depend entirely on how my painting schedule goes!


You don't need much to be involved with the siege and final assault Viper, all welcome what ever you bring.

War engines can be insanely powerful, my thoughts on them to be detailed in senario 2 were to allow them a given chance of either causing a breech in the wall or damage to moral/troops by over shooting into the city. Some sort of rule that limits shots by size and resources, any ideas welcome as I really haven't too much idea on this. I realise this side steps many of the rules in the siege book but the rules were quite broken anyway and we don't really have time to play a real siege game.

My brother and I will be their from about midday Friday till close on Sunday. I'll be bringing orcs 'n' goblins and humans but obviously can also bring chaos, dwarves, undead or elves (any type) if needed. My Brother will be bringing his skaven.

As to army lists my gut feeling is we should have some sort of ration of unit numbers, defenders to attackers and within each force a ration of elite, standard and rubbish units rather than straight points. If I bring enough optional units then we can accommodate an extra evil or good player easily enough.


Thanks Vyper - as Erny says you're more than welcome with whatever you've got. Plus there'll be plenty of Orcs and Goblins milling around that might need some extra direction!

I've been thinking about war engines too as it sounds like there'll be plenty of them on both sides. I like the idea of the morale effect from bombarding the city off table - perhaps a random table of psychological effects could be made up ranging from troops panicking and fleeing the walls, troops suffering from fear of their attackers, stupidity (shell shock!) and frenzy as they believe all is lost and vow to go down fighting. You could add into that reduced leadership, cool, WS as troops become demoralised and special events like a certain number of troops from each unit on the walls being called away to fight fire, towns people bolstering the ranks on the walls due to their desperation and so on...

As for working out who's affected - results could either be randomised, units could take a leadership check or (maybe a little complicated) each unit could have a card detailing the cumulative effects of the bombardment starting with things like reduced stat lines and working up to fear/panic/frenzy as they become more affected as the game goes on.

I haven't read the rules yet on what happens to troops in a section of wall that is hit but not destroyed by war engines - do they suffer any damage too? I would imagine that the bad guys' war engines would be set up and dug into earth works to target the city and so would not be able to target moving good units outside the city walls?

Don't forget the effects of biological warfare (firing rotting cows), firing severed heads and fire! :twisted:

I'd imagine that, depending what the good guys bring, they could use their war machines as normal on the attacking horde?

I think madness lies in the direction of using points values! The rationing system sounds good. The Siege book recommends that the attackers should outnumber the defenders 2:1 - what about having some kind of unit cap for each side that would keep some kind of balance but allow reinforcements to be added as units are routed or destroyed?

I'm up in the Lakes at the mo and didn't get round to photographing my Orc and Goblin army. Here's a brief run down though.

2 Wyverns with riders
2 Giants
Bound Manticore and Hippogriff
War Tortoise Ajax
6 x Trolls

18 Wolf riders
5 Wolf Riders
10 Gruntas
6 Snortas

20 x Ugezod's Mothercrushers (Black Orcs)
25 Big Uns
10 x Golgfag's Ogres
6 x Ogres

30 x Ruglud's Armoured Orcs
25 x Orc Spears
25 x Savage Orcs
30 x Orc Warriors
25 x Orc Warriors
24 x Throgg's Despoiling Hobgoblins
2 x 15 Orc Archers
36 Goblin Sticka's
2 x 30 Goblin warriors (1 armed with spears)
20 x Swamp Goblins
13 Hobhounds + handlers

Man Mangler
Skull Crusher
Lead Belcher
Monstrous Orc War Machine (3 man stone thrower)
3 x 3 man Stone Throwers
2 x Hobgoblin Rockets

Individual Characters
Army General, Army standard + 4 Big Un body guard
3 x Orc Shamans
1 x Goblin Shaman
1 x Goblin Shaman on Giant Spider

I'll get some pics up on Sunday when I get home just in case I've forgotten anything :mrgreen:


You have that all finished now?

I'm impressed.

Glad you liked the rationing idea however it was typo, I meant ratio, 2:1 as you rightly pointed out but a pooled ration of units, elite, standard and dross in a 2:1 ratio could work. Down to each side what proportion of the ration each gets to take.

Maybe we could do with a separate thread detailing exactly what people are planning to bring?