BOYL The Engines of Avalone Siege game


All looking very good gentlemen, this is going to be spectacular.

I'll be able to let you know how many mighty fortresses I can get painted early next week. For the meantime I'm rather concerned about having enough houses inside the city so what ever you can bring Harry that will be great, understand you hear a rather full car now however.

Troop wise I shall be bringing my O&G army including the wyvern rider and some chaos allies.

Empirial forces that will be joining us are:

30 plebes
24 halberdiers
18 crossbows
18 halberdier s
18 flagelents
6 Templars
8 knights

2 wizards
1 hero on Pegasus
1 hero on griffon

20 crossbows
20 warriors
2 cannon
1 gyrocorter
Possibly more if we need it.
Given that I'm bringing both attackers and defenders I'll have to pick a side for the day. This may mean that someone has to play with my arsecannon :?


Oo err!

You definitely don't want to be standing the wrong end of that thing when it goes off!

Still furiously painting all things Goblinoid - I'll have a better idea of what I'm bringing next week but it will be most of what I boasted of earlier :mrgreen:

Might even get a few pics up before the big day...

I do have quite a few card buildings to populate the city with Erny if that helps.


A work in progress shot of the first siege tower, just have to attach the rollers and draw bridge, oh and a ladder waiting to be cut the length.

Paul / Golgfag1


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That looks great!

I've now got a couple of log rams and a covered battering ram, but nothing as exciting as that. And only one ladder. Hmmm and I guess need mantlets?


First tower finished, even painted a decorative symbol across the front of it, no pictures as I've now on leave until after BOYL - so no access to camera etc. You'll just have to wait for the event itself! but in my own opinion it's looking pretty good. :grin:

see you there

Paul / Golgfag1


Great stuff Paul, I'm refurbishing my siege equipment at the moment. I have a few towers but may only get as far as finishing one. I have the rock droppers from the lot Lenihan, though I think they may actually belong to my brother, hopefully get them painted too.

I though as this is a narrative gaming movement that someone ought to have a stab at providing a narrative feel free to ignore but it does account for multiple races and generals:

The great city of Avalone surrounded by mountains, forests, swamps and ocean, stands like a glittering beacon to all those, man, dwarf, hafling, gnome or elf that seek a new life. Whether through a drive to create something new and honest, a thirst for adventure, a past to escape or a lack of prospect many paths lead to its imposing gates.

All the races of man live behind its walls and under its protective shadow. Often they live out their lives in communities based upon their culture and origins so many a poor district of Imperials festers in its back alleys, many a Bretonnian Hamlet houses those that toil to provide it’s bread. Deep seams of iron ore and coal keep the Dwarven community hard at work and elves dwell in the lush forests that surround it or in the fortified merchant houses on it's docks.

The city itself is ruled by a council of the wise and powerful, Bretonnian Lords, Imperial Bürgermeisters, Dwarven Guild masters, Mercenary Captains, Halfling elders, Wise magicians, devout Clerics and Elven Merchant Princes all have a stake and a say in how the city is run. Naturally, though Avalon was founded on egalitarian principles, the powerful seek to maintain their power and the city has become much of what it sort to replace. Still perhaps the yolk of tyranny sits lighter on the shoulders of the poor in the shining city, the peoples of law are at least at peace.

Elsewhere this truth does not hold, forces plot, forces committed to power by any means, to hate, to war, to dark gods, to Chaos! Envy is a powerful tool and things that are in darkness forever envy that which is light and so the siege of Avalone was perhaps inevitable. United in their by loathing and with the prospect of plunder the chaotic forces marched upon the fair city. The council convened in emergency and committed an army to the field to meet the murderous host in passes narrow. The gambit did not pay off, the army if not routed was sorely pushed. And so the story moves to the flight of the army back to the walls of Fair Avalone.

Just John

After a long silence and not knowing if I'd get them done I am now ready to add 70 odd halflings and some siege equipment to the defences of Avalone. Oh and some treemen. I have a couple of rock droppers and a cauldron of f boiling soup. If I can I'll try to get my hot pot catapult painted too.


I dread to think what so many haflings will do for the city's food supply over the period of the siege.


Now have a second tower and an extra long ladder for getting up to one of those big turrets - in the pipe line, just have to get the repairs to the conservatory done first ! Dam, why does real life have to get in the way? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Nice background piece Erny, Now all I have to do is tie in my army list 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


Not actually sure what I'll be bringing to this party - apart from quite a lot of terrain (trees, fields, hedges & walls) I'll be using my re-based Empire army consisting of:
Twenty plus Knights
Twenty Hobilars
thirty Long bows
ten Crossbows
thirty Halberdiers
twenty-four pikemen
a couple of wizard types

Rock and bolt throwers
Giants, Ogres (?)
Wolf riders & chariots (Friday)
Orcs & Goblins - what I can fit in the car!
siege equipment