twisted moon's 2024

twisted moon

thank you.
here's a doomflayer on a 20 mm x 40 mm mdf base.

Skaven Doomflayer1a.jpg

this one's resin and was a birthday present, some years ago, from a friend. the same one who also got me the forgeworld wolf-rats, so a generous friend.

Skaven Doomflayer1b.jpg

i'm not keen on working with resin, and manage to snap the feet off the slave while removing the tab (which is supposed to be removed). they were a bit of a pain to stick back on, but i think i managed to get them in roughly the correct positions and they look okay.

Skaven Doomflayers.jpg

here it is alongside the metal version i already had painted up (before i started posting my progress online).
i retrospect i should have given the operator a weapon swap.

twisted moon

the second batch of kroot hounds and the second grave marker.

Kroot Hounds2a.jpg

two of each hound sculpt has an interchangeable front leg and the other two an interchangeable back leg. i swapped these compared to the first batch for variety.

Kroot Hounds2b.jpg

i also decided i'd swap their heads too, which was simple enough. then i removed some of the baggage they had attached to their harnesses. i'd have done this with the first batch had i paid more attention to the sculpts before undercoating.

Kroot Hounds pack.jpg

here's the pack to date. i wouldn't mind a few more, but gw have changed the design now and i'm not convinced the new ones match these.

twisted moon

thanks again.

Skaven Doomwheel1a.jpg

been working on this.

Skaven Doomwheel1b.jpg

which i've had sitting around since 2003, when i got the bulk of my second iteration skaven models.

Skaven Doomwheel1c.jpg

the housemate of one of my roleplaying group had graduated and moved out of the uk, deciding it wasn't worth taking his wfb collection with him.

Skaven Doomwheel1d.jpg

i'm pleased with the paintjob, but it remains a ridiculous construct for a species that lives in tunnels.


nice.. But they don't live in tunnels.. they use tunnels ^_^ and besides, with all the above ground combat, they would have weapons for that reason.
Besides, I've seen many a good fantasy with large rolling devices going through tunnels

twisted moon

a doomrocket battery, from the hhg ratman kamikaze rocket teams i picked up from rpe not so long ago.

Skaven Doomrockets1a.jpg

i got four teams. you've already seen the guards painted up to be distributed between clanrat units. the other three fusiliers will go to crew my mortars.

Skaven Doomrockets1b.jpg

i'd quite like a spotter too. the new warplock engineer with telescope from the aos set will do if i can find one for a price i'm willing to pay, or possibly if it becomes generally available on its own when the skaven get a general release.

Skaven Doomrockets1c.jpg

i think doomrockets first appeared in whb8, but their rules (random range but no roll to hit) seem a good fit for these crewed (and possibly crude) missiles .


I was going to say, I have no clue what these are but saying version 8 would explain it.. Skaven Doomdivers.. nice enough figures and paint job but I think I'll pass ^_^

twisted moon

the rules are wfb 8th edition, the figures are early '90s and not citadel, so more contemporaneous with the hobgoblin and nippon rocket launchers. however, since these are effectively guided missiles, i think the doomrocket rules are a better fit.
the second half of ttcombat's sci-fi gothic road accessories set:

Lamp post3.JPG

more lamp posts and another barrel.
real life put the brakes on getting these finished in good time, but they took very little effort.