twisted moon's 2024


Orctober should certainly extend to menace Gnomevember anyway. What a fun project

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twisted moon

The traction engine is brilliant.
thank you too.
i'm trying to keep things ticking over, which means little tasks at the moment.


i've had this viking beserker since the '80's. i even painted it back in the day.


when i decided to focus my fantasy human forces into the company of the yellow boot, i put this to one side to convert into a spear armed slave for clan renj.


however, i haven't quite been able to bring myself to do it, and so decided to strip and repaint as an addition to my punks.


he's got the same strange, sallow, skin shade of my forlorn hope punk with crossbow, which i'm pleased i managed to replicate.
i'm thinking of running a multi-player game of pvnkz, using htese and various other of my sci-fi figures, if i can persuade a few people to pop over.

twisted moon

thank you. i was attempting iconic punk tartan, but too much white got in the mix (i.e. i couldn't paint thin enough lines).
here are some more slaves for my skaven, sneaking in before the start of deadcember.

Skaven slaves5a.jpg

barbarian alternia from alternative armies, in the middle, and four eureka miniatures amazon peltasts.

Skaven slaves5b.jpg

the amazons, again are two piece sculpts with the shields cast onto the left hand and forearm. these shields are quite small crescents, so i just glued my usual ones over the top.


Getting painting hopes dashed by RL getting in the way is a think I completely understand, sadly. But man, I love that MDF carnival tractor. Looks lovely. :) And it's hard to argue with your Amazons. (I have a difficult time arguing with naked women generally. Give them spears and I'm just done for.)

twisted moon

But man, I love that MDF carnival tractor. Looks lovely.
thank you.
And it's hard to argue with your Amazons.
they do have convincing arguments.

i was shocked to discover, at the start of deadcember, that i was down to my last two scarecrows, a rapier miniatures one and another of unknown origin traded with @MichaelStockin.
Since i needed seven to complete my hand weapon unit, i decided to bash up another five from what i had to hand.

Scarecrow scratchbash1.JPG

bits of sprue, sticks of various kinds, wine bottle foil, oathmark and frostgrave arms, a mantic ratkin sword blade, plastic skulls and a skeleton army helmet.


then i painted them in a customary colour scheme.


here they are interspersed in the rest of the unit.

Scarecrow HW unit2a.JPG

i thought that completed my scarecrow project, but it appears i only have fifteen in my two-handed weapon unit. i'm going to double check, but if that is so, i will perhaps bash up another five of those too.
it's highly unlikely that will happen before christmas though. in fact this might be my last output of the year.

twisted moon

got a few more skaven painted before going away for christmas.
i finished basing them when i got home yesterday.


second from the left is the gw miniature of the month with a plague monk head and oathmark goblin arms.
either side of him are screaming bell / plague furnace crew with plague monk arms.


those three finish off another unit of clanrats with hand weapons and shields.
on the right is a plague monk with mantic ratkin head and a mordheim right arm. he'll go in my pistol unit.

twisted moon

@MichaelStockin very kindly sent me the remainder of that gripping beast scarecrow pack, which just left me a couple short. so it was back to a bit of scratch-bashing.

Scarecrow scratchbash2.jpg

the bone, right arm and left hand are the second weapon option from the heresy miniature ghoul king. the hammer head is from warhammer regiments.


axe from frostgrave barbarians, shovel from heresy miniatures, cleaver blade from warhammer regiments.


these complete my two-handed weapon unit.

Scarecrow Doppelsoldier unit.jpg

i'm looking for another couple of witches to lead the scarecrow units, then that element of my undead army is done.

twisted moon

tally for the year is 125 painted figures including 6 vehicles, of which 2 were scratch built. i also (lightly) converted and based another (toy) vehicle; in addition i made 3 more buildings and 12 terrain tiles.
This compares to 245 figures painted and 10 bits of scenery / terrain completed in 2023.