twisted moon's 2024


also nice ^_^ reminds me of I think Joe McLaren's "Bluepeter Hammer" blog.. didn't last long and hasn't been updated for years but fun what little is there.. basically, how to make a tank (rhino like) from scratch, a small Tank from random parts, and some wooden peg figures

twisted moon

also nice
thank you.

thank you, too.

a couple of updates today. first a somewhat haphazard sci-fi lot.

Sci-fi medlley1a.jpg

three diehard miniatures and a couple of (resin) cash points from ttcombat.

Sci-fi medlley1b.jpg

klint and brutus will be joining my bounty hunters, and have been painted accordingly. as i has the polish crimson out, i splashed it on the others too and thought the green would make a nice counterpoint. i don't really know why i went for a reversed paint job on the cash points.

Sci-fi Bounty Hunter crew.jpg

here's the complete bounty hunter company, just awaiting a vehicle.

twisted moon

speaking of vehicles, the second update is transport for my sensei band.

Sensei vehicle1a.jpg

i originally bought this toy with the vague idea it would make a good vehicle for some squats.

Sensei vehicle1b.jpg

since i don't have any squats, i decided it would make an even better vehicle for some figures i did have.

Sensei vehicle1c.jpg

i removed the mechanism that allowed it to move so that it actually looks as though it has decent ground clearance, and then glued the wheels and axles back in place. whilst i had it dismantled i added the wire mesh inside the windows. now you can't see the interior.

Sensei vehicle1d.jpg

the graffiti is the factory paint job. i just painted the bumper and lights and gave it a black wash. i've forgotten to print out a number plate, my intention was kid 574r. perhaps i'll remember later. my other vehicles don't (yet) have number plates, so it doesn't matter if i don't.

Sensei band1c.jpg

here's a reminder of the sensei band with their new ride.

twisted moon

you're not the only person to say that.
a quick paint job on some of the barrels and crates from model display products.

Crates & Barrels.jpg

twisted moon

thank you.
three diehard miniatures daemons and couple of larger barrels from model display products.


the succubus come in two parts, the wings and the rest. the other red daemon has each wing as a separate element.


the red ones match my frostgrave daemons and imps.

Old Hob

speaking of vehicles, the second update is transport for my sensei band.

View attachment 10440

i originally bought this toy with the vague idea it would make a good vehicle for some squats.

View attachment 10441

since i don't have any squats, i decided it would make an even better vehicle for some figures i did have.

View attachment 10442

i removed the mechanism that allowed it to move so that it actually looks as though it has decent ground clearance, and then glued the wheels and axles back in place. whilst i had it dismantled i added the wire mesh inside the windows. now you can't see the interior.

View attachment 10443

the graffiti is the factory paint job. i just painted the bumper and lights and gave it a black wash. i've forgotten to print out a number plate, my intention was kid 574r. perhaps i'll remember later. my other vehicles don't (yet) have number plates, so it doesn't matter if i don't.

View attachment 10439

here's a reminder of the sensei band with their new ride.
These guys need their own Saturday morning cartoon!

twisted moon

These guys need their own Saturday morning cartoon!
if you know anyone in the industry ...

meanwhile i've been scratch building another vehicle.

Bounty Hunter truck1a.jpgBounty Hunter truck1b.jpgBounty Hunter truck1c.jpgBounty Hunter truck1d.jpg

a catch wagon for my bounty hunters.

Bounty Hunter truck2a.jpgBounty Hunter truck2b.jpgBounty Hunter truck2c.jpgBounty Hunter truck2d.jpg

a spray undercoat tends to bring the disparate elements together.

Bounty Hunter truck3a.jpgBounty Hunter truck3b.jpgBounty Hunter truck3c.jpgBounty Hunter truck3d.jpg

although i had to add a few small components afterwards due to fragility. i also need to add a wash to the headlights before varnishing.
i'm quite pleased with the base on this one, although it will mean it looks fairly ridiculous in 99% of gaming situations.


nice £10 trunk ^_^

oh and these days.. there isn't a Saturday morning cartoon industry sadly enough. I won't go into details about the state of animation these days but.. it's not great..

twisted moon

nice £10 trunk ^_^
Love it! Simple, clear, and eminently gameworthy. The screen cage is an inspired touch. Great stuff. :) Well done!
thank you.

here're some fantasy bits. some for scatter and others to be incorporated into terrain tiles.

Fantasy scatter1a.JPG

a statue and coffin from model display products, mantlet and spotter from scotia grendal, and well from midlam miniatures.

Fantasy scatter1b.JPG

all the woodwork was done with woodstain over a grey undercoat.
i'd originally thought the statue would go amongst my ruined terrain tiles, but i saw an overgrown example on the weald discord server and decided to emulate that for a forest tile instead.


i already had a mantlet and spotter painted, here they are for comparison.

twisted moon

a (metal) grave marker from the warzone battlefield trenches and foxhole set and a set of (resin) kroot hounds.

Kroot Hounds1a.jpg

i picked up the kroot hounds when i had a gw voucher to spend. they're intended to be generic predatory pack animals for st. andrews world.

Kroot Hounds1b.jpg

i tried to create a oyemaru mold of the grave marker so i could produce a few more in milliput for general use as some sort of game token. however the metal was too bendy so it'll just be an objective marker i expect.

twisted moon

some more ratmen.


second from left is a metal sculpt from macrocosm. the others are plastic kitbashes, although the one on the far left has a metal hand and sword from a second generation poisoned wind gobadier.


the other three have right hands and swords from oathmark goblins.

Clan Skryre Warriors.jpg

the skaven with two hand weapons completes this unit of twenty clan skryre warriors.

twisted moon

i thought i was going to do another grave marker and batch of kroot hounds, but then an idea popped into my head for what to do with the other lidl tin can, that wasn't just another storage silo.

Imperial Army Air Defence1a.jpg

an arial defence tower for my imperial army firebase.

Imperial Army Air Defence1b.jpg

the missile launcher is from culverin models, and rotates. there a blotz hatch and entry control which you can't really see on the balcony.

Imperial Army Air Defence1c.jpg

the rest is just bits of scrap i had lying around.

Imperial Army Barracks2.jpg

i don't think i've posted the firebase before, though i may be misremembering. i made it a few years ago. here's the current status with some ttcombat barricades.
i need somewhere for the troops to live / sleep, and a garage for their rh1n0 (iron grumbler).