Sorry for my delay in replying.
That's a good way of looking at the Bull Slann, to consider them as bred upgrades to be trained in new ways. I did, a long time ago in the late 1980's, convert up a few Slann along those lines using Old World weapons and the odd musket. The Inca's themselves tried a similar thing using firearms, pikes, and captured steel weapons, until they were finally defeated. Those Slann were later paint stripped and re-converted to more conventional Spawn Band.
I would like to do as an aside project a small renegade Slann force armed with Old World Weapons, a kind of Apache/Neo-Inca raider Slann army, but not practical with 1980's Slann models due to the cost! I always thought that Black Cat Bases 'Deep Ones' might make good stand-in Slann as the are similar in style to the Magnificent Sven scenario Slann releases. I also mused that the Toadaroni from Flintloque could be Slann a couple of hundred years later fighting colonisers in the same way as the Latin Americans fought the Spainish in the 1820's. It's why I like how you've added some of the Old Slann tech to your Slann, and why I am painting up my Space Slann so as to be able to fit them in, the Slann looking for new ways of defeating the invaders, or in the case of the sci fi weapons more 'old ways'!
I have finsihed painting the Eagles Warriors, but now need to add the sheids and banners I received in the post today from Outpost Wargames. They are a lot more colourful, with the war suits either red, blue, yellow, green, white, brown, and with an albino Slann leader in a black war suit. I will post photographs on the blog on sunday
I have also spend the evening swapping banners over on units to give greater variety.
I have enjoyed watching how your army has progressed and am grateful for some of the ideas which I have blatantly borrowed from you
That's a good way of looking at the Bull Slann, to consider them as bred upgrades to be trained in new ways. I did, a long time ago in the late 1980's, convert up a few Slann along those lines using Old World weapons and the odd musket. The Inca's themselves tried a similar thing using firearms, pikes, and captured steel weapons, until they were finally defeated. Those Slann were later paint stripped and re-converted to more conventional Spawn Band.
I would like to do as an aside project a small renegade Slann force armed with Old World Weapons, a kind of Apache/Neo-Inca raider Slann army, but not practical with 1980's Slann models due to the cost! I always thought that Black Cat Bases 'Deep Ones' might make good stand-in Slann as the are similar in style to the Magnificent Sven scenario Slann releases. I also mused that the Toadaroni from Flintloque could be Slann a couple of hundred years later fighting colonisers in the same way as the Latin Americans fought the Spainish in the 1820's. It's why I like how you've added some of the Old Slann tech to your Slann, and why I am painting up my Space Slann so as to be able to fit them in, the Slann looking for new ways of defeating the invaders, or in the case of the sci fi weapons more 'old ways'!
I have finsihed painting the Eagles Warriors, but now need to add the sheids and banners I received in the post today from Outpost Wargames. They are a lot more colourful, with the war suits either red, blue, yellow, green, white, brown, and with an albino Slann leader in a black war suit. I will post photographs on the blog on sunday

I have also spend the evening swapping banners over on units to give greater variety.
I have enjoyed watching how your army has progressed and am grateful for some of the ideas which I have blatantly borrowed from you