TheOttoVonBismark's Oldhammer Slann WIP


theottovonbismark":3knsjvwg said:
Slann don't get access to any artillery :( .....but they do get Saber Toothed tigers :grin:

I see what you are doing...


I applaud such sensible cross compatibility. Good work.

Thats a really cool model isnt it? Its a tiger, but its some sort of alien or prehistoric or other slightly unfamiliar body structure, a little more like a panther or cheetah or something. Its a nice little kitty anyway.
cheetor":2622sa2z said:
theottovonbismark":2622sa2z said:
Slann don't get access to any artillery :( .....but they do get Saber Toothed tigers :grin:

I see what you are doing...

I applaud such sensible cross compatibility. Good work.

Curses, rumbled :lol:

It's an unusual model as it's quite panther like and seems to, as you noted, carry features from various cat species. It's very long and lithe looking which I like a lot. I only have the one pose of this model to work from but there is another variant of him, but it's basically the same pose with the head modified:

Being constrained to 1 model pose is interesting. To continue the theme of breaking up monopose units I plan to do each kitty in a different colour (with their own personalised name on the base. I will leverage the monoposeness as a strength, using the pose and the basing to tie the models together where their actual colour scheme is wildly individual...well that's the theory. They will sort of coordinate with the Eagle Warriors visually. Painting in this manner is deeply satisfying.

Obviously I plan to do famous cats from pop culture so you can expect to see Panthor colours on that kitty in the background. There are many a cartoon cat to choose from and the idea of them all carrying their names on the bases gives me a full blown nerd on!
Pink Panther added to list :grin:

1. The Pink Panther
2. Cringer/Battle Cat
3. Panthor
4. Sylvestor
5. Bagpuss
6. Garfield
7. Hobbes
8. Tom (Tom & Jerry)
9. Snagglepuss
10. Stimpy (Ren & Stimpy)
11. Tigger
12. Baby Puss - Fred and Wilma Flintstone's pet saber-toothed tiger
13. Tony the Tiger
14. Azrael (Gargamel's cat in the Smurfs)
15. Jess (Postman Pat)
16. Hello Kitty
17. Manekineko cat
18. Hitler Cat

All suggestions welcome!
cheetor":1t95a8x6 said:
Coincidentally, I just got a newsletter from Forlorn Hope Games about their Amazon range, which features numerous sabre-toothed cats. Ex-Grenadier stuff maybe? I dont know, but if its retro looking big cats you want then you could do a lot worse... ... 30-amazons

The dodgy paint jobs don't help out with selling the models but there are some nice cats in there I think. I am not looking at other cats though, this is an experiment in Monopose.
Erny":2dc5holu said:
Yes I think grenadier but for a cheaper grenadier saber cat fix try:

Now that's a nice cat.

This girl has appeal (not that I gravitate towards naked female models but this is the correct amount of clothes for an Amazonian rain forest going on what the real world inhabitants wear). I like the integration between handler and erm...handlee? Tiger doing is Jazz hands which is bonus points really:) :


Found a nice pic I thought you might like/haven't seen before from the forces of fantasy box set, it's a nice early Slann pic by Blanche, like the stuff from heroes for wargames where he styles them as Demonic Frogmen

Aiteal":2k66aits said:
Found a nice pic I thought you might like/haven't seen before from the forces of fantasy box set, it's a nice early Slann pic by Blanche, like the stuff from heroes for wargames where he styles them as Demonic Frogmen

Ohh never did see this one, thanks. Look those Slann are in hard cover :)! Some very cool details in there for me to nick - slave drum, war horns, standards, cold one warhound on stone.


I posted a small blog update last night with my Slann Cold One Riders WIP's:

Sorry for just the link rather than photographs, I am having problems posting photographs to the forum.

Thank you Theottovonbismark for some useful Slann ideas, I will be utilising them as I get my Slann army finished. I met up with Justin from and we decided that it would be good if we could get to the Oldhammer event later this year, and even better if I could get the Slann done for the event. So that's the plan for the next few months! :)
They are looking pretty sweet with all those banners and head dresses. The weapons worked out well also. The whole unit is a lot taller and more intimidating with the additions. You will have your work cut out for you with so many of them to get through! Looking forward to seeing how you get on.
Awesome work and you got through a good chunk of them in a week. The grass idea works great with the scouts. The black blotches is a good addition to the Jungle Braves unit, they look nice and animated now with a bit of reposing and the accent of red on the shield really sets off the other colours in the unit. They remind me of Conan the Barbarian when he puts on his warpaint in the first movie. I like the use of Iron on the Bull Slann - they must be a new spawning with their new fangled weapons. ;)


Thank you, glad you like them.

I owe several of the ideas and inspiration to you. The idea of respositioning the Jungle Braves arms for a more dynamic look, and adding RT Eldar weapons were very helpful. It's funny, I thought of Conan the Barbarian when I was painting them too! I thought the red and orange shields would lighten up the models by providing a dash of complementry colour.

Currently I am re-painting my Eagle Warriors as I was never very happy with them. I am using your idea of different coloured war suits, like the Aztecs did with thier own feathered war suits, to break up the orginal brown block look. They are looking very colourful so far!

I like the idea of the Bull Slann as a new spawning with new fangled iron weapons. :)
Looking forward to seeing those Eagle Warriors in glorious technicolor. You could carry the idea that the bull slann are more comfortable with new ideas due to them being effectively manufactured for warfare in a sort of StarWars Clonetrooper or Ender's Game manner. You might even end up making Bull Slann handgunners etc. with that sort of thematic approach. Perhaps they are magically hardened against disease by their breeding queens by eating the flesh of captive dryskins. It's fun developing the themes for this stuff as there is little in the way of the baggage caused by having writers define everything for you, with the Slann you basically get broad strokes and a tantalising bit of specific details or trivia.