TheOttoVonBismark's Oldhammer Slann WIP


Sorry for my delay in replying.
That's a good way of looking at the Bull Slann, to consider them as bred upgrades to be trained in new ways. I did, a long time ago in the late 1980's, convert up a few Slann along those lines using Old World weapons and the odd musket. The Inca's themselves tried a similar thing using firearms, pikes, and captured steel weapons, until they were finally defeated. Those Slann were later paint stripped and re-converted to more conventional Spawn Band.

I would like to do as an aside project a small renegade Slann force armed with Old World Weapons, a kind of Apache/Neo-Inca raider Slann army, but not practical with 1980's Slann models due to the cost! I always thought that Black Cat Bases 'Deep Ones' might make good stand-in Slann as the are similar in style to the Magnificent Sven scenario Slann releases. I also mused that the Toadaroni from Flintloque could be Slann a couple of hundred years later fighting colonisers in the same way as the Latin Americans fought the Spainish in the 1820's. It's why I like how you've added some of the Old Slann tech to your Slann, and why I am painting up my Space Slann so as to be able to fit them in, the Slann looking for new ways of defeating the invaders, or in the case of the sci fi weapons more 'old ways'!

I have finsihed painting the Eagles Warriors, but now need to add the sheids and banners I received in the post today from Outpost Wargames. They are a lot more colourful, with the war suits either red, blue, yellow, green, white, brown, and with an albino Slann leader in a black war suit. I will post photographs on the blog on sunday :)
I have also spend the evening swapping banners over on units to give greater variety.

I have enjoyed watching how your army has progressed and am grateful for some of the ideas which I have blatantly borrowed from you :)
The renegade Slann warband with Old world weapons is a great theme and definitely deserves some more attention at a later date. Never seen the Flingloque Toadaroni, post a link if you have one EDIT found them: ... polise.htm. Looking forward to seeing what you have done with those Eagle Warriors, glad I had some ideas that were of use to you. Wish I could write a bit more now but SWMBO is calling ;) Will check out your blog tomorrow in any event.


Excellent Paul / Golgfag1,
I have found that the shields and banners fit the Slann nicely and add that extra flourish to the miniatures.

BOYL 2014? Is that the Oldhammer weekend? If so, I am planning to go but it might be difficult to get there.


That extra flourish is exactly what I'm looking for, with my pre-slotta Slann/Lizardmen .

What's the problem with getting to Nottingham (yes, that's the Oldhammer weekend)? If, I can help I try :grin:; as I'm only over in High Wycombe - you're in West London, yes?

Paul / Golgfag1

Goblinlee":2s75v44x said:
Excellent Paul / Golgfag1,
I have found that the shields and banners fit the Slann nicely and add that extra flourish to the miniatures.

BOYL 2014? Is that the Oldhammer weekend? If so, I am planning to go but it might be difficult to get there.


They do complement the Slann nicely and fit in with some of the old artwork and the later 3rd edition conversions and design concepts. :)

Thank you for the offer but I don't live in London but on the South coast in Brighton, and I don't drive. :(
I was to travel up with Justin (of the Masterworkguild blog), but he might not be able to make it now, he's unsure.


Well,that's a shame, but between us I'm sure we can work something out; are you coming up for Salute? (If fact, Chico where & when are we gathering at Salute ?) I'm sure we must have other members of the Forum in your local area, anybody?

Paul / Golgfag1


Golgfag1":34513wxi said:
If fact, Chico where & when are we gathering at Salute ?)

Sorry to derail your thread OttoVonSexypants, but people are meeting at the Foundry Stall at 10.30am. i'm not going to be there as a large 3 figure TV aerial repair bill wiped me out (Part of the reason i'm selling aload of toys)
Goblinlee":30l95lbm said:

Great stuff, lots of progress happening there. The banners and shields are perfect for the models really, "extra flourish" is an apt term for it. I am planning of doing a more painterly style of banner (but with plenty of feathers for decor) as I wanted to have a more paper banner old school look to it (and really want to have a bit if a Liberace inspired painting on it ;) ). The feather ones will look great with a bit of bright paint on them.

Love those old carnivorous birds, I could do with some of those in my life ever since I saw that 10,000 BC movie (, meh film but has some nice creature effects including carnivorous flightless birds :grin:

All your efforts have inspired me to paint up a pair of tigers over the weekend, hopefully will finish them tonight.


Yes, sorry Otto, that spiraled way off target, but I was really looking forward to see your collection as well as Goblinlee's at BOYL this year and was trying to facilitate that coming to a successful conclusion :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: .

Will take this to a different thread.

Paul / Golgfag1
Golgfag1":1mnv6m0v said:
Yes, sorry Otto, that spiraled way off target, but I was really looking forward to see your collection as well as Goblinlee's at BOYL this year and was trying to facilitate that coming to a successful conclusion :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: .

Will take this to a different thread.

Paul / Golgfag1

No worries Paul, that's just the nature of the medium. Now back to painting those tigers for me...


Sorry about skewing your thread, back to the Slann!! :grin:

Thank you ottovonbismark, and I look forward to seeing the tigers, as I have always looked forward to seeing the progress of your Slann.
Thank you for some great ideas. I am really enjoying finally working on my Slann army with the painting, modeling and forethought which they deserve, and to which I have aimed since I started with them back in early 1987 :)

Although I had planned to I probably won't be making Salute this year :(
I promised some tigers...Cringer and the Pink Panther to begin with:



These are the juicy images but there is more waffle on my blog.


Porkaborg":2th1siqw said:
Wow they are awesome! Are they citadel miniatures ?

Yep, Pan Tang tigers from the [url]Eternal Champions[/url] range, and very nice they are too.

Lovely painting OVB!
Awesome work on Cringer and the PP (or is that Panthor, Skeletor's steed?)...I've actually done my own Cringer but the mini I used isn't half as good as yours (I used a Wood Elf cat)


Excellent looking tigers, very impressive. :)

I really like the idea that you have painted them as Cringor/Battlecat and the Pink Panther, gives them personality and a sense of fun.

Also, great choice for the Slann handler, nice subtle re-posing and great paint scheme on him, he looks really dynamic. Great basing too.

I am really enjoying your Slann, it's having quite an effect on my army as I am brighting up thier colour scheme, converting/re-posing many of the models, and it's generally making me 'up my game' . :)