Sewers.of.estark’s Dungeon Adventurers

that archer is a great sculpt.
the things those elven wizards can so with bubble-wands is quite amazing.
I’m really enjoying the Knights and Magick range he is from - I’ve a few left to do

Truly! I had a hard time deciding how to paint the chap - blue bubble illusion would have been great!


Geroak II

That is one ferocious looking hound right there. Nicely painted.

I'm a fan of those Marauder hounds. They make pretty convincing S4 warhounds for Mordheim Witch Hunters warbands. Mine are painted black and tan like supersized Rottweilers.
With those fangs they definitely fit the part. I think I like these marauder hounds more than actual Mordheim ones. They were a bit over the top for my liking, one having an eyepatch and whatnot.


I like that archer sculpt, not one I've seen before. Very nice update, like the dog patchwork pattern. I really should try to get a few more animals and accompanying characters.