sewers.of.estark’s armies & warbands

Fresh off the painting table - I decided to go for the army leader as my next figure. The model used is the V1 Tomb King released for 6th edition and will be counted as a level 20 undead hero.
I’m not terribly unhappy with him, though while painting so much gold I couldn’t help but attribute some Dennis personality to him.
That’s all for now, more 6th edition figures coming next.
don't really know much about the Tomb kings.. Egyptian inspired undead? but a good paint job on it and works as a leader
Thanks ManicMan, and yeah TKs is pretty much just Egyptian undead. I can’t say that I follow warhammer lore much at all so couldn’t give you much more detail than that, at least from a standpoint of “real” lore. As a history lover I’ve always been enamored by ancient Egypt and as a movie lover I’ve always loved the aesthetics of the old Boris Karloff mummy movies, hell even the much newer remakes with Brendan Fraser and I wanted to replicate some of that in miniature form.


The Imhotep one (Karloff) is okay, along with the Reboot with Kharis (Tom Tyler, Lon Chaney Jr) but I think Eddie Parker as Klaris was best (as he was having to deal with Abbott and Costello). Saw some of them Brendan Fraser ones and the TV series follow up but wasn't that impressed.. too much CGI for no reason.. and why they decided to start fighting King Ghidorah I don't know..

But going into Ancient Egypt cultures can be fun.. for most of the time, north Egypt and south had SUCH large differences. Oh, Tomb Kings get many beast men? they would fit really well for Ancient Egypt..
The Imhotep one (Karloff) is okay, along with the Reboot with Kharis (Tom Tyler, Lon Chaney Jr) but I think Eddie Parker as Klaris was best (as he was having to deal with Abbott and Costello). Saw some of them Brendan Fraser ones and the TV series follow up but wasn't that impressed.. too much CGI for no reason.. and why they decided to start fighting King Ghidorah I don't know..

But going into Ancient Egypt cultures can be fun.. for most of the time, north Egypt and south had SUCH large differences. Oh, Tomb Kings get many beast men? they would fit really well for Ancient Egypt..
I guess I’d never much looked into the differences between north and south, might have to do a bit of reading then!
My interest has primarily been based in theology I suppose? As for the beastmen there are a few thoughts I’ve had since the inception of the project roughly 20 years ago since they released the first line of Tomb Kings.
My first thought would be some sort of Anubis/jackal footsoldiers. Grenadier made one sculpt I really like that I’ve considered hoarding to make up a large unit.
To share some of my future plans, my desert themed projects that will be finished.. eventually.
1) a rival army, largely inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights
2) two sets of “for hire” allies. Wind worshipping desert lizards & fire snakemen, count as beastmen for ease of ruling.
Oh! First, that Anubis figure is great! Second, I love your Richard Burton / Scheharazade idea. If you can find some crocodile men miniatures that might work really well too.
Thanks Symphonicpoet- I’ll be using the C19 Lizardmen, I’ve got quite a few of them and painted quite well though not by me.
Eventually I plan on rebasing them and painting the few extras I have unpainted for now though here’s a look at some of them.
And while I’m sharing bits for future projects, here are some of the random snakefolk I’ve picked up.
The “arabian nights” army will primarily be made up of a few big units of Minifigs historicals with characters / monsters represented by a mix of classic Citadel, Ral Partha, Grenadier, etc.
Thanks twisted moon!

And yep, coming up here soon I’ll be doing a big block of archers. Maybe two if I decide to pop open a sealed regiment of them I’ve got stashed away.
I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to get the Ushabti finished up but they’re taking me a bit longer than expected. Thankfully I’m down to the last few highlights and minor details and will hopefully be done soon. To help with my lack of enthusiasm I decided to paint a few quick objective markers.

Recently I started a heroquest-esque homebrew campaign with my brother using what desert dwellers I’ve already got painted up. So to celebrate the new game I painted this dwarf lord of legend in the colors of his dwarf army as a gift.

More dead stuff coming soon!
looking good.
that's a particularly nice rendition of lastro lupinthrall.
Thanks twisted moon! I don’t usually share the dwarfs I paint up since they are all gifts (apart from chaos dwarfs I suppose)
But I’m glad you like him!
One of these days I’ll have to go over and take photos of all the dwarfs I’ve given him over the years to share here.
Alright! Ushabti/Temple Dog unit is complete.
Happy to get them off the painting table as they seemed to have slowed down my output quite a bit. Here’s a quick photo for now, off to get started on some archers.
Painting progress has been abysmally slow- nearly done with the full unit of skeleton archers but distractions keep coming up..

To mix things up a bit I painted this Ral Partha caravan guard to test the color scheme of my “1001 nights” army, also works great as a henchman for the campaign I’m running.