175 posts and 18 pages in under 14 hours!
Well, that's interesting.
Seriously, I confess, I have'nt read all the posts. Sorry, but in that amount of time I could have
played a game of Warhammer Fantasy!
Will Warhammer Fantasy die?
-No I doubt it. GW can still make some money from it, and without it the they only have 40k and the rump end of the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit stuff. It might be marginalised as a game in favour of 40k, but then again it has been since about 1989. At worst it will end up as a bigger version of the specialist games.
Has Warhammer Fantasy lost it's way?
- Yes, a bit, it's down to big monsters and big snazzy kits at the moment. Personally I think they are trying to re-invent Warmachine, where you have a couple of big things and then some troops. More of a Mordhiem with a few £35 plastic monster kits tacked on. It's very expensive to start an army for Fantasy, and so I think they will move to a more Skirmish/smaller battle system, 3 or 4 regiments, a hero, monster, wizard, and a Warmachine. I would'nt be suprised to see 40k style organisation charts for Fantasy Battle.
Is White Dwarf doomed/rubbish/etc?
-It's what it has been for the last 25 years- a catalogue with a few good articles, few rubbish ones, some new rules, and some pretty photographs. I think it's a state of mind with publishing a paper magazine as it's still something tangable, in the same way as people still buy other magazines and newspapers. An online format will work well, so it's up to the accountants and the emotional attachment that GW has for a paper form of White Dwarf.
Is this relvant to 'Oldhammer'
-well yes.
I could be flippant and say if Warhammer Fantasy does go, then it will all be Oldhammer by definition!
Also why not discuss it? You could argue whether it's on the right board or should be under other topics, but to be honest that's a little pedantic.
As far as I have observed, this entire forum not only discusses 'Oldhammer', that is the older versions of Warhammer fantasy and 40k, and other related GW games such as Space Hulk, Mordhiem, etc, but also many things surrond it. This can include painting, conversions (included those using contempary parts), and so a discussion on the current state of GW and thier games (or other companies) is'nt as problem. I think most of the people who post here are aware this forum is'nt for soley discussing current GW, there are other forums for that, but mentioning it is'nt a bad thing and won't kill the purpose of the forum as long as it is'nt done all the time to the exclusion of discussions on older miniatures and gaming.
Do I want GW to die?
-No, I want them to stop charging £44 for a Toxicrene (I want to collect a Tyranid army you see, and put a few dead Squat modelson the bases, but I digress

) , ruining thier own business, using 'Finecast', and stop annoying the fanbase. I am aware of the many arguments over thier pricing policy so I won't bore you with them, but as consumer I just want GW to be cheaper on price and still be in business.
If they do change the background, then will see what happens. It might be rubbish, or not. If it is, I'll stick to older versions of the game and adapt if I play the newer rules. For £$%^* sake I have Slann, Squat, Chaos Dwarf, Hobgoblin, and Praetorian Imperial Guard Armies! I'll be fine
So what's bothers me about Warhammer?
-Well GW might damage Fantasy Battle irreparably which will weaken their business further. That will have a knock on effect to 40k and keeping the hobby (the whole gaming hobby, not just the marketed 'GW Hobby') mainstream and accessable. Love it or not, a GW shop in a town does mean that Wargaming, especially Fantasy Wargaming, is socially accpetable and easy to access. It can act as a stepping stone to other games and compaines and the wider hobby. Also, I'm of the generation, as many in this forum are, that recalls the derision that some people considered on any gaming, and I vivdly recall the attacks on Fantasy gaming/Roleplaying by scare-mongering religious groups. It only takes one moral panic.
In additon, the changes might wreck something which I am sure many of us have had a soft spot for for years. Even if we don't play the current rules or buy the expensive Codexes (I would have to spend nearly £200 to replace all of mine to the current edition!!)
I will leave you with one last comment:
Schrodinger's cat...
...we won't know anything until the box is open.
I'm off to varnish some Space Slann now