RIP Warhammer


Asslessman":eezsugkj said:
Slow claps Lee, 100% behind you !

I did wonder why it started off with an old link, but I was reading this morning about new Warhammer backgrounds, so it made sense.

The Space Slann are varnished :)
I got the email from GW saying the age of Sigmar was about to begin after everything has been zapped or something or other. I haven't been following things though.


who knows but it sounds like:

round bases

skirmish focus

Existing setting/fluff gone

mixing of the different factions

lower model count

same awful prices


I think that oldhammerers who played third edition (or 1st, or 2nd) and liked the Realms of Chaos books, will have less issues with these changes than other warhammer players.

mbh":3jdvgwnk said:
round bases
According to rumours square ones will be allowed too - so we have a mix of bases?
I'm pretty sure that a lot of us even have hex-bases and still won't hesitate to use the models.
skirmish focus
Well, thats a preference thing but I am sure that there is not much 100% dislike around
Existing setting/fluff gone
We survived the deminishing of the Slann race, disappearing of Pygmies, the Great Maw of the ogre race, chaos dwarf big hats and so much more...
And it is rumoured that we get a reality bubble - parallel dimension thing - multiverse floting in the warp (or something like that)
I think I'll get over it (The Über-knights rumours have me worried though)
mixing of the different factions
My first armies were based on chaos, evil, neutral and good - with some leeway ;)
lower model count
I can't remember playing with units of 40+ in 3rd edition (or in 4th or 5th)
same awful prices
Well, the leopard (sadly) won't change its spots
But me and many others have resources (either financially, cunning trade skills or tons of painting bag log anyway)

I still hope that GW succeeds with these changes. As stated above already : If they go down, the whole hobby goes down.
I agree regarding chaos dwarves.

Compared to the introduction of chaos Dwarves with those awful big hats, the obliteration of the warhammer world seems like a minor misdemeanor.


Niibl":3hxtvufn said:
I think that oldhammerers who played third edition (or 1st, or 2nd) and liked the Realms of Chaos books, will have less issues with these changes than other warhammer players.

mbh":3hxtvufn said:
round bases
According to rumours square ones will be allowed too - so we have a mix of bases?
I'm pretty sure that a lot of us even have hex-bases and still won't hesitate to use the models.
skirmish focus
Well, thats a preference thing but I am sure that there is not much 100% dislike around
Existing setting/fluff gone
We survived the deminishing of the Slann race, disappearing of Pygmies, the Great Maw of the ogre race, chaos dwarf big hats and so much more...
And it is rumoured that we get a reality bubble - parallel dimension thing - multiverse floting in the warp (or something like that)
I think I'll get over it (The Über-knights rumours have me worried though)
mixing of the different factions
My first armies were based on chaos, evil, neutral and good - with some leeway ;)
lower model count
I can't remember playing with units of 40+ in 3rd edition (or in 4th or 5th)
same awful prices
Well, the leopard (sadly) won't change its spots
But me and many others have resources (either financially, cunning trade skills or tons of painting bag log anyway)

I still hope that GW succeeds with these changes. As stated above already : If they go down, the whole hobby goes down.

mixed bases is pretty gross sounding. I dislike the look of round bases for fantasy but that's just from years of being conditioned to think like that.

I definitely understand the bitching about the setting/fluff. Some dudes are very into it, but I've never felt the need to be tied down to GW's background.

I prefer my fantasy with huge armies in ranks, the skirmish won't work as my main war game. The low model count would have appealed to me as a jobless kid but I would rather play massed battles these days. That's okay though, I have years worth of unpainted crap and I'm happy with various past editions.

Defiitely don't want to see GW go away but this is a company that's proud of not doing market research or listening to their customers.


I am pretty sure that the game will be as much a skirmish game as 40k nowerdays. GW can not earn much with a handfull of miniatures per player. They will just reset for beginners and, if the scaling is not openly implemented, it will most likely be possible. Give it one year (or spplement) or two and mass battles are back.

Gesendet von meinem SM-T335 mit Tapatalk


Niibl":keponoi7 said:
I am pretty sure that the game will be as much a skirmish game as 40k nowerdays. GW can not earn much with a handfull of miniatures per player. They will just reset for beginners and, if the scaling is not openly implemented, it will most likely be possible. Give it one year (or spplement) or two and mass battles are back.

Gesendet von meinem SM-T335 mit Tapatalk

probably but maybe it's a game with 40 modes per side and they charge current prices for units of five plastics.

I'm not really worried either way though
Niibl":ymtoomco said:
I am pretty sure that the game will be as much a skirmish game as 40k nowerdays. GW can not earn much with a handfull of miniatures per player. They will just reset for beginners and, if the scaling is not openly implemented, it will most likely be possible. Give it one year (or spplement) or two and mass battles are back.

Gesendet von meinem SM-T335 mit Tapatalk

It's all swings and round-a-bouts I suppose. GW need to shake things up every now and again otherwise they'd just stagnate. I agree, if they are going more skirmish oriented with Warhammer this year then in a few years time we'll be back to something on grander scale when it seems more fresh. I'd be surprised if Warhammer was going true skirmish size though, that just doesn't make sense. Maybe it'll be skirmish like their LotR game?

I do wonder what they're doing as far as fluff goes though. I always hate to see stuff wiped out as it can be hard to envision them ever going back to something that's been cut. Then again, why does any of it matter to any of us when we're not playing anything beyond 3rd edition and all our models are OOP anyway?! ;)
mbh":1qrzkq1i said:
Defiitely don't want to see GW go away but this is a company that's proud of not doing market research or listening to their customers.

To be fair, at least 90% of customers are idiots who just enjoy complaining. It's best not to pay attention to most of 'em, whatever business you're in.


I'm self-employed and have to admit I am not 100% convinced that your comment, diesel monkey, hits the nail on the head. I think I might just continue to listen to my customers.

(edit) Seeing the bad grammar in the quote below drove me nuts. Corrected here, but unable to correct the quote. How will I sleep tonight?
Padre":d3f3hoif said:
I'm self-employed and have to admit I am not 100% convinced that you're comment, diesel monkey, hits the nail on the head. I think I might just continue to listen to my customers.

Even the vast majority that demand you sell your stuff at a loss, because they still think it's the late 80's?

Or is that just wargamers? ;)

Zhu Bajie

dieselmonkey":3dxvshhi said:
Padre":3dxvshhi said:
I'm self-employed and have to admit I am not 100% convinced that you're comment, diesel monkey, hits the nail on the head. I think I might just continue to listen to my customers.

Even the vast majority that demand you sell your stuff at a loss, because they still think it's the late 80's?

Or is that just wargamers? ;)

Nah you just recognise that those people are not your customers. They want your stuff tho, which is why we're Fortnam and Masons, not Lidl, and can sell pork pies for £30 not 25p.

Damn I want a pork pie now.

Fimm McCool

Zhu Bajie":302gyt7i said:
which is why we're Fortnam and Masons, not Lidl, and can sell pork pies for £30 not 25p.

I like to think I'm more like a farm shop. I produce everything 'locally' and sell it at a small enough profit to still allow me to put money towards the next batch. Rather than a 'boutique' which sells sweat shop goods at a ludicrous mark up simply because they have a 'label' or a budget supermarket which sells stuff cheap by bringing it halfway across the world and not giving anything above cost price (if that) to its suppliers.
I can understand that there is a new warhammer but I would prefer a mass battle system. I like 40k style games but not with warhammer fantasy. I played a few games with Fantasy 8th but rather prefer 3rd as it has a more "Storytelling" design and not as rigid as 8th.
I understand that as a company you have to earn money to survive but hey what GW did the last years is a new dimension in price design.