RIP Warhammer


mbh":1y7qgzli said:
That sounds about right but is it even worth labeling any of this?

I don't think we are talking about making explicit forum rules that all posts need to measure up to—that would of course be impractical and not desirable in any case. I think we are just exploring a theory of community, something to bring our conversations in focus so that they can build and be productive. The early promise of those first few Blogs that started bouncing the idea of Oldhammer off each other and creating synergy was just that—how do we make a passing hobby and interest into something bigger, in the same way as the Old School Renaissance of roleplaying has taken off and become more than the sum of its parts.

To do that, it is helpful to start to think about what our common grounds of exchange are. That doesn't mean those grounds are not up for debate and disagreement—both conversations and communities do not have to ultimately return to some fundamental thing that we all can agree on. Rather, both the inevitable agreement and disagreement are useful if we can make them productive and cool. I believe that having a common framework (rather than unifying dogma) will help us with that.

Padre":1y7qgzli said:
But none of this is in a spirit of complaint. I enjoy seeing what you collectors get up to, and learning a bit about the figures. Best of all is when I see something and think "That's be great for my campaign."

Nice, that is exactly what I mean! Someone could contribute something to the forum discussions that is not exactly "your thing" but it totally inspires you to own it and change your game (whether your campaign, your collection, your painting style, your house rules or that Oldhammer novel you've had kicking around your thoughts for the last year). Then bring it back, share and start the whole cycle over again.


I'd just like to say your all a bunch of quirky feckers, and in the end that's what makes Oldhammer great. And I'm the only normal one here.. ;)

Blue in VT

Chico":3v122ezf said:
I'd just like to say your all a bunch of quirky feckers, and in the end that's what makes Oldhammer great. And I'm the only normal one here.. ;)

Finally THE VOICE OF REASON! :lol:

Thanks for bringing us back down to earth Chico... 8-)



Now we've all agreed that we enjoy each other's company and that we all love either old games or old models (or even both), can we end this by painting, writing, playing th ebest we can? :grin:

I second Chico.


Yes lets all celebrate by going to my Blog and hitting the follow button! You all get a free Interwebz cookie!

It seems that while everyone has a somewhat different view of Oldhammer is, the general consensus is that its more about enjoying a hobby, be it painting and collecting or gaming with a ruleset that is all about enjoying the game rather than destroying ones foes so you can hear the lamentations of their women.

I must admit that the whole what is oldhammer discussion a bit baffling! Personally I must admit I prefer small games, designed around a fun and interesting scenario with a few units of painted figures and am more than happy to lose as long as the game has been enjoyable! To top it off I heretically prefer 15mm scale figures to the classic 28's of Citadel and Marauder!

I still consider myself an oldhammer fan though, despite not having hordes of classic figures. Even my own meagre forces in 15mm are based solely around the background I developed for them and not foe crushing!

I think this sense of fun and enjoyment embodies the oldhammer spirit for me and thats enough.

All the best!
I only realy played 3rd edition warhammer skaven and this was in the 90's even after 4th edition (played once) but 'old hammer ' also means to me games like EPIC adeptus titanicus/space marine which was rogue trader era. a game with a end result that changes the next game you may play and is a following the career of titan crews and builds up a great story, I know this does not have a GM , but it is in 'the spirit' of oldhammer for me, This may be 6mm gaming rather than 28mm but as people have said it has a slight different meaning to each of us.


Fimm McCool":ix9nnfh6 said:
I think it will largely depend on the whims of the American company which buys out GW later this year. ;)

I actually wouldn't be sorry to see GW go under and leave the market clear for some of the smaller, more interesting companies to get a leg up. Not that that's likely.
About where I'm at with GW.


The talk about 9th getting bigger multiple-army-in-one-book lists is keeping me interested in 9th. Really hoping its gonna be able to turn around the general disinterest that 8th seemed to bring into my area (WFB went from being game #1 to practically unplayed in my local club and amongst other players I know, and they were full on "2 day tournament every month" types.


I feel I need to resurrect this thread to clarify something that seems to have caused an issue for another member. ... mment-form

In the comment section spacecow relates a forum experience that caused him to leave the community at the time. That would be my post telling him to GTFO. I was pretty surprised to read that this turned him off from the forum. I wasn't too keen too see myself characterized as an idiot or that i held a narrow interpretation of Oldhammer from the other posters. My intentions were not to offend or criticize.

I figured the "heroic scale" was the giveaway it was a joke, but I guess that's what smilies are for.

Edit update

I pm'd spacecowsmith about reply.

I guess he's just a sensitive little twat. Oh well..


I wouldn't worry MBH,

The past is gone and you can't keep all of the people happy all of the time; move on and make the most of of what you've got. :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1

Play up. play up & play the game, whatever it is.

mbh":2b03gv5r said:
I feel I need to resurrect this thread to clarify something that seems to have caused an issue for another member. ... mment-form

In the comment section spacecow relates a forum experience that caused him to leave the community at the time. That would be my post telling him to GTFO. I was pretty surprised to read that this turned him off from the forum. I wasn't too keen too see myself characterized as an idiot or that i held a narrow interpretation of Oldhammer from the other posters. My intentions were not to offend or criticize.

I figured the "heroic scale" was the giveaway it was a joke, but I guess that's what smilies are for.



mbh":1hb6dq7p said:
I feel I need to resurrect this thread to clarify something that seems to have caused an issue for another member. ... mment-form

In the comment section spacecow relates a forum experience that caused him to leave the community at the time. That would be my post telling him to GTFO. I was pretty surprised to read that this turned him off from the forum. I wasn't too keen too see myself characterized as an idiot or that i held a narrow interpretation of Oldhammer from the other posters. My intentions were not to offend or criticize.

I figured the "heroic scale" was the giveaway it was a joke, but I guess that's what smilies are for.

I remember the thread and your post.
I took it exactly as you meant it with or without the smiles.
Getting on with other folks on a forum (and probably in real life) requires not just an effort on everyone's part not to offend anyone else but also an effort not to be too easily offended. It also needs people to let things slide and not still be offended about it months and years later. :roll:
It also requires an effort on everyones part not to mention Pony wa.... DAMN! :grin:


mbh":58z1gp95 said:
I wasn't too keen too see myself characterized as an idiot or that i held a narrow interpretation of Oldhammer from the other posters. My intentions were not to offend or criticize.
Don't worry mbh, the "GTFO" comment was clearly made in jest, and an obvious reference piss-take directed at anyone who claim to have all the answers. I'm sure ol' Smithsy will see it for what it is. He's a good egg!


Thanks boys

I debated even posting about this but I wasn't sure a pm would reach him. It just definitely wasn't my intention to push anyone away.


Should I start a new thread for Nagash End of Times?

:grin: :) ;) :( :o :shock: :?


mbh":2dtaj9ye said:
Thanks boys
Should I start a new thread for Nagash End of Times?

If you do, drop the "of" in the title :twisted:

If anything, I figured the new releases was why this thread resurfaced anyway. With any luck for GW, it'll work and bring back some more interest in fantasy. I'm happy to see love for any fantasy wargame, from any company. Annoyingly, for those genuinely interested in what's going on, it's impossible to read about it online without half of it being "Warhammer is being cancelled/scaled back to skirmish only rules/round bases OMG!!!!" :(

I've no interest in any new models (unless the rumoured Skaven book comes true) but it' still fun to see what they're up to with the current background.