RIP Warhammer


Orlygg":1r42rmgs said:
mbh":1r42rmgs said:
I just saw orlygg's most recent comment posted on this blog post.

I hope this thread wasn't part of the problem. I certainly wasn't trying to bash his opinion. I just thought it made interesting discussion.

My comments were not directed at anyone in the Oldhammer Community. I really enjoyed the discussions you had here and thought that you had some very sound theories (which is all they are really) but I thought it best to remain out of things because I would just have been repeating myself. My remarks were directed at various other forums where practically anonymous commentators (ie they write no real copy anywhere) made rather hypocritical cases against my post. Strangely, they have all gone rather quiet since the release of a certain set of financial reports! What is certain is Warhammer is dying a slow death. With Beastmen, Wood Elves, Bretonnians and Tomb Kings almost certain for the chop, the game is going to have a lot less armies.
It's not over for Warhammer Fantasy ... just yet. :grin:
... and Beastmen do better than you might think.

Loving your blog recently mate.
You crack on.
If they are shooting at you ... you must be doing something right. :grin:


Orlygg":3tbf5nvh said:
mbh":3tbf5nvh said:
I just saw orlygg's most recent comment posted on this blog post.

I hope this thread wasn't part of the problem. I certainly wasn't trying to bash his opinion. I just thought it made interesting discussion.

My comments were not directed at anyone in the Oldhammer Community. I really enjoyed the discussions you had here and thought that you had some very sound theories (which is all they are really) but I thought it best to remain out of things because I would just have been repeating myself. My remarks were directed at various other forums where practically anonymous commentators (ie they write no real copy anywhere) made rather hypocritical cases against my post. Strangely, they have all gone rather quiet since the release of a certain set of financial reports! What is certain is Warhammer is dying a slow death. With Beastmen, Wood Elves, Bretonnians and Tomb Kings almost certain for the chop, the game is going to have a lot less armies.

I saw the new rumor about the cuts. I'm not sure what to think of it though. The source is pretty unreliable and the rumors of upcoming wood elves from I think Harry seem to contradict things.

who knows...


Wood elves get a release later this year.
The longer term future for Warhammer and some of the armies is less clear.
I am not sure who Orlygg has been chatting to recently but I heard that some of the armies were under threat a couple of years ago. I then heard that they even discussed the future of Warhammer fantasy itself. :shock:
However it seems it was decided that it had a future but that it would be getting a ground up re-write. I heard nothing was sacred ... so anything could have changed, everything could have changed, nothing could have changed. I heard we would get no more individual army books but that armies would be combined in some way. (Mmmm Warhammer armies anyone?) Some guy on Warseer seems convinced we are getting Warhammer skirmish? Now it seems to make some sense to me that they might round out 8th edition, finish all the books and then try and explore this avenue as an entry level game to get folks into the bigger game. But this is NOT something I have heard suggested anywhere else. On that point ... I don't know where everything landed after it was thrown up in the air or even if it was thrown up in the air or if any of this is even true. I don't have any mates who work for GW telling me stuff. So this is all just rumours and you really should assume it is all bobbins until you here something more concrete.
Whatever we get ... it seems it is coming in 2015
Now what I do know is that before then there is a bunch of exciting stuff coming for Warhammer fantasy in the next year that may well appeal to folks here a good deal more than the next edition.


Sorry everyone if I've gone into rant mode. Certainly not trying to be snarky or anything to anyone. Reading the same thread on multiple forums in one sitting must do it to you :)

Zhu Bajie":3sgvuet1 said:
OK. Please explain why an unsubstantiated rumour on GW ceasing to publish a game has any relevance to Oldhammer... because personally I can't see it has any relevance at all whatsoever. The game stopped being published in 1990 as far as I'm concerned

See, "as far as I'm concerned". Clearly it has relevance to "Oldhammer" to other people. Or, as pointed out, relevant to the section description: "Discuss anything related to miniature games not covered in other forums". Certainly more than posting in-joke pictures.


I guess I mightn't count because I'm a very occasional member here (I haven't painted anything for a while, so feel guilty and haven't been posting much!) but it seems plenty relevant to me. Rumours that the current/future editions of a game talked about here is in trouble certainly sounds it. of Acting surprised that there is still crossover between the two, or that people might like both, or post here about it is silly. The continuation of a game with miniatures is surely as relevant as all the "alternate model" threads, like the models or not (which is also the case with other suppliers models anyway).

I think that's the danger of using such a wanky term like "Oldhammer" anyway. I love what I see and get to read and learn about on this forum, on Zhu's blog and many others, but the "only this is Oldhammer" bit gets old. There's a weird habit of people thinking they actually have to go and post in threads just to say they don't like a model/edition/whatever the thread topic is and add nothing more, which is a shame, and I can't be the only one put-off. It's often said that "Oldhammer" is inclusive, but you see more open-mindedness on even some of the famously GW fanboy sites. I finally scraped together everything I need to play 2nd edition WHFB but I won't be calling it "Oldhammer" :(. No more than my 5th or 8th games. As I've read on other forums, no, I'm playing Warhammer (whatever edition).

Besides, you can play the current edition with exactly the same mindset and chop and change rules or ignore the current restrictive army selection rules (which so many do for 3rd and 2nd anyway, "early days for competition Warhammer" indeed :)).

Harry, your last comment is heartening. I'm sure it will be mis-quoted and attributed to other people soon enough on Warseer and others as usual :)


zoggin-eck":3oixuxsr said:
I think that's the danger of using such a wanky term like "Oldhammer" anyway. I love what I see and get to read and learn about on this forum, on Zhu's blog and many others, but the "only this is Oldhammer" bit gets old. There's a weird habit of people thinking they actually have to go and post in threads just to say they don't like a model/edition/whatever the thread topic is and add nothing more, which is a shame, and I can't be the only one put-off. It's often said that "Oldhammer" is inclusive, but you see more open-mindedness on even some of the famously GW fanboy sites.

I really don't see the closed-mindedness some people refer to, although I admit that I've spoken to other people who share your perspective.

Aaaaaanyway, I think that Whiskey Priest's attempt to do something about this elitism and get some campaign fun going with warbands of cheap/in production miniatures is a great attempt to do something positive about this and to remove any whiff of closed-mindedness. I'd encourage people to get involved, I reckon it's going to be fun!


lenihan":h4k6k6ai said:
zoggin-eck":h4k6k6ai said:
I think that's the danger of using such a wanky term like "Oldhammer" anyway. I love what I see and get to read and learn about on this forum, on Zhu's blog and many others, but the "only this is Oldhammer" bit gets old....It's often said that "Oldhammer" is inclusive, but you see more open-mindedness on even some of the famously GW fanboy sites.

I really don't see the closed-mindedness some people refer to, although I admit that I've spoken to other people who share your perspective.
Aaaaaanyway, I think that Whiskey Priest's attempt to do something about this elitism and get some campaign fun going with warbands of cheap/in production miniatures is a great attempt to do something positive about this and to remove any whiff of closed-mindedness. I'd encourage people to get involved, I reckon it's going to be fun!

Honestly, I really like the term "Oldhammer" & find no wankiness in it.

Do folks really get excluded from games because they don't have armies like Nico's? You showed up with your plastic Empire Army & other gamers pelted you with "real" miniatures made of 'eavy Metal?
I'm not seeing the elitism & frankly the emphasis on older RT & WFB stuff is why we are all here right? I don't see a wrong in trying to retain a certain flavor to these boards. If you wanted to wallow in the latest Ultramarines with tricked out FW bits, or chat about your cheats for World of Warcraft, you'd likely be better served elsewhere.
That being said, if you are posting something OT or slightly OT in a section that is designated for "General Discussions", it's all good. ;)

So bring on the Star Frontiers, Conan, & pictures of your Mom's Dark Eldar force, but please put it in the right spot!
Woof! Zoggin-eck! That hurt a bit. Oldhammer is wanky? Really? We're snobby? I had no idea.
Could you give me an example? especially of people going to threads to slag off models and editions just because they feel they have to.
I really find it hard to find examples of people being close minded and deliberately excluding people.
Are you sure this isn't just the opinion of the fanboys that you are using as an example of open-mindedness rather than your own opinion.
Tell you what.
Get yourself 21 fantasy miniatures, who cares where from, paint them up and slap them down on a table without referring to any rulebooks and we'll have a chew it out over a couple of beers and a curry.

Shit, you're in Oz aren't you!

Ti Pouchon

What does "playing Warhammer / 40k" mean?
I have the impression it means: being involved in a certain kind of hobby gaming that puts emphasis on a certain way of wargaming and a certain understanding of wargaming.
I have the impression that the current incarnations of Warhammer and 40k are specifically designed to encourage players to buy a lot (and I mean a lot!) of minis and a stack of soon-to-be-obsolete rulebooks if they want to... yeah, if they want to do what?
My answer: If they want to stay competitive.
If they want to just waltz into a GW on high street and start a game and have a chance of winning said game.
If they accept that their opponent is doing his very best to beat them and
if their enjoyment of the game is not diminished by a certain amount of competitiveness. This includes stuff that some like to label "min-maxing" or "rules lawyering" or "powergaming" or whatever.

I also have the impression that "Oldhammer" is a kind of umbrella term for all gaming-related activites which still involve shoving minis around a tabletop but none of the "original Warhammer" competitiveness. In short, everybody who doesn't enjoy playing against the weens in a ween atmosphere but still wants to play, collect, paint etc. can be considered a part of Oldhammer.

There also is a gray area: all those who like to play the weens but for personal reasons decide to do so with old minis. Their love of the old lead makes them a part of Oldhammer in my book even though they don't fit even the broad definition above (because as inclusive as that definition seems to appear, it really is exclusive: everyone who doesn't play competitively using SOTA rules and minis).
And because you can only use Citadel minis if you want to play weens in their shop, old Citadel minis are something like the gold standard, simply because they have the broadest appeal and have the highest demand going for them.

Now, just because I don't like weens doesn't mean I want to slam them or anything. They do what they want to do, I do what I want to do. I'm not better than them, I'm just different.

Should current Warhammer really cease to exist in the forseeable future (I don't think that likely at all but that's neither here nor there) is relevant for Oldhammer because the current weens will have a tough choice to face: continue their competitive mindest and way of gaming (in which case they'll agree on a ruleset and play along) or quit being competitive and thus start playing Oldhammer.
Thus, I do think that the future of current warhammer is relevant to Oldhammer, because every gamer who abandons the "competitiveness above everything else" mindset is an Oldhammerer in the making. And the more, the merrier.


Gentlemen, I just thought I'd weigh in at this point with a gentle reminder that we (as in, this forum) have been down this road (what is oldhammer? is it elitist? etc...) before.

No answers were forthcoming the last time, so I doubt any will this time.

It's not for me to challenge healthy debate (bet that's a definition minefield anyway...), but I would recommend that if some posters are feeling compelled to defend themselves by others, that they re-read the 'offensive' posts. Are you sure it's been written in a hostile tone? A tone that requires defence?

Having just re-read them myself, I can see how all of the challenging posts can be interpreted in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. I'm also fairly sure that the speculative demise GW or Warhammer is not worth the friction.

I'm not challenging the contents of the thread, but if you're going to play, please play nicely and consider your tone when posting.

If, for whatever reason, you still find yourself offended, please check with myself or one of the other moderators (there is a link called 'the team' at the bottom right of the forum) so we can determine if something needs to be done (I seriously doubt it).
Seems to me Oldhammer is like art - noone can really define it, you just kinda know it when you see it. Actually, in that regard, it's also like love. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love you guys. Now gimme some sugar.

EDIT: This is post 69 on this thread, hubba hubba!
I love you guys too, let's hold hands :razz:

I don't have hard feelings towards today's Games Workshop or the minis they make (well ok, I don't like their Orks) but as somebody said before I've accepted I'm not really their target audience anymore and I've come to terms with that.
Once my Night Goblins are finished I intend on waging war with them using the current (maybe future, by the time I finish) ruleset too so I hope WHFB continues to be supported by the company.

The high price (I'm in Australia) has got to be doing more harm than good though, you can't get a single miniature for what I would consider pocket money which in my case would mean not getting one at all-
there would be a fair chance mum or dad might slip young CVB a $20 on a normal outing to get a tin soldier or two, but $30 for one dude or even $60 for a box just would not happen unless Bday or Xmas.
That's got to prevent a lot of kids being able to get into it and is surely cutting the nose off to spite the face.

To this day, my dad has a $50 cut off point in general, even for himself :lol:
We went to see Roger Waters perform The Wall a couple of years ago (somehow I managed to get him to spend $450 on a front row ticket) and when we went to the merchandising stand he wanted a shirt but when he saw it was $50 that was it :lol: Even the bootleg ones outside the venue for $25 were too much for him heheh

I'm not trying to say my dad is cheap (he is Scottish) but there really is that cut off point for what you feel something is worth and what GW are asking exceeds it, generally.

Zhu Bajie

I dunno, seems to be some confusion about what Oldhammer means - it is literally "Playing earlier editions of Warhammer, specifically editions 1, 2, 3" and that's it really,

Oldhammer Contract

I don't think that's being exclusive, or snobby or wanky, just a way of identifying a common interest. Nor do I think someone posting a goat or saying "modern toss!" should ever be taken too seriously, it's not like anyone is calling for the thread to be locked and deleted, just because they don't like it or it doesn't fit with their individual view of what the forum should be about.


Zhu Bajie":1atvh2v0 said:
I dunno, seems to be some confusion about what Oldhammer means - it is literally "Playing earlier editions of Warhammer, specifically editions 1, 2, 3" and that's it really,

Not sure about this. At least part of it (for me) is about the miniatures.

Pretty much all my games take place at the local Games Workshop store as that’s the only place near me that has facilities and that people can get to.

Because of this I exclusively play the latest rules set but do everything I can to use “oldhammer” GW miniatures and make them fit into armies that work with the latest codex or army book.

I consider myself an Oldhammer enthusiast but due to the local area haven’t played a 3rd edition game in years.

I love the old miniatures and for me Warhammer will always be about metal miniatures rather than the new soulless plastics that are being sold by GW at the moment (much to the frustration of the local GW manager).

As I do play in the local store I also try to make sure that anything non-miniature realted I do buy in the store in order to help support the place where I play so latest rule books and such like are the price I pay for using my armies of old well loved miniatures.



Zhu Bajie

Consider that the name Oldhammer was originally coined, along with the definition, back in 2011 and "playing modern Warhammer with old figures" wasn't part of that definition.
Oldhammer is an aesthetic approach to wargaming that encompasses both the style of game-play and, obviously, the visual aspect (id est, vintage miniatures) of games. I personally don't use any WHFB editions (although I own a mint copy of 2nd) preferring recent indie rule-sets which I think even better encapsulate the relaxed and pleasurable aspect of tabletop gaming which 'Oldhammer' seeks to embrace. When all of the 'leading lights' of the *ahem* movement use older edition of WHFB to conduct their miniature battles I can appreciate why newcomers or outsiders might think such rules are mandatory. I do personally think it's rather weird when people use 8th edition to play Oldhammer games, but I suppose this has much to do with your relationship to latter-day GW (mine is non-existent) and how you view Oldhammer: some see it an amusing diversion from their main projects others make it their sole focus. Of course there will be differing degrees of commitment and emotional investment. At the end-of-the-day if you're having fun then you're doing something right, right?


Zhu Bajie":2oq8q4ur said:
Consider that the name Oldhammer was originally coined, along with the definition, back in 2011 and "playing modern Warhammer with old figures" wasn't part of that definition.

Of course definitions can evolve ;)

Personally, these forums (and associated blogs) are a place where I can interact with people with similar interests. For me, it is slotta-based models between ~1985-1992, painting, background associated with GW games from the same period.

I haven't played a game of WHFB (of any edition) since about 1990, I haven't played Rogue Trader since it was the current ruleset. I play Blood Bowl, but they're the current rules. I don't feel any less a part of Oldhammer because of that; I just prefer to focus on the models and the universe they sit within...other people are completely the reverse (it's all about the rules and it doesn't matter what models you use, old or modern).

I like the fact that Oldhammer has evolved so that all these views are part of the big picture, and that these forums give me a place to post, where Warseer, Dakka and all the others never really fitted.


Same here, I obviously wouldn't risk giving a definition especially to you Zhu, but from your contract I wole heartedly adhere to, I get the idea if models don't care (and they don't) then rulesets shouldn't neither. One brilliant example of this is Padre and his excellent and characterful battle reports played with whatever models he has and with very recent rulesets and armylists. They seem the best embodiment of Oldhammer to me. Maybe I just concentrate on what I like from your contract but in the end for me it's all about "Do what you like but do it right !"


Personally I've been playing with the older figures that I hunted out long before the term ''Oldhammer'' was coined. It's only a year or 2 I've actively played WhFB3/RT40k rather then the current rule set with older toys. And for the record I love WhFB 8th (Hate Wh40K 6th though) I buy the the old toys to paint and game with and 8th allows me to use more of my babies and show them off.

And for the record, Oldhammer is now no one persons phrase it's evolved into something much bigger then a single persons narrow view point.
Yeah I don't mean to start a pissing contest but I've been collecting OOP stuff (blissfully unaware of all you good eggs doing the same) since 09- finding this place and a whole heap of people that do the same/similar has been incredible and a real inspiration to get more done.
The last thing I want to do is steal someone's catchphrase, but I'm proud to gather under the oldhammer banner.


Again, sorry if I'm carrying on a bit. I find it all very interesting, that's all :)

weazil":3058zxv8 said:
If, for whatever reason, you still find yourself offended, please check with myself or one of the other moderators (there is a link called 'the team' at the bottom right of the forum) so we can determine if something needs to be done (I seriously doubt it).

All good mate, and a nice reminder. However, I don't think anyone was offended even slightly anyway? Unless there's lots of crazy PM's going around we can't see here.

whiskey priest":3058zxv8 said:
Are you sure this isn't just the opinion of the fanboys that you are using as an example of open-mindedness rather than your own opinion.
Tell you what.
Get yourself 21 fantasy miniatures, who cares where from, paint them up and slap them down on a table without referring to any rulebooks and we'll have a chew it out over a couple of beers and a curry.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's my own opinion. Seriously, you see the same "poor model, good paint job" post all the time when someone shows a more recent model, or the "how is this relevant" one here in a section full of off topic threads. Nobody is crying over it, or the odd cry of "modern toss!" as Zhu said, certainly not me but it does get old. Again, you see old models all the time on supposed fanboy forums, and they usually generate interest from people who may have never seen them before. (I never said snobby, by the way!).

I've seen your idea on your blog and here. Yeah, no go with different continents and all! Shame, since I recently got close to 21 Asgard dwarfs from Vikingforge that'd do the trick 8-) Over here we'd swap the curry for a pie, though!

Zhu Bajie":3058zxv8 said:
I dunno, seems to be some confusion about what Oldhammer means - it is literally "Playing earlier editions of Warhammer, specifically editions 1, 2, 3" and that's it really,

Oldhammer Contract

I think we've all seen that post Zhu. If that's the case, and this forum really is "Oldhammer" and no Blood renamed, then there's a whole lot here that isn't "relevant to Oldhammer", I guess.

Yes, it's a wanky name to some! It got an "Oldhammer? HA!" here at home when I last left it on the screen (the laugh was a dead-ringer for Bart's teacher's laugh from the Simpsons).

Asslessman":3058zxv8 said:
One brilliant example of this is Padre and his excellent and characterful battle reports played with whatever models he has and with very recent rulesets and armylists.

Exactly the example I was thinking of last night. (I was a bit reluctant to mention it because he hasn't posted here.) His latest post shows 8th edition in the Skaven battles. Really great stuff, perhaps the most interesting/inspirational series of threads on here and keeping in the spirit of the forum. There's a fantastic thread on the Lead Adventure forums of two guys using some lovely old models from Citadel, Grenadier and others using the two different AD&D Battlesystem rules of all things. I still think it would go down well here. That's the kind of spirit I've seen on this forum. Sorry Zhu if it doesn't all fit a blog post you wrote years ago?

Chico":3058zxv8 said:
Personally I've been playing with the older figures that I hunted out long before the term ''Oldhammer'' was coined.

Count Von Bruno":3058zxv8 said:
Yeah I don't mean to start a pissing contest but I've been collecting OOP stuff (blissfully unaware of all you good eggs doing the same) since 09-...

Exactly. Some of the responses you read elsewhere from people playing older editions are basically: "Oldhammer? No, we're playing Warhammer, like we always have been." I just don't think it needed a name, that's all. Or a contract? People managed without before and after. Again, I'm probably too junior, or not a useful enough poster here, but if the last few poster here stopped using the term Oldhammer in their non 1st/2nd/3rd game posts I wouldn't mind :)