Again, sorry if I'm carrying on a bit. I find it all very interesting, that's all
weazil":3058zxv8 said:
If, for whatever reason, you still find yourself offended, please check with myself or one of the other moderators (there is a link called '
the team' at the bottom right of the forum) so we can determine if something needs to be done (I seriously doubt it).
All good mate, and a nice reminder. However, I don't think anyone was offended even slightly anyway? Unless there's lots of crazy PM's going around we can't see here.
whiskey priest":3058zxv8 said:
Are you sure this isn't just the opinion of the fanboys that you are using as an example of open-mindedness rather than your own opinion.
Tell you what.
Get yourself 21 fantasy miniatures, who cares where from, paint them up and slap them down on a table without referring to any rulebooks and we'll have a chew it out over a couple of beers and a curry.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's my own opinion. Seriously, you see the same "poor model, good paint job" post all the time when someone shows a more recent model, or the "how is this relevant" one here in a section full of off topic threads. Nobody is crying over it, or the odd cry of "modern toss!" as Zhu said, certainly not me but it does get old. Again, you see old models all the time on supposed fanboy forums, and they usually generate interest from people who may have never seen them before. (I never said snobby, by the way!).
I've seen your idea on your blog and here. Yeah, no go with different continents and all! Shame, since I recently got close to 21 Asgard dwarfs from Vikingforge that'd do the trick

Over here we'd swap the curry for a pie, though!
Zhu Bajie":3058zxv8 said:
I dunno, seems to be some confusion about what Oldhammer means - it is literally "Playing earlier editions of Warhammer, specifically editions 1, 2, 3" and that's it really,
Oldhammer Contract
I think we've all seen that post Zhu. If that's the case, and this forum really is "Oldhammer" and no Blood renamed, then there's a whole lot here that isn't "relevant to Oldhammer", I guess.
Yes, it's a wanky name to some! It got an "Oldhammer? HA!" here at home when I last left it on the screen (the laugh was a dead-ringer for Bart's teacher's laugh from the Simpsons).
Asslessman":3058zxv8 said:
One brilliant example of this is Padre and his excellent and characterful battle reports played with whatever models he has and with very recent rulesets and armylists.
Exactly the example I was thinking of last night. (I was a bit reluctant to mention it because he hasn't posted here.) His latest post shows 8th edition in the Skaven battles. Really great stuff, perhaps the most interesting/inspirational series of threads on here and keeping in the spirit of the forum. There's a fantastic thread on the Lead Adventure forums of two guys using some lovely old models from Citadel, Grenadier and others using the two different AD&D Battlesystem rules of all things. I still think it would go down well here. That's the kind of spirit I've seen on this forum. Sorry Zhu if it doesn't all fit a blog post you wrote years ago?
Chico":3058zxv8 said:
Personally I've been playing with the older figures that I hunted out long before the term ''Oldhammer'' was coined.
Count Von Bruno":3058zxv8 said:
Yeah I don't mean to start a pissing contest but I've been collecting OOP stuff (blissfully unaware of all you good eggs doing the same) since 09-...
Exactly. Some of the responses you read elsewhere from people playing older editions are basically: "Oldhammer? No, we're playing Warhammer, like we always have been." I just don't think it needed a name, that's all. Or a contract? People managed without before and after. Again, I'm probably too junior, or not a useful enough poster here, but if the last few poster here stopped using the term Oldhammer in their non 1st/2nd/3rd game posts I wouldn't mind