I tend towards agreement with you Blue when it comes to WD and latter day rulesets. In fairness not everything they do is shit, although everything seems rather overpriced. It is interesting to think of a world where they did fold although it is unlikely to my mind.
I remember bitching about GW to a rather smart friend of mine who is familiar with GW and the world of gaming some years ago where I was arguing that they had lost it and they would be buggered in the future. He shot me down with one point. "Lets look at the stock values then shall we Seán, yep seem to me like they are doing pretty brilliantly in the grand scheme of things".
And he is correct:
I think we just have to face the fact that we are not really the demographic they are after and get on with our lives. We have our own Oldhammer grass roots movement rolling now which dare I say has the potential to surpass the inspiring stuff from the old times. We have the maturity, interest and time to hone the craft of Oldhammer into something freaking awesome we can be proud of being a part of and will live forever in the cloud hopefully inspiring future Oldhammerers.