First I painted the leather on all the horses.
Then I painted the riders partially, so that at least all parts that are hard to reach once glued to the horses.
I glued the riders to the horses and blocked in all the base colors.
I designed the flag of the unit in Inkscape, basically using the same imagery as with the foot squad, except for having the pig holding a lance.
I printed it and painted it,
before cutting it out.
The unit is done.
The Oldworlder Ally Contingent is done with that last unit, too.

Then I painted the riders partially, so that at least all parts that are hard to reach once glued to the horses.

I glued the riders to the horses and blocked in all the base colors.

I designed the flag of the unit in Inkscape, basically using the same imagery as with the foot squad, except for having the pig holding a lance.
I printed it and painted it,

before cutting it out.

The unit is done.

The Oldworlder Ally Contingent is done with that last unit, too.