Nice! Although not enough photos of my models!
We discussed what to do about NOGG and it was pretty much decided that we would put on one gaming night per month. There are the 2 good venues in Nottingham, both the Nedd Ludd and WhWorld, plus our houses. The main idea then it for us to arrange through here and FB a meet up for gaming at least one time a month. This should be led by whoever wants to run a game that month, with venue and date to be agreed by mutual consent.
Thanks for everyone who came! It was good to learn what I was doing wrong in this edition! I think I will start my own house rules version of RT. I liek the game because of the lack of special rules, which bog the modern version down. However, there are of course good modern concepts (we used scatter dice) that I think have aplace in my House Rules!
We discussed what to do about NOGG and it was pretty much decided that we would put on one gaming night per month. There are the 2 good venues in Nottingham, both the Nedd Ludd and WhWorld, plus our houses. The main idea then it for us to arrange through here and FB a meet up for gaming at least one time a month. This should be led by whoever wants to run a game that month, with venue and date to be agreed by mutual consent.
Thanks for everyone who came! It was good to learn what I was doing wrong in this edition! I think I will start my own house rules version of RT. I liek the game because of the lack of special rules, which bog the modern version down. However, there are of course good modern concepts (we used scatter dice) that I think have aplace in my House Rules!