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N.O.G.G. - Nottingham Oldhammer Gaming Group


So with all of the gaming groups springing up around the country, I thought it was time that the spiritual home of oldhammer had a group of its own.

I'd like to propose a monthly meet for a start, with Foundry as a venue. But I'm happy to be flexible to suit other people.

So, anyone in?
dieselmonkey":2ua1l92u said:
The first Saturday of every month is a Foundry gaming day, and there are plenty of tables here, so I'd suggest working around that. Jake Thornton comes along with his God of Battles group, but there's plenty of room for everyone!

And, as I work here, I'll see you anyway, but I've got a few armies I'm currently working on, as well as some Oldhammer-style scenery I'm making.

This makes sense.


Well it looks like it will be me, Dieselmonkey and Steve, with the odd addition occasionally.

I'm not really in a position to commit to a regular day each month, but would happily organise something ad-hoc once every 4-6 weeks if that suits you guys?
Skarsnik & Old Lead":3vfsgl79 said:
Well it looks like it will be me, Dieselmonkey and Steve, with the odd addition occasionally.

I'm not really in a position to commit to a regular day each month, but would happily organise something ad-hoc once every 4-6 weeks if that suits you guys?

Sounds good. Like you I cant commit to a regular day at the moment so ad-hoc suits me.


Citadel Collector":2a53ngaa said:
Skarsnik & Old Lead":2a53ngaa said:
Well it looks like it will be me, Dieselmonkey and Steve, with the odd addition occasionally.

I'm not really in a position to commit to a regular day each month, but would happily organise something ad-hoc once every 4-6 weeks if that suits you guys?

Sounds good. Like you I cant commit to a regular day at the moment so ad-hoc suits me.

Cool. I'm probably looking at late March/early April before iIm free. I'll get a list of dates together and you can see if any work for you, and we'll get something arranged.
Skarsnik & Old Lead":2qb0e5em said:
Citadel Collector":2qb0e5em said:
Skarsnik & Old Lead":2qb0e5em said:
Well it looks like it will be me, Dieselmonkey and Steve, with the odd addition occasionally.

I'm not really in a position to commit to a regular day each month, but would happily organise something ad-hoc once every 4-6 weeks if that suits you guys?

Sounds good. Like you I cant commit to a regular day at the moment so ad-hoc suits me.

Cool. I'm probably looking at late March/early April before iIm free. I'll get a list of dates together and you can see if any work for you, and we'll get something arranged.

Realistically that's probably the same for me. Might even give me some time to actually get stuff painted... :roll: :oops:
Just to update this, with Foundry now out pretty much of the running as a location, as anyone got any ideas for a new venue?

There's always WW, but that obviously limits us to GW games and figures.


dieselmonkey":1obhmk37 said:
Just to update this, with Foundry now out pretty much of the running as a location, as anyone got any ideas for a new venue?

There's always WW, but that obviously limits us to GW games and figures.

I was only thinking this over the weekend. Warhammer World is very convenient for me, and I pretty much only own GW figs anyway, So I'd always be happy to meet up there to push some lead around. Any other suggestions?



I set up War & Peace Games Club, held at Springfield Hall in Sandiacre but have recently stepped down from running it (had to get a full time job rather than pursue establishing a wargaming business). Just before leaving I ran a Kickstarter campaign in November last year for more tables and terrain - successful btw :) - and I'm sure they'd be happy for more, regular gamers. They meet every Wednesday night 7-11pm and the Hall has a bar. I get there very rarely now due to work commitments but we could possibly arrange a monthly get together.

They also play a whole host of games from Firestorm Armada, Dropzone Commander, KOW, DreadBall and a variety of boardgames.

check their FB page http://www.facebook.com/WarPeaceGamesClub


Alright, lads. I've just moved down to Nottingham for work reasons, and would love the chance to get some old school gaming sorted. Re. a place to game - I should have my folding tables moved down in a couple of months so, if somewhere else isn't found, there's always my rather mundane living room in Beeston as a place to have a game.

@J.P. I had a nose at your groups facebook group and emailed them about that Necromunda campaign. Are you one of the necro gamers down there?


We should definitely organise something. Slayer gaming did sound great, but purely from a selfish point of view, something in Nottingham would be preferred.