Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

For a small force from a rural backwater, I’d be tempted to go for a hedge wizard or wise woman type. There are a number among the C series wizards: Elementalist Archmage, Drillwear, Pedregar the Green, Adonis the Haughty. What about a Druid instead? C46 Ferndale Snart, the Talisman one or one of the AD&D 3-stage blister.
Stirland Wizard means you are going fluff wise to before the colleges of magic had been established?

Not sure. Yes and no. My games are in 2512 ish, the time given as present day in 3rd edition. Obvs no colleges of magic in 3rd. But it was retconned so that in 2512 they would have been about for about 200 years.

I don't mind them but in my head for 3rd edition vibes, they are more about wizard's in big cities and so on.
For a small force from a rural backwater, I’d be tempted to go for a hedge wizard or wise woman type. There are a number among the C series wizards: Elementalist Archmage, Drillwear, Pedregar the Green, Adonis the Haughty. What about a Druid instead? C46 Ferndale Snart, the Talisman one or one of the AD&D 3-stage blister.

I have been eyeing those and checking ebay :grin:
There are also some great figures in the ‘85 Citadel LOTR range that might fit if you like traditional-looking wizards. The Gandalfs from the Fellowship boxed set & ME1 blister & the ME62 mounted Saruman.
My take on the Townscape Cottage:





Considering this is my first ever 25mm scratch build I am quite happy with it.
(I have made many 6mm scratch builds, so the concept is not new to me, just the size)

There are a few things I will do differently next time, but all in all I am quite pleased.

Now to find a model of the person that lives there…
My wizard/priest was a converted flegler.
But I have bought 4 fleglers which is one short for a unit.
So the wizard has returned to being a flegler in order for me to have a unit of them.

Meaning the spot of wizard was up for grabs, as such we now have a new wizard.
Fraulein Pfiezel.

A new wizard of course means new spells, as in WFB 3rd edition spells are rolled randomly.
This time I went more Elemental than Battle Magic.

I also took the opportunity to prettify my spell cards:

Thank you!!

I think they are Citadel, but not sure.
They do have personality though.

What would The Empire be without some honest strong woodsmen to chop down trees and beastmen?

I am after some peasants for my WFB games that are either tied to poles, or nailed to trees, or something like that.

Any ideas?

They are for criminals that have been killed and left out as a deterrent.
Try Etsy. You’ll find impaled & crucified models there though you’ll probably have to experiment to get the scaling right. Most Etsy print shops, in my experience, are quite helpful with such things.
Alternatively, you could knock something up yourself using commercially available bones, skulls & hides. Beastmen skulls nailed to trees, the remnants of pyres of mutants, boundary stones with warning totems, skulls on poles etc. Foundry have some of the latter in their Darkest Africa range. Lots of other useful rammage too e.g. gorilla skulls, idols etc.
Etsy has stuff that is close, but not quite right.
Plenty of impaled and hanging folk, but that is what I am after.

Nothing that suits me perfectly, at least not that I can find.

I have a vision and I will not be denied!! :razz:


Alternative have some but they are more self defence peasants.. They do have some tied to trees and the like but it more depends on your taste in stuff ^_^;