Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

So my plan to make a teeny 25mm Empire force for WFB is complete:


885 points of brave Imperial lads.

So yeah, that is them collected, now to paint them.

But then this happened…


884 points of evil undead…

Is this how it starts?
I have been doing some basing on the models I had painted from Mordheim to try and get it to match the surface I will be using for the 25mm WFB (Which is different to the surface for the 10mm WFB).

Did not want lawn tennis/golf green smooth, so all a bit Stirlandy and uneven.

Quite pleased with the match, the brown mud that is visible will match any terrain that I make.

Starting 25mm after years of just 10mm means there is much to buy/make/paint.

Some terrain will be needed, so I have some linear obstacles made and ready to paint:




My games will be about a small area of Stirland under attack from the rising undead of neighbouring Sylvania.
I have not played WFB with 25mm models in over 30 years.

Today Samantha and I played a game of it.

With us having used 10mm for WFB over the last 4 years and no 25mm WFB since the 90’s this was a blast from the past.
The armies we used today were much smaller than those my mates and I used back in the day, the terrain was half done and crude, the table smaller than it should be, and virtually nothing painted, the options of terrain were very much lacking, I mean no stepped hills for starters!!
But despite it looking like it did, it is the beginning of 25mm WFB it was most fun.

Having fewer units with fewer models meant each loss was more keenly felt.
With my Empire not having artillery it was very different, my spells were a bit crappy in terms of game worthiness, but they did help create the narrative of why my wizard/priest/mage is a drunk!

Also with fewer models we used some of the rules that we ignored as it would slow down bigger games.
So that was a thing too.

Empire won, mostly due to some terrible instability rolls from Samantha and her letting me get my heroes stuck into the fear causing units and preventing them from charging my less well lead troops.
My drunk wizard/priest had mixed spells. But Strength of Combat and Hammerhand did make him a bit of a HTH machine…
Also, she did lose her Liche early days with some very lucky dice rolls on my part.
One very obvious difference was that within a turn we were in missile range of each other and within a few turns we have engaged in HTH.
A lot less time for manoeuvres and being pounded by missile fire and all that.

So yeah it was good fun.
There is so much to do in terms of making it all look pretty, but it something to look forward to.

As it was not a full game and a new experience, no plot, no scenario.
And some hastily done crappy photos.

Hopefully each new game will see less and less unpainted stuff.





