Inchmurrin's Oldhammer fantasy gallery


So another mini off the lead pile! This time Dyggr a C17 Skeleton.


I'm rather happy with him , are you lot? Criticism and comments requested.


nice ^_^ alot of the old names were.. odd like that ^_^ alot of them clearly changed there names when they were older


always wondered.. if you die and are brought back as a zombie or skeleton... it's just your reminds so.. is that why they seam to change there names too?
"Hey, what shall we call our new baby boy?"
"How about Skullface?"
"Perfect! what about his twin sister?"
"Skinpeeler has a nice ring to it"
"Great! I wonder if they are going to grow up to become fine citizens of Bretonnia like us?"
"I'm sure they will become the Best knights in the King's Army!"

yeah... probebly renamed ^_^


Well this one is a equally descriptive I give you Orfeo Steelskin, although lizardskin looks more accurate. I'm managing to keep up the output by trying to do at least 15 minutes a day, which seems to be helping. My highlighting on his skin doesn't seem to be a clear in the photos as in reality perhaps my fiddling with the brightness/contrast has affected it?



As usual comments and criticism encouraged. More to follow.


I think Manic Man's right about the soft focus, and a bit more light might help, too. I struggle to get good photos of my figures; it's always a bummer when the careful work you put in doesn't come across in your photos.

Great stuff, though. I love Knightmare's chaos line, and you're doing good work on them.


thanks for the advice all. I'm trying to use natural light for photos but April in Scotland hasn't quite got the light quality of Provence.


Oh, I find I'm very rarely able to use natural light.. So a mixture from a cheap light box (with some extra leds added) and just a basic bulk head which isn't fantastic but good enough for alot of things.


Another Pantheon of Chaos mini Nhiam Stormcaller gets promoted from the leadpile. I really like this mini and hope I've done it justice. I decided on a Green Macau colour scheme as opposed to Diego's Blues and It came out well she is a truly chaotic mini in 3rd edition style.



My other offering is another attempt at a Moorcockian Eternal Champion mini which wasn't available and I suspect may not even have been published when GW had the licence. He's Sedenko the initial eternal companion for Ulrik von Bek who of course comes to a bad end. Sedenko is a young Tartar/ Kazak nomad a fanatical Orthodox Christian we first encounter aiding a pogram of jews in a village Bek is passing through. He's based on a Kislev mini with a Perry Miniatures musket, although for the time period of the setting, 30 years War, probably a wheelock would be more accurate.

sedenko front.JPGsedenko side.JPG

I've tried a black background this time but am unhappy with the result so I think I'll try a grey gradient and give up on natural light. As always comments and criticism encouraged.