Inchmurrin's Oldhammer fantasy gallery


Good work @inchmurrin . You're cranking through the Pantheon of Chaos. I'm curious about ordering from Knightmare. Tell me, did you get stung for import duties?
I didn't but was a little surprised i wasn't. My most recent purchase was about 3 months ago of one of his Chaos Mystery boxes which was great value and the contents of which will appear sometime, although not neccessarily soon!!!

Old Hob

Thank you. I've been very taken with their Chaos range for a while now. Once I've finished my current project I think I'll be putting in an order. I will hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.


Another one! Bird like Malus Hawkeye, I love this mini it is pure Realm of Chaos. I've kept a touch of green on him(?) which has become something of a trend.




Comments and criticism encouraged as always especially views on the grey gradient background


Yes there is more ! This time Shoggtor lacking a certain expressiveness in naming but better than Chaos thug 7. Tried artificial light and standing him on my painting handle for the photos this time, the results I think are better and perhaps investment in a dedicated light would help.


Comments and criticism encouraged.

twisted moon

looks good.
i think lighting is the key to miniature photography, but take that with a pinch of salt since i don't think my photo's are any better than yours.


After a bit of an interlude yet more Pantheon of Chaos. Firstly Wailing Henrik who only appears as a green in the Kickstarter and isn't currently available from Knightmare. He's a bit odd having similarities to some of the other early mini's , particularly the armour embellishments but I've no idea who sculpted him.



Next up another mini that doesn't appear to be available from Knightmare and Diego could only locate photos of the green which helped greatly with the posing etc. It is the Herald of Malice/Malal. Now the search for a photo of this painted enlightened me about an interesting aspect of this first Pantheon Kickstarter, many of the sculpts are based on artwork by Tony Ackland for Malal in the Realm of Chaos books. The obvious ones are the Greater Demon ( and yes building and painting it does scare me) and other minor demons however a bit of google fo led me to believe several of the champions/troops are Ackland designs as well. This poses a problem do I go back and do the "proper" black and white colour scheme for Malal or stick to my current approach? Well here's the Herald comments and criticism encouraged as always especially on the Malal/Ackland issue.





twisted moon

interesting couple of figures.
am i remembering correctly that diehard miniatures are going to be releasing some malal inspired daemons soon?


Your work is really improving. Those are some of the Knightmare chaos mutants, right? Looking good! :) The fellow in the red armor is quite striking.


interesting couple of figures.
am i remembering correctly that diehard miniatures are going to be releasing some malal inspired daemons soon?
I thiink they are already there from the first Kickstarter but refered to as Demons of Malice in the Behemoths section, the monsters have Hook Horrors and the lesser beast ( presumably of Malice) the Hellbringer is also Malal related too I think. If more come out I'd be right there.


Your work is really improving. Those are some of the Knightmare chaos mutants, right? Looking good! :) The fellow in the red armor is quite striking.
Thank you sir for the kind comment. They are Pantheon of Chaos mutants and warriors, I'm taking a break to do some Chaos Dwarfs before starting on the beastmen. To paraphase Bowie I'm afraid of the Greater Demon of Malal - still. I may need to get a better craft drill as the pinning of the greater demon would be beyong my arthritic thumbs and wrists with a pin vice!


And now it is time for the interval featuring Chaos Dwarfs!!!!!!. I picked these up recently as they were damaged so excatly my cup of tea.

First off Doomaxe the Dreaded he'd lost a horn from his helm so "Off with his horns" - sorry slipped into Red Queen mode.



Next up Natter Gundrin also missing horns but also his axe so a replacement hammer and a bit of filing.



And finally Drum and Drone Ulsen who needed a replacement axe.



I also went back to scuplting face shield but they didn't work as well as my previous efforts. As always comment and criticism encouraged.


^_^ you mean Queen of Hearts? the Red queen was a completely different character (unless we aren't talking Lewis Carol here..

nice work on Dwarfies though ^_^ I recognise that axe style from someplace but can't put my finger on it..


^_^ you mean Queen of Hearts? the Red queen was a completely different character (unless we aren't talking Lewis Carol here..

nice work on Dwarfies though ^_^ I recognise that axe style from someplace but can't put my finger on it..
You are correct I did mean the Queen of Hearts. The Axe and hammer are Reaper from a parts set, they work ok for dwarfs and gobbos but are too fine for chunkier types like chaos warriors.